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Стриминг твитов о российско-украинской войне в ТГ; иногда сообщения также постятся и редактируются вручную
Necro Mancer (Twitter)

RT @shooter_dr: @ohcbp: Відправили на вос після 2 років єбашкі. Приїхав в учебку, розказав що їх навчальна програма не актуальна вже 6 років, влупили вос в воєннік і сказали "себісь звідси, не заябуй". Отак запланований місяць навчання пройшов за 3 години.
IgorGirkin (Twitter)

«Довгий Нептун» пройшов випробування й успішне бойове застосування. Нова українська ракета, точний удар. Дистанція – тисяча кілометрів.

Ок, тві, вгадай автора
The Lookout (Twitter)

@redbirdsglory: I'd say he was the most influential naval leader of the second half of the 20th century.

Not just for the Navy he created, and his thinking, but also for what western navies had to come up with in order to be prepared to fight them.
The Lookout (Twitter)

European rearmament is in the wind and everyone is talking about equipment and defense industry, but that's only part of the equation.

The other side, personnel, is equally or even more important.

The new structure needs to be manned too and one needs enough officers and NCOs.
The Lookout (Twitter)

Many countries have recruitment and retention challenges. Few have conscription or a large pool reserve personnel to form the basis for new units.

To fix this, especially in all volunteer countries, a lot needs to be done with pay, pensions, workload and other incentives.
Rob Lee (Twitter)

@BruceTabor8 @shashj: They’ve fallen back to a more manageable position. The risk of an encirclement was from several days ago.
Special Kherson Cat 🐈🇺🇦 (Twitter)

Canada is actively looking at potential alternatives to the U.S.-built F-35 stealth fighter and will hold conversations with rival aircraft makers, Defence Minister Bill Blair said late Friday.

There has been a groundswell of support among Canadians to kill the $19-billion purchase and find aircraft other than those manufactured and maintained in the United States.
Status-6 (Twitter)

RT @AndreiBtvt: AFU T-80BV disguised as T-90M
Status-6 (Twitter)

Today, Ukrainian President Zelensky informed that the new, domestically-produced, long-range Neptune cruise missile has been successfully used in combat for the first time.

It is believed that Zelensky was referring to the strike on Russia's Tuapse oil refinery on March 14, which I initially, and apparently wrongly, described as a drone attack.
Status-6 (Twitter)

"There were also reports today on our missile program. We have significant results. "Long Neptune" has been tested and successfully used in combat. A new Ukrainian missile, precise strike. Range -1000km. Thank you to our Ukrainian developers, manufacturers and military. We continue to work to guarantee Ukraine's security."