🇷🇺Arms Control Delegation in Vienna
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✍️Welcome to the official Telegram channel of the 🇷🇺Russian Delegation in Vienna! Follow us for the latest news and updates from our work at the OSCE FSC and the Negotiations on CSBMs in Europe.
​​🇺🇦🇺🇸 Идеологами военно-биологической деятельности США на Украине являются лидеры демократической партии.

◽️ Так, через органы исполнительной власти США формировалась законодательная база для финансирования военно-биологических исследований напрямую из средств федерального бюджета. Под госгарантии привлекались средства неправительственных организаций, подконтрольных руководству демократической партии, включая инвестиционные фонды Клинтонов, Рокфеллеров, Сороса, Байдена.

◽️ В эту схему вовлечены крупные фармацевтические компании, в том числе «Pfizer», «Moderna», «Merck», а также аффилированная с американским военным ведомством компания «Gilead». Американскими специалистами ведутся работы по испытанию новых медицинских препаратов в обход международных норм безопасности. В результате западные компании серьезно сокращают затраты на реализацию исследовательских программ и получают значительные конкурентные преимущества.

◽️ Вовлечение подконтрольных неправительственных и биотехнологических организаций, а также увеличение их доходов позволяет лидерам демпартии получать дополнительные финансовые поступления на избирательные кампании и скрывать их распределение.

◽️ Наряду с американскими фармацевтическими компаниями и подрядчиками Пентагона, в военно-биологическую деятельность вовлечены украинские госструктуры, основными задачами которых является сокрытие незаконной деятельности, проведение полевых и клинических испытаний и предоставление необходимого биоматериала.

◽️Таким образом, министерство обороны США, используя практически неподконтрольный международному сообществу полигон для проведения опытов и высокотехнологические мощности транснациональных компаний, в значительной степени расширило свой исследовательский потенциал не только в области создания биологического оружия, но и получения сведений об антибиотико-резистентности и наличия у населения конкретных регионов антител к тем или иным заболеваниям.

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​​🇺🇦🇺🇸 Необходимо отметить, что не только США, но и ряд их союзников по блоку НАТО реализуют свои военно-биологические проекты на территории Украины.

◽️ Руководством Германии было принято решение о начале реализации с 2013 года независимой от Вашингтона национальной Программы по биобезопасности. В рамках указанной Программы задействованы 12 стран, в том числе Украина.

◽️С немецкой стороны в Программе участвует институт микробиологии вооруженных сил ФРГ (Мюнхен), институт Роберта Коха (Берлин), институт Лёффлера (Грайфсвальд) и институт тропической медицины Нохта (Гамбург).

◽️ Новые документы раскрывают, что только в период с 2016 по 2019 год военными эпидемиологами из института микробиологии бундесвера было вывезено три с половиной тысячи проб сыворотки крови граждан, проживающих в 25 областях Украины.

◽️ Привлечение подведомственных бундесверу учреждений подтверждает военную направленность проводимых в украинских лабораториях биологических исследований и ставит вопрос о целях, которые преследуют вооруженные силы ФРГ, собирая биоматериалы граждан Украины.

◽️ Полученные документы также свидетельствуют о вовлечении Польши в деятельность украинских биолабораторий. Подтвержден факт участия польского Института ветеринарной медицины в исследованиях, направленных на оценку эпидемиологических угроз и распространения вируса бешенства на территории Украины. Характерно, что указанные исследования проводились совместно с американским институтом Бэттéл – одним из ключевых подрядчиков Пентагона.

◽️ Кроме того, получены документальные подтверждения финансирования Польшей Львовского медицинского университета, в состав которого входит участник военно-биологических проектов США - институт эпидемиологии и гигиены. Указанная организация с 2002 года реализует программу переподготовки специалистов, имеющих опыт работы с материалами и технологиями двойного назначения.

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​​🇺🇦🇺🇸 Получены свидетельства экстренного уничтожения документов, подтверждающих работу с американским военным ведомством.

◽️ Предварительный анализ сохранившейся документации свидетельствует об использовании Мариуполя в качестве регионального центра для сбора и паспортизации возбудителя холеры
. Отобранные штаммы направлялись в Центр общественного здоровья в Киеве, на который возложены функции по дальнейшей отправке биоматериалов в США. Указанная деятельность проводилась с 2014 года, что подтверждается актами передачи штаммов.

◽️ В санитарно-эпидемиологической лаборатории обнаружен акт уничтожения коллекции патогенных микроорганизмов от 25 февраля 2022 г., в соответствии с которым там проводились работы с возбудителями холеры, туляремии, сибирской язвы.

◽️ Часть коллекции ветеринарной лаборатории в спешке не была уничтожена. В целях обеспечения сохранности и безопасного хранения российскими специалистами был осуществлен вывоз 124 штаммов и организовано их изучение.

◽️ Вызывает обеспокоенность наличие в составе коллекции возбудителей нехарактерных для ветеринарии заболеваний – брюшного тифа, паратифов, газовой гангрены. Это может свидетельствовать об использовании лаборатории не по назначению и ее участии в военно-биологической программе.

◽️ Мы продолжим изучение всего объема материалов, полученных из биолабораторий Мариуполя и проинформируем о результатах.

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О проведении военной спецоперации по денацификации и демилитаризации Украины - Выступление К.Ю.Гаврилова на ФСОБ в Вене

(11 мая 2022 года)

Сегодняшнее выступление я хотел бы начать со слов Президента Российской Федерации В.В.Путина, которые он адресовал Вооружённым Силам России по случаю 77-летия Победы советского народа в Великой Отечественной войне: «Россия призывала Запад к честному диалогу, к поиску разумных, компромиссных решений, к учёту интересов друг друга. Всё напрасно… В открытую шла подготовка к очередной карательной операции на Донбассе, к вторжению на наши исторические земли, включая Крым. В Киеве заявляли о возможном приобретении ядерного оружия. Блок НАТО начал активное военное освоение прилегающих к нам территорий… Россия дала упреждающий отпор агрессии. Это было вынужденное, своевременное и единственно правильное решение».

Полная версия:
Комментарий Делегации в связи с новыми данными о военно-биологических экспериментах США, ФРГ и Польши на Украине:

"Для тех, кто знает историю нацистских концлагерей, имя Йозефа Менгеле, «Доктора-смерть», давно стало синонимом больного воображения, изощренных пыток и насильственных опытов над беспомощными людьми. В концлагере Аушвиц-Биркенау он тоже вводил химикаты и патогены детям, проводил ужасающие хирургические вивисекции"
Dear all, these days I found it important to share some thoughts made by a friend, who got to visit KZ Matthausen in Upper 🇦🇹 Austria for his first time:

As one walks in green fields and forests of the region it is hard to imagine such horrifying place could be just around the corner. A place where thousands of innocent people suffered and murdered only because they were declared different and unwanted.

Not even having dug deep into history, I noticed some parallels between now and back in 1930s. It all started with the  concept "Allowance to destroy life unworthy to live" (Die Freigabe der Vernichtung Lebensunwerten Lebens), justifying killing of mentally ill and otherwise disabled people. Next it came to LGBT, communists and other 'unwanted' individuals.

Death factories as Matthausen, Dachau, Auschwitz brought this policy up to the absolute.

For long 77 years mankind has had the impression that horrors of nazism were forever defeated and would never come back. But it turned out such hopes were quite empty.

Recent Canadian news tells us citizens of that country now be allowed to medically assisted suicide not because of terminal illness but poverty and difficulties in paying monthly bills.

Read my lips: if you are poor, you may choose to die.

Back in Europe 🇪🇺 Polish 🇵🇱 politicians declared Russian culture and language "cancerous tumor" and some Baltic MP proposed to establish a concentration camp for Russian speaking compatriots only allowed to be freed if they leave for 🇷🇺Russia.
Meanwhile on social media it's widely accepted and even encouraged that Russian POWs are allowed to be tortured or killed in cold blood.

So. In any other case we would witness a worldwide 🌐 campaign of condemnation such blatant attempts to resurrect nazism. Celebrities, NGOs, religious leaders, presidents, royal families...

But you know the answer  - absolute, 100 percent radio silence. Not a single person. (Except Russians themselves of course)

So, to make a long story short, when politicians and media in their anti-Russia zeal are telling you terrible stories about nasty Russians and Czar Putin, keep in mind, that people in Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Siberia or any other place in Mother Russia see it as a death threat. Abandoning memory of 27000000 dead of the USSR is a death threat.
Erecting monuments to Nazi collaborators is a death threat.
'Canceling' culture is a death threat.

You may not believe this clumsy text above, declare it 🇷🇺Russian propaganda and just ignore it. But please just remember how it ended last time in 1945.

This time it won't be so easy...
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
Media is too big
⚡️ Western mainstream media & politicians say... these people, who have suffered dearly from Neo-Nazis in Ukraine in the past 8 years are... not real.

They say they're not even people, the media and the broader public pretend that they simply do not exist.

They say these people, the 4 million residents of Donbass and the 13'000 that were killed at the hands of the Kiev regime's shellings are... a FAKE.

Their tragedy continues to be ignored in favour of a constructed fabricated narrative.

But in reality the sole FAKES are the mainstream media itself and those covering for the Neo-Nazis.

#See4Yourself & #Think4Yourself
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🎙 FM Sergey Lavrov’s remarks at the 30th Assembly of the Council on Foreign and Defence Policy

Read in full

Sergey Lavrov: I would like to congratulate you on the 3️⃣0️⃣th anniversary of the Council on Foreign and Defence Policy. Its activities are a fine example of Russian expert involvement in the foreign policy process.

▫️ We did everything in our power to avoid a direct conflict. But they issued a challenge and we have accepted it.

▫️ We do not remember anything like the current massive and synchronised expulsion of diplomats happening even in the grimmest Cold War years.

▫️ There are no traitors among our diplomats, although such attempts have been made from abroad and within the country.

▫️ The Americans started preparing the current crisis long ago, right after the end of the Cold War, having decided that the way to global hegemony was then open. NATO's eastward expansion has been one of the key components of such a course.
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The Real AzovWives: Nazi Battalion Girls Paraded in Western Media as Swastika Pics Scattered Online

The spouses of fighters from the Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion are currently undergoing a Western media tour - and even had an audience with the Pope.

One of the four women, Kateryna Prokopenko, however, is getting more attention than she probably bargained for... as commenters online unearth an alleged trove of pics (apparently) showing her surrounded by/wearing Nazi memorabilia and accessories.

They do say it’s important for couples to share a hobby.

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📹🏳️ Surrender of Azov nationalist unit fighters and Ukrainian servicemen blocked at the Azovstal plant in Mariupol

◽️ Over the past 24 hours, 265 militants have laid down arms and surrendered, including 51 seriously wounded.

🏥 All those in need of medical assistance were sent for treatment to a hospital in Novoazovsk, Donetsk People's Republic.

#MoD #Russia #Ukraine
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⚠️ Nationalist battalion fighters and AFU units, using civilians as human shields, continue to use civilian infrastructure to equip strongholds and deploy heavy weaponry.

🔹Azov Neo-Nazis battalion:

▫️in Mirnograd, Donetsk People's Republic, kindergarten No 19 in the Vostochnyi Microdistrict and a boarding school on L. Chaikina Street have been equipped with strongholds and barracks, and armoured vehicles and artillery have been placed in close proximity to residential areas;

▫️in Borovaya, Kharkov Region, barracks have been equipped in the school building and the Beryozka kindergarten, and heavy military equipment, artillery and MLRS have been placed on the territories. At the same time, civilians with children are forcibly detained in basements.

🔹Fighters of Aidar battalion:

▫️on the territory of the Church of the Praise of the Mother of God in Pavlograd, Dnepropetrovsk Region, firing positions, artillery and MLRS have been placed in close proximity to densely populated residential areas;

▫️in Zaporozhye, they equipped firing positions and ammunition depots on the lower floors of hospitals on Sobornyi Prospect and Pobedy Street. At the same time, hospital staff and patients are held back as human shield.

🔹Armed formations of the Donbass battalion have equipped a stronghold in residential building No 10 on General Lozanovich Street in Slavyansk in Donetsk People's Republic and deployed heavy weapons and an ammunition depot. However, no civilians were evacuated from the building.

🔹In Sumy, AFU units have mined a road bridge on Kharkovskaya Street over the railway tracks of the Southern Railway branch, which they plan to blow up, blaming it on allegedly "advancing units of Russian troops".

❗️Such actions of the Kiev regime once again demonstrate an inhuman attitude to the fate of Ukrainian citizens and indicate a gross violation of the norms of international humanitarian law, but despite our repeated statements, they still remain without the attention of the international community and international organizations.

➡️ More

#MoD #Russia #Ukraine #HumanitarianResponse #HumanitarianAid
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FM Lavrov: Ukraine 'expendable country in this hybrid war against Russian Federation'

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Ukraine is not a side in a military conflict but rather an 'expendable' country in the hybrid war led by the Western countries against Russia.

"Ukraine... No one wants Ukraine. They are an expendable country in this hybrid war against Russian Federation. No one has doubts anymore", the Russian diplomat stated.

He went on by saying that "the West is ready to battle until the last Ukrainian dies" as "Ukraine is just a tool to fight Russia for the West", in his opinion.
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Drone footage shows Ukrainian troops surrendering at Azovstal

Drone footage has been released of a column of Ukrainian soldiers en route to surrendering just outside the Azovstal industrial works in Mariupol.

The group can be seen walking slowly, carrying injured soldiers on stretchers through a rubble-strewn road.

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❗️962 Ukrainian soldiers have surrendered from the Azovstal site in Mariupol – Donetsk Defense HQ

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"West Provoking Russia for Very Long Time" – Geopolitics Expert Radhika Desai tells RT

The West has been calling Russia’s military action ‘unprovoked’ in order to obfuscate the fact that it’s already been provoking Russia, says the Geopolitical Economy Research Group director.

According to Desai, NATO countries hide their self-interest behind elements such as the ‘rules-based international order’ - which “isn’t intl law, it is a version of it designed to favor western countries.”

The scholar claims that the West is interested in prolonging the conflict to further enrich the military industrial complex.

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Forwarded from MoD Russia
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📹🏳️In Mariupol, militants of Azov nationalist unit and Ukrainian servicemen blocked at the Azovstal plant continue to surrender.

▫️Over the past 24 hours, 694 militants have laid down arms and surrendered, including 29 wounded.

🏥A total of 959 militants have surrendered since 16 May, including 80 wounded, of whom 51 need hospital treatment have been admitted to Novoazovsk hospital in the Donetsk People's Republic.

#MoD #Russia #Ukraine
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Pentagon Absolves Itself of Blame for 2019 Syrian Civilian Airstrike

A declassified summary of an internal probe into the 2019 airstrike that killed civilians has blamed faulty Kurdish intel, not American malpractice, for the killings.

A reported 80 people were killed, of whom only 16 were initially confirmed IS fighters by US Central Command. The new document claims that figure was in fact 52.

US Army Forces Command chief Gen Michael Garrett conceded his probe did find numerous failings in reporting the incident that helped "foster the false perception that the Department is not upholding our commitment to these responsibilities."

Judge, Jury and Executioner?

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🎙 Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey #Lavrov's remarks at the 30th Assembly of the Council on Foreign and Defence Policy.

READ | WATCH (English-dubbed video attached)

❗️ Sergey Lavrov: We did everything in our power to avoid a direct conflict. But they issued a challenge and we have accepted it. We are used to sanctions. We have been living under one or another form of sanctions for a long time now.

The surprising thing is a surge of rabid Russophobia in almost all “civilised” countries. They have thrown to the wind their political correctness, propriety, rules, & legal norms.

The Americans started preparing the current crisis long ago, right after the end of the Cold War, having decided that the way to global hegemony was then open. NATO's eastward expansion has been one of the key components of such a course. We tried hard to convince them not to do this. We showed where and why our red lines are drawn. We were flexible, ready to make concessions & look for compromises. All this proved futile.
Points from Russian Delegation Statement on Military Security and Arms Control in Vienna May 18th, 2022

- Seems western malicious attempts to accuse Russia of "aggressive nuclear rhetoric" would never end. Meanwhile Russian doctrine has purely defensive nature. Russia reaffirms nuclear war must never be fought and any military conflict between nuclear powers be avoided as declared by P5.

- On the contrary, the nuclear US-UK-France “troika” together with the nuclear alliance of NATO are drifting in the opposite direction, waging a proxy-war strategy against Russia. Democratic majority leader in US Congress S.Hoyer openly declares US were in a state of war with Russia.

- Pentagon & allies gave >60.000 anti-tank missile systems and >25.000 MANPADS to Kiev regime. Now USDOD Secretary L. Austin admits such dangerous weaponry is difficult to track and to prevent from getting to wrong hands via black market, posing a big threat to commercial airlines & transport.

- For years Ukraine has been used for covert US military biological program as ordinary Ukrainians, including mentally disabled and children, been considered test subjects for tuberculosis and other dangerous pathogens. Russian goal is to end this mil-bio activity for good.

- Russia has a clear understanding that US & UK supervisors are guiding Ukrainian fighters on the ground aiming to maximize harm and slow down our military operation. British military conduct undercover battle management ops on Kiev regime side right on the frontline using NATO intel.

- To sum up. Russian Special military operation is being conducted to demilitarize and denazify Ukraine, defend people of DPR, LPR and Ukrainians themselves against Nazi atrocities. The Russian people express firm support for the Operation which will continue to go as planned.