Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA)
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#Russian #Foreign #Ministry: #Western statements regarding the illegitimacy of election is an #intervention in #Syrian #affairs
#President Bashar al-Assad to address a speech to the #Syrian people on the national TV channels at eight o’clock in the evening on the occasion of his #winning the #presidential #election
President al-Assad to Syrian people: what have you done during the past weeks was not mere celebrations in an occasion, not a mere expression of patriotic passion and rush, or a commitment in a national duty which is participation in the presidential election, what has happened exceeds all that with large and wide areas, what have you done was an unprecedented challenge phenomenon against enemies of the Homeland with their different nationalities.
President al-Assad: electing me by the people to serve them during the next constitutional duration is a great honor
#Foreign Ministry# Source:# European Union’s #renewal of unilateral, inhuman #coercive measures against# Syria #uncover false values of this #institution