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Постоянное представительство Российской Федерации при ОБСЕ/ Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the OSCE

🇷🇺🇱🇻 Commentary of the Russian Embassy in Latvia:

“We are outraged by the boundless disgrace of the Riga City Council. At dawn, fresh flowers were raked by a tractor like old garbage. The local authorities have shown that they are afraid it would be visible how many inhabitants of Riga remember the Warriors-Liberators and express gratitude to them, while many people bought these flowers with their last money, carried them in their hands along the streets of the Latvian capital for a long time, since parking and driveways near the monument were blocked ...
Surely you can guess what it's called?
¡No pasarán!”

#Riga #Latvia #Russia #RussianEmbassy
🇷🇺🇱🇻 Commentary of the Russian Embassy in Latvia:

"We are outraged by the decision of the Latvian Saeima to unilaterally suspend Article 13 of the Russian-Latvian Intergovernmental Agreement of April 30, 1994, which prescribes the Latvian Side to protect, maintain and take care of memorials.

This traitorous, unjustified step has neither moral nor legal grounds and constitutes a flagrant violation of the universally recognized principles and norms of international law, including the provisions of this very treaty.

Judge yourself.

Article 15 of the Agreement obliges the Parties to refrain from taking any uncoordinated unilateral actions on issues regulated by this document. The same Article clearly states that the Agreement will remain in effect until amended or terminated with the consent of the Parties.

It is worth noting that no one has held any consultations with us on this issue, not a hint of it.

Another reliable document is the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties of 1969. Article 42 states: the termination of an international treaty, its denunciation or withdrawal of a party may take place only in conformity with the provisions of the treaty or the Vienna Convention.

This situation clearly demonstrates for the entire responsible international community the true face of the political elite of modern Latvia: cynicism, double standards, a complete rejection of civilized ways of settling interstate issues and brazen disregard for the fundamental principles of international law.

In Latvia, the problem of settling the score with one's own historical past is looming large.

The Embassy has already sent a note to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia, in which it expressed its strong protest in connection with the wrongful acts of the Saeima".


#Riga #Latvia #Russia #RussianEmbassy
🇷🇺🇱🇻 Commentary of the Russian Embassy in Latvia:

“Unknown individuals, or frankly, criminals and Neo-Nazis, desecrated a memorial stele erected in memory of the Kish Lake crossing by Soviet troops and the liberation of Riga from Nazi invaders in Riga's Mežaparks.

The monument was vandalized in a particularly savage way, the words “liberators” in Russian and Latvian were completely wiped out with a construction tool. The criminals were not even embarrassed by the fact that there are a cafe 15 meters away, and a boat station a little further, where law enforcement officers are regularly on duty.

It should be reminded that every year, as a token of gratitude, the residents of Riga bring many fresh flowers to this monument not only on May 9, but also on October 13, when the Kish Lake crossing and the liberation of the Latvian capital began. At the same time, it has already become a good tradition for local public organizations to hold a historical reconstruction of this significant event every year. Apparently It seems that the memory that goes from one grateful generation to another haunts local nationalists who can only shamefully fight with the monuments of the Soviet era.

The Russian Embassy has sent a corresponding note to the Latvian Foreign Ministry regarding this outrageous incident".


#Riga #Latvia #Russia #RussianEmbassy
🇷🇺🇱🇻 Commentary of the Russian Embassy in Latvia:

"The local authorities continue to mock the memory of the Red Army soldiers who heroically fell in the battles for the liberation of Latvia and the whole Europe from Nazism.

On May 26, the Jekabpils Regional Duma announced its intention to dismantle the memorial to Soviet artillerymen at Rigas Street, 205 (the same one from the pedestal of which in February 2021 the artillery gun was stolen), to exhume and rebury the remains of the Soviet Army officers entombed at this fraternal grave.

We regard this decision as a flagrant and deliberate violation of the bilateral intergovernmental Agreement on the status of burial places of 2007, which prescribes the Latvian Party to protect, maintain and take care of the fraternal graves, but not vice versa.

Article 4 of the Agreement clearly states that the reburial of the remains can be carried out only upon consent of both Parties. The Russian Party did not give its consent to this.

The Embassy has already sent a note of protest to the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, urging it to prevent the wrongful acts of the municipal authorities and ensure strict compliance with international obligations.

We are convinced that there should be no condescending attitude towards such initiatives. We are expecting a clear response from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Latvian Republic, based on conscientious observance of the fundamental principles of international law."


#Jēkabpils #Latvia #Russia #RussianEmbassy
🇷🇺🇱🇻 Комментарий Посольства России в Латвии:

Внимательно ознакомились с интервью президента Латвии Э.Левитса запрещённому в республике российскому телеканалу “RTVi”, в котором глава государства в числе прочего высказывается в поддержку находящегося в разработке законопроекта о лишении гражданства «нелояльных» жителей республики (симпатизирующих России и её внешнеполитическому курсу).

Вот она, цензура мысли во всей красе, в лучших традициях антиутопии Дж. Оруэлла. Впрочем, удивляться нечему: за годы независимости латвийская этнократия изрядно поднаторела в подавлении инакомыслия, в чём мы не раз имели возможность убедиться.

В этих целях здесь широко и без всякого стеснения практикуют такие методы «убеждения», как политические репрессии, запугивание, травля, высылки, занесение «неблагонадёжных» лиц в ежегодные отчёты спецслужб и др.

При этом неизменно одно: объектом нападок раз за разом становятся исключительно представители русскоязычной диаспоры, будь то журналисты, активисты гражданского общества или рядовые граждане.

Нет никаких сомнений, что и эта законодательная новация будет использоваться Ригой в аналогичном ключе.

Это ли не сегрегация по этническому и идеологическому признаку?! Это ли не посягательство на фундаментальные принципы демократии – свободу убеждений, мысли и совести, о соблюдении которых так печётся «цивилизованная» Европа и Латвия вместе с ней?!

Верной дорожкой идёте, господа – к полицейскому государству.
#ПосольствоРоссии #Latvia
#Оруэлл #Латвия #Рига
🇷🇺🇱🇻 Commentary of the Russian Embassy in Latvia:

"On September 8, 2022, the Latvian Saeima approved amendments to the law "On the Latvian Orthodox Church", which grant it autocephaly.

Riga, in pursuit of the laurels of the "chief fighter against the Russian world," has long ago ceased to perceive the boundaries of the permissible. Aside from the numerous violations of their own legal obligations, which have already become a "byword", the Latvian authorities in a rude and cynical way meddled in the affairs of the church.

Once again, we witnessed the violation by the Latvian authorities of the generally accepted ethical and moral norms, religious canons and their own constitutional law.

We would like to remind that the representatives of the secular authorities possess no canonical right to issue a tomos of autocephaly. It is also the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia which proclaims the principle of the separation between church and state.

As practice shows, national and international law are no longer considered as an argument by the Latvian authorities, who continue to insist that their legislative initiatives correspond to the image of a "law-governed and democratic" state. Now Riga has demonstrated the same disdainful attitude towards the law of religion."

#Latvia #Russia #RussianEmbassy
⭕️ Read excerpts from statement of Deputy Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the OSCE Alexander Volgarev «On violations by Latvia of its OSCE commitments related to protection of historical monuments and sites of remembrance»(meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council, 15 September 2022)

⚡️ Russophobic leadership of #Latvia 🇱🇻 is trying to erase any material memory embodiment of those fallen in the struggle for the freedom and independence of Europe from fascism - Soviet monuments and military cemeteries  

❗️ The most egregious examples of the "war" on memorials in #Latvia are the demolition of the monument to Soviet soldiers in #Riga and the exhumation of a Soviet war grave in the village of Rudbarzy, Kuldiga region

🛑 Latvia's unilateral and arbitrary actions against historical memorials and burial sites are contrary to the relevant bilateral treaties of Russia and #Latvia and to a number of CSCE/OSCE commitments
🇷🇺🇱🇻 Commentary of the Russian Embassy in Latvia:

"More than two hundred years of history of the Russian-language education in Latvia has come to an end - on September 29, the Latvian Saeima approved in the final reading the transition of Russian schools into the Latvian language.

The ruling elite of the country once again gained its mercenary-minded goals at the expense of the Latvian younger generation, having denied children the right to a comfortable learning environment. Instead of taking advantage of the country's natural bilingualism, politicians stubbornly continue to fight the "wrong" language, destroying the Russian culture here.

It is a shame that the Latvian authorities are unable to understand that the upbringing of patriots and citizens loyal to Latvia is really hindered not by education in the Russian language, but by the complete disregard for the vital needs and interests of the country's population by its leadership."

#Latvia #Russia #RussianEmbassy
📣Read excerpts from the statement of Deputy Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the OSCE Maxim Buyakevich “On continued gross violations of human rights in Latvia (meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council, 6 October 2022)

🇱🇻 #Latvia continues with unprecedented violations of the rights of national minorities, including in the education and language spheres

❗️ On 29 September Latvian authorities adopted in final reading amendments to the laws “On Education” and “General Education”. With this discriminatory step, they intend to de-facto eliminate more than two hundred years of Russian-language education in the country

💬 Unfortunately, official #Riga perceives the Russian language solely as a “tragic“ consequence of “forced russification” and a direct threat to the preservation of the state language

☝️ The Russophobic fervour of #Riga continues even despite obvious logistical problems, for instance, acute shortage of teachers. In predominantly Russian-speaking municipalities and towns there are simply no teachers capable of teaching in Latvian language

Discriminatory steps taken by #Riga regarding the right to education in one's native language run counter to its international commitments to protect ethnic groups and contradict the recommendations of the relevant #OSCE executive structure

📢 We call on the #OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, in accordance with the existing mandate, to respond to yet another discriminatory step by the Latvian authorities towards the Russian-speaking population
🇷🇺🇱🇻 Commentary of the Russian Embassy in Latvia:

"Right after the celebration of the Independence Day of Latvia, residents of Sesava in the Jelgava region have discovered another act of vandalism committed on a fraternal military burial located in this settlement – the inscription "Glory to the Heroes" in Russian and Latvian has been torn off from the memorial wall.

The perpetrators of this heinous crime hardly deserve to be named people. It is obviously not worth appealing to their conscience as well as moral values - such acts bring about in the society nothing but hatred and anger.

Such cases of mockery of the memory of the fallen are the result of outright connivance on the part of the Latvian authorities, who themselves are fighting against the symbols of the memorial heritage, thus breeding a sense of impunity and permissiveness in some circles. Apparently, this is the key to successful building of a "united political nation", in the view of the authors of this idea."

#Sesava #Latvia #Russia #RussianEmbassy
🇷🇺🇱🇻 Комментарий Посольства России в Латвии:

"20 апреля 2023 г. Сейм Латвии в спешном порядке одобрил законодательную инициативу, которая запрещает проведение любых мероприятий по случаю празднования Дня Победы, фактически объявив 9 Мая «вне закона».

Решительно осуждаем эту безнравственную выходку латвийских парламентариев, деятельность которых давно вышла за рамки здравого смысла и норм поведения, принятых в цивилизованных странах.

Рассматриваем результат голосования местных депутатов как акт глумления над светлой памятью героев, отдавших жизнь в борьбе с фашистскими захватчиками, и очередную попытку предать забвению уроки Второй мировой войны, переписав её итоги.

Развёрнутая Ригой беспрецедентная кампания по массовому сносу памятников советским воинам, героизации легионеров «Ваффен-СС» вкупе с гонениями на не согласных с этой иезуитской политикой лиц нарушает все мыслимые международно-правовые обязательства республики.

Любые попытки очернить решающий вклад СССР в освобождение мира от «коричневой чумы» и вытравить из памяти жителей Латвии героический подвиг советского народа заведомо обречены на провал".

#ДеньПобеды #память #9мая #запрет #СеймЛатвии #националисты #русофобы #памятники #ВОВ #Россия #Krievija #Russia #Рига #Латвия #Riga #Latvia #Rīga #Latvija #ПосольствоРоссии #МИД #МИДРоссии
 🇷🇺🇱🇻 Комментарий Посольства России в Латвии:

"История о том, как вчерашняя школьница стала «угрозой национальной безопасности» Латвийской Республики, продолжается. Сегодня Рижский суд принял решение продлить еще на два месяца срок содержания под стражей общественной активистки, студентки Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета Татьяны Андриец. Теперь ей, помимо «нарушения санкционного режима», инкриминируют «создание преступной организации», что в соответствии с местным уголовным законодательством карается лишением свободы от 8 до 17 лет.

Каких-либо убедительных доказательств обществу вины неравнодушной к происходящему в своей стране гражданки Латвии местная Фемида до сих пор не представила. Впрочем, как показывает практика, в таких изначально политизированных делах, этого не требуется. Цель данного циничного попрания прав человека очевидна – убедить население республики в неминуемости «наказания» за выражение «неправильных» мыслей.    

Подобное издевательство над юной девушкой, которая наивно верила, что живет в правовом государстве, – позор для латвийского правосудия!"

#Латвия #Latvia #ПосольствоРоссии
🇷🇺🇱🇻 Commentary of the Russian Embassy in Latvia:

"The story of how yesterday's schoolgirl has become a "threat to the national security" of the Republic of Latvia continues. Today, the Riga Court decided to extend for another two months detention of the public activist, student of Saint Petersburg State University Tatiana Andriets. Now, in addition to "violating the sanctions regime," she is charged with "creating a criminal organization," which, in accordance with local criminal law, is punishable by imprisonment from 8 to 17 years.

The local Themis has not yet presented to the public any convincing evidence of the guilt of the Latvian citizen who is not indifferent to what is happening in her country. However, as practice shows, in such initially politicized cases, this is not required. The purpose of this cynical violation of human rights is obvious – to convince the Republic's population of the inevitability of "punishment" for expressing "wrong" thoughts.    

The persecution of the young girl who naively believed that she lives in a state governed by the rule of law is a disgrace to the Latvian justice!"

#Latvia #RussianEmbassy
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🇱🇻🇱🇹🇪🇪 In 2023, discrimination of Russian and Russian-speaking population in the Baltic States continued. Simultaneously, fascist collaborators and criminals were openly cherished and honoured.


Latvia pursues a policy of deliberate falsification of history, justifying former Waffen-SS legionnaires and Nazi collaborators who are elevated to the rank of participants in "national liberation movements".

The longstanding revanchist aspirations of the Latvian establishment culminated in Riga's efforts to rewrite history by passing legislation prohibiting the celebration of 9 May, the public display of symbols of victory over Nazism.

Since 2022, Latvia, riding a wave of ultra-nationalist enthusiasm, have intensified their efforts to destroy Soviet monuments.

Russian residents of Latvia are viewed by the Latvian leadership as an alien and destabilizing element.


Vilnius explicitly pursues a policy of falsifying the history of WWII and equating Nazi collaborators with national heroes, which contradicts the conclusions of the Nuremberg Tribunal.

Following an impulse of historical revisionism, in 2022 the Lithuania set a course to demolish all the monuments to Soviet soldiers located at the burial sites of Red Army soldiers.

Since the beginning of the Russian special military operation Lithuania has taken its efforts to denigrate everything related to Russia to an unprecedented level.


Since 2022 the Estonia openly took the path of supporting Nazism and glorifying its accomplices.

Attempts to glorify Nazi accomplices, which have become an integral part of state policy, are directly related to the increased manifestations of anti-Semitism and the desecration of monuments to Soviet soldiers.

Along with this fight against Soviet monuments, the total censorship created in the country is primarily directed against Russian state and private media resources.

The infringement of the rights of national minorities in Estonia, primarily Russian-speaking, remains an acute problem.

Read in full
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
⚡️ On the human rights situation in the Baltic states — Joint Report of Russia's and Belarus' MFAs


Latvia is deliberately falsifying history and justification of former Waffen-SS legionnaires and Nazi collaborators.

The pinnacle of many years of revanchist aspirations of the Latvian leadership and the result of many years of efforts by Riga to rewrite history was the legislative enshrinement of bans on celebrating May 9, in fact, outlawing Victory Day.

Latvian authorities intensified their efforts to destroy memorials in honour of the Red Army soldiers, providing a legislative basis for their actions.

Along with this, a course has been taken to exclude all Russians from public life and to defeat the rights of the Russian-speaking inhabitants of this Baltic country.


The human rights situation in Lithuania continues to deteriorate. The country remains to be distinct in numerous restrictions to free opinions, discrimination of national minorities, primarily in the area of education, manifestations of xenophobia and antisemitism, persecution for policy and other reasons as well as glorification of Nasizm and rabid Russophobia.

Vilnius openly pursues a policy of falsifying the history of World War II and glorifies fascist collaborators, treating them as national heroes.

Lithuanian authorities have taken on unprecedented efforts to denigrate everything related to Russia. As a result, incidents of Russophobia and discrimination against people of Russian origin have become more frequent.


The human rights situation in the Republic of Estonia remains extremely disturbing.

The current Estonian authorities continue pursuing a consistent policy of building a mono ethnic society, which has no place for national minorities, especially the Russian-speaking population.

Estonian authorities started suppressing any manifestations of Russian ethnic and cultural identity.

Estonia's efforts to suppress Russian activists struggling to preserve the memory of the heroic deeds of the Red Army soldiers who fought against Nazism, make it clear that the country has embarked on a campaign of supporting neo-Nazism and re-writing its history during the World War II and subsequent period.

Attempts to glorify Nazi accomplices, which have become an integral part of state policy, are directly related to the increased manifestations of anti-Semitism and cases of desecration of monuments to Soviet soldiers who perished on the territory of Estonia in battles with the Nazi invaders.

📄 Read in full