#President #Bashar #al-Assad during talks with #Russian #President #Vladimir #Putin via #video conferencing #technique: The largest part of #refugees are #willing to #return to #Syria after the state has created the #appropriate #conditions for that, and we hope that the #Refugees #Return #Conference will come up with #significant #results.
November 9, 2020
#President #al-Assad: The #Int'l #Conference on #Refugees #Return is just the #beginning of #solving this #humanitarian #issue.
November 9, 2020
#President #al-Assad: The #issue of #refugees is a #humanitarian issue for us, for you, and for many #states, but for us, it is a #national #issue and the #Int'l #Conference on #Refugees #Return is just the #beginning of #solving this #humanitarian #issue.
November 9, 2020
#President #Putin: #Russia #supports holding #International #conference on #refugees, and the #Russian #delegation will be one of the #largest participating #delegations.
November 9, 2020