🔊 The Head of the Russian Delegation Konstantin #Gavrilov is LIVE on @RT_com:
⚡️⚡️⚡️ Our #Facebook account is reestablished. I am using this opportunity to thank @MFARussia, #Roskomnadzor, all our dear friends and colleagues for their huge support!
⚡️⚡️⚡️ Our #Facebook account is reestablished. I am using this opportunity to thank @MFARussia, #Roskomnadzor, all our dear friends and colleagues for their huge support!
🇷🇺Arms Control Delegation in Vienna
⚡️⚡️⚡️ Подключайтесь! 🎥 Сегодня в 12:00 смотрите онлайн-передачу «#Изолента» с участием руководителя Делегации К.Ю.Гаврилова. 🎙 Ведущие — Ольга Батаман и Пётр Лидов-Петровский. 📎 https://youtu.be/4AA5q0nVDNw
🇷🇺Arms Control Delegation in Vienna
⚡️#Гаврилов: #Россия является гарантом Минских соглашений, и свои обязательства как гаранта она выполняет. ‼️#Gavrilov: #Russia is the guarantor of the Minsk agreements, and it fulfils its obligations as a guarantor.
⚡️#Гаврилов: На 🇷🇺 территории мы будем делать все, что нам заблагорассудится. Разумеется, в соответствии с международными обязательствами. #ВенскийДокумент
‼️ #Gavrilov: On 🇷🇺 territory, we will do whatever we want. Of course, in accordance with international obligations. #VDoc
‼️ #Gavrilov: On 🇷🇺 territory, we will do whatever we want. Of course, in accordance with international obligations. #VDoc
🇷🇺Arms Control Delegation in Vienna
⚡️#Гаврилов: На 🇷🇺 территории мы будем делать все, что нам заблагорассудится. Разумеется, в соответствии с международными обязательствами. #ВенскийДокумент ‼️ #Gavrilov: On 🇷🇺 territory, we will do whatever we want. Of course, in accordance with international…
⚡️#Гаврилов: Мы хотим отвести угрозы от 🇷🇺границ. На это направлены проекты двух договоров. Не позволим их «замотать».
‼️#Gavrilov: We want to take threats away from🇷🇺borders. It’s the aim of the two draft treaties [on #SecurityGuarantees]. We won’t allow them to be “rolled up”.
‼️#Gavrilov: We want to take threats away from🇷🇺borders. It’s the aim of the two draft treaties [on #SecurityGuarantees]. We won’t allow them to be “rolled up”.
⚡️#Гаврилов: Pacta sunt servanda [договоры должны соблюдаться] — принцип, на который Россия 🇷🇺опирается. А вот у американцев 🇺🇸 много случаев нарушения их юридических обязательств.
‼️#Gavrilov: Pacta sunt servanda [treaties must be respected] is the principle which Russia 🇷🇺 sticks to. But 🇺🇸 Americans have repeatedly violated 🚯 their legal obligations.
‼️#Gavrilov: Pacta sunt servanda [treaties must be respected] is the principle which Russia 🇷🇺 sticks to. But 🇺🇸 Americans have repeatedly violated 🚯 their legal obligations.
⚡️#Гаврилов: 🇺🇦 Украинцы нарушают Минские договорённости с подачи Запада. 🇺🇸Американцы должны направить свою энергию на то, чтобы #Киев выполнял обязательства.
‼️#Gavrilov: 🇺🇦 Ukrainian violate the Minsk agreements "with the support" of the West. 🇺🇸Americans must direct their energy to ensure that #Kiev fulfills its obligations.
‼️#Gavrilov: 🇺🇦 Ukrainian violate the Minsk agreements "with the support" of the West. 🇺🇸Americans must direct their energy to ensure that #Kiev fulfills its obligations.
🇷🇺Head of the Russian Delegation Konstantin #Gavrilov:
▪️ Since 2014, Ukraine and the Western countries, which proclaim themselves “the civilized world”, have been turning a blind eye to the suffering of the civilian population in Donbas, who have been subjected to an economic, social and transport blockade.
▪️The repercussions of the Ukrainian security forces’ war crimes are still being felt in Donbas. Regular shelling of settlements with the indiscriminate use of lethal weapons has resulted in the death and injury of thousands of Russian-speaking civilians.
▪️The intention to annihilate or commit genocide against the inhabitants of Donbas is obvious. Between August and October 2021, 5️⃣ mass graves were discovered near the city of Pervomaisk (in the LPR), from which the remains of at least 295 civilians who had died as a result of shelling by the Ukrainian security forces in 2014 were exhumed.
❗️ We have still not heard the Western “civilized” community give a direct assessment of these war crimes.
▪️ Since 2014, Ukraine and the Western countries, which proclaim themselves “the civilized world”, have been turning a blind eye to the suffering of the civilian population in Donbas, who have been subjected to an economic, social and transport blockade.
▪️The repercussions of the Ukrainian security forces’ war crimes are still being felt in Donbas. Regular shelling of settlements with the indiscriminate use of lethal weapons has resulted in the death and injury of thousands of Russian-speaking civilians.
▪️The intention to annihilate or commit genocide against the inhabitants of Donbas is obvious. Between August and October 2021, 5️⃣ mass graves were discovered near the city of Pervomaisk (in the LPR), from which the remains of at least 295 civilians who had died as a result of shelling by the Ukrainian security forces in 2014 were exhumed.
❗️ We have still not heard the Western “civilized” community give a direct assessment of these war crimes.
🇷🇺Head of the Delegation Konstantin #Gavrilov:
❗️The whole world is watching the 🇺🇸 US and its allies wage an economic and information war against Russia, in which 🇺🇦Ukraine is just a convenient tool in their “Great Game”. In addition, most NATO member countries have already been drawn into this reckless venture, which is being called a “proxy war”.
❗️Almost every day there are reports from Western capitals of new deliveries of arms and military equipment to the 🇺🇦 government: hundreds of MANPADS, anti-tank missile systems, small arms and tens of millions of rounds of ammunition. According to a White House spokesperson, 🇺🇸 weapons are being sent to the Ukrainian government almost on a daily basis.
❗️We warn that any military cargo on 🇺🇦 territory will become a legitimate military target for Russian troops.
❗️The whole world is watching the 🇺🇸 US and its allies wage an economic and information war against Russia, in which 🇺🇦Ukraine is just a convenient tool in their “Great Game”. In addition, most NATO member countries have already been drawn into this reckless venture, which is being called a “proxy war”.
❗️Almost every day there are reports from Western capitals of new deliveries of arms and military equipment to the 🇺🇦 government: hundreds of MANPADS, anti-tank missile systems, small arms and tens of millions of rounds of ammunition. According to a White House spokesperson, 🇺🇸 weapons are being sent to the Ukrainian government almost on a daily basis.
❗️We warn that any military cargo on 🇺🇦 territory will become a legitimate military target for Russian troops.
🇷🇺 Head of the Delegation Konstantin #Gavrilov:
🎙 The special military operation has revealed many festering wounds in 🇺🇦Ukraine that have yet to heal. The Western OSCE participating States, which mention international humanitarian law at every turn, do not want to see the atrocities Ukrainian nationalists have committed against the civilian population, but these crimes cannot be concealed – civilians who have escaped from towns held by nationalist fighters are making them public.
❗️Nationalists across the country are tying people to lamp posts in broad daylight and wrapping adhesive tape around them, calling on citizens to deal with them using “improvised” methods. There is photographic evidence of Roma refugees being abused in Lvov, all in keeping with the traditions of their forerunners in the SS Galicia Division. Do the Ukrainian government’s Western handlers consider this to be the norm for twenty-first century Europe?
🇷🇺Head of the Delegation Konstantin #Gavrilov:
🎙 The 🇺🇦Kiev authorities are distributing anti-tank missiles and MANPADS to ordinary citizens. Just as the Nazis handed out Faustspatrone to children in Berlin in 1945, today in Ukraine, 🇩🇪 German Panzerfausts are falling into “reliable” Nazi hands and are being used under Nazi flags. But no one in Berlin or other Western capitals is troubled by this.
❗️For years, Ukraine’s overseas handlers have been moulding the country into an “anti-Russia”. After the bloody coup d’état in Kyiv in 2014, nationalism, encouraged by those who seized power, has taken the form of aggressive #Russophobia and neo-Nazism.
❌The Ukrainian nationalists themselves make no secret of the fact that a “mutually beneficial symbiosis of the super-rich and neo-Nazi gangs has formed in the country and spread their ideology in all directions: from schools and universities to the high command of the Ukrainian armed forces.” This is unacceptable.
🎙 The 🇺🇦Kiev authorities are distributing anti-tank missiles and MANPADS to ordinary citizens. Just as the Nazis handed out Faustspatrone to children in Berlin in 1945, today in Ukraine, 🇩🇪 German Panzerfausts are falling into “reliable” Nazi hands and are being used under Nazi flags. But no one in Berlin or other Western capitals is troubled by this.
❗️For years, Ukraine’s overseas handlers have been moulding the country into an “anti-Russia”. After the bloody coup d’état in Kyiv in 2014, nationalism, encouraged by those who seized power, has taken the form of aggressive #Russophobia and neo-Nazism.
❌The Ukrainian nationalists themselves make no secret of the fact that a “mutually beneficial symbiosis of the super-rich and neo-Nazi gangs has formed in the country and spread their ideology in all directions: from schools and universities to the high command of the Ukrainian armed forces.” This is unacceptable.
🎙Head of the Delegation Konstantin #Gavrilov:
💬 It’s telling that in 2017 the 🇺🇸#Congress adopted a #Pentagon appropriations bill that prohibited funding of the #Azov battalion (which had been integrated into the Ukrainian National Guard) because it is a neo-Nazi organization.
💬 Nevertheless, 🇺🇸#US weapons have been falling into the hands of 🇺🇦 neo-#Nazi battalions, including, of course, Azov, all these years in violation of the law. “Grateful” fighters eagerly posed for pictures with a NATO flag and a fascist swastika.
💬 It’s telling that in 2017 the 🇺🇸#Congress adopted a #Pentagon appropriations bill that prohibited funding of the #Azov battalion (which had been integrated into the Ukrainian National Guard) because it is a neo-Nazi organization.
💬 Nevertheless, 🇺🇸#US weapons have been falling into the hands of 🇺🇦 neo-#Nazi battalions, including, of course, Azov, all these years in violation of the law. “Grateful” fighters eagerly posed for pictures with a NATO flag and a fascist swastika.
🇷🇺Head of the Russian Delegation #Gavrilov:
💬 EU countries have been supplying mines to #Ukraine and thus ❌ intl demining efforts, which they themselves finance. Such is the vicious circle: on the one hand they provide treatment and on the other they literally cripple.
💬 EU countries have been supplying mines to #Ukraine and thus ❌ intl demining efforts, which they themselves finance. Such is the vicious circle: on the one hand they provide treatment and on the other they literally cripple.
☝️Over the years, we have regularly indicated our position of principle that attempts to apply a broad interpretation to the FSC mandate will lead to its erosion. We have called for this stagnation to be overcome in particular by reducing the preponderance of soft security issues on the agenda, which have barely any discernible impact on the politico-military atmosphere on the continent. We have not been heard.
❗️In view of the foregoing, we are obliged to emphasize that today and in the future, the Russian delegation will refrain from taking part in the discussion in the FSC of the artificially introduced topic of the relationship between security and the environment. We strongly oppose and will not support any decisions or initiatives designed to give the FSC additional functions in this area.
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☝️Over the years, we have regularly indicated our position of principle that attempts to apply a broad interpretation to the FSC mandate will lead to its erosion. We have called for this stagnation to be overcome in particular by reducing the preponderance of soft security issues on the agenda, which have barely any discernible impact on the politico-military atmosphere on the continent. We have not been heard.
❗️In view of the foregoing, we are obliged to emphasize that today and in the future, the Russian delegation will refrain from taking part in the discussion in the FSC of the artificially introduced topic of the relationship between security and the environment. We strongly oppose and will not support any decisions or initiatives designed to give the FSC additional functions in this area.
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🔴 Head of Delegation Konstantin #Gavrilov on the implementation of the OSCE Code of Conduct on politico-military aspects of security:
🔘From 2014 onwards the Ukrainian Government imposed an economic, transport and humanitarian blockade against Donbas, pushing the entire region to the brink of survival simply because its inhabitants did not agree with the results of an anti-constitutional coup d’état.
🔘Heavy artillery and fighter aircraft were deployed against elderly people, women and children. The situation could have been saved by the 🇺🇦Government implementing the Minsk agreements endorsed by the UNSC, but in practice, as the former President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, himself admitted, these were used as a convenient smokescreen for strengthening the Ukrainian army.
🔘For years, the Ukrainian Government’s Western partners turned a blind eye to all these alarming realities. Now they are even openly dissuading the leadership in Kiev from conducting negotiations with the Russian Government.
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🔘From 2014 onwards the Ukrainian Government imposed an economic, transport and humanitarian blockade against Donbas, pushing the entire region to the brink of survival simply because its inhabitants did not agree with the results of an anti-constitutional coup d’état.
🔘Heavy artillery and fighter aircraft were deployed against elderly people, women and children. The situation could have been saved by the 🇺🇦Government implementing the Minsk agreements endorsed by the UNSC, but in practice, as the former President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, himself admitted, these were used as a convenient smokescreen for strengthening the Ukrainian army.
🔘For years, the Ukrainian Government’s Western partners turned a blind eye to all these alarming realities. Now they are even openly dissuading the leadership in Kiev from conducting negotiations with the Russian Government.
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Media is too big
🎙Head of the Russian Delegation Konstantin #Gavrilov:
#Opinion Read More
📌It is the trademark of the collective West to mislead the international community while pretending that NATO member countries have ultimate authority. There is no need to list all the examples of NATO double standards.
🔹Let me just remind you that Alliance countries are supposedly arming Ukraine to achieve peace and declare the need for a political settlement, but in reality they are telling the authorities in #Kiev not to restart the negotiation process.
🔹They assure us they have no intention of supplying tanks to Ukraine and then change their minds overnight.
🔹We have no illusions regarding the further strategy of the Kiev regime’s handlers on the other side of the ocean, as all the signs point to their intention to put the crisis in the #OSCE area to their personal gain, with others doing the work for them.
#Opinion Read More
📌It is the trademark of the collective West to mislead the international community while pretending that NATO member countries have ultimate authority. There is no need to list all the examples of NATO double standards.
🔹Let me just remind you that Alliance countries are supposedly arming Ukraine to achieve peace and declare the need for a political settlement, but in reality they are telling the authorities in #Kiev not to restart the negotiation process.
🔹They assure us they have no intention of supplying tanks to Ukraine and then change their minds overnight.
🔹We have no illusions regarding the further strategy of the Kiev regime’s handlers on the other side of the ocean, as all the signs point to their intention to put the crisis in the #OSCE area to their personal gain, with others doing the work for them.
Once again we are reminded that the West cannot be trusted.