⚡️Читайте Срочное заявление Межведомственного координационного штаба Российской Федерации 🇷🇺 по гуманитарному реагированию на Украине (9 марта 2022 г.)
Срочное заявление Межведомственного координационного штаба Российской Федерации по гуманитарному реагированию на Украине (19:00…
Несмотря на неоднократные срывы украинской стороной гуманитарных операций по эвакуации мирного населения и иностранных граждан, насильно удерживаемых националистами в ряде населенных пунктов, а также учитывая ухудшающуюся гуманитарную ситуацию на территории…
Forwarded from МИД России 🇷🇺
🇷🇺🇹🇷 В рамках визита в Анталью С.В.#Лавров встретился с Министром иностранных дел Турции М.Чавушоглу.
Forwarded from Мария Захарова
Встреча глав МИД России, Украины, Турции в Анталье
Forwarded from Дмитрий Полянский
Попытка раздуть скандал вокруг якобы уничтоженного Россией роддома в Мариуполе - верх цинизма и апогей кампании по продвижению фейковых новостей о нашей спецоперации на Украине.
О том, что этот бывший роддом - это давно уже огневая точка боевиков, было известно с самого начала операции. 7 марта в нашем выступлении в СБ мы специально проинформировали об этом коллег. Однако, никто нас не услышал. К сожалению, к кампании по продвижению этого фейка подключился Генсек ООН…прискорбная неосмотрительность!
Помимо твита на эту тему 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 мы распространили в качестве официального документа СБ письмо Постпреда В. А. Небензи с призывом не поддаваться на уловки украинской пропаганды
О том, что этот бывший роддом - это давно уже огневая точка боевиков, было известно с самого начала операции. 7 марта в нашем выступлении в СБ мы специально проинформировали об этом коллег. Однако, никто нас не услышал. К сожалению, к кампании по продвижению этого фейка подключился Генсек ООН…прискорбная неосмотрительность!
Помимо твита на эту тему 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 мы распространили в качестве официального документа СБ письмо Постпреда В. А. Небензи с призывом не поддаваться на уловки украинской пропаганды
Dmitry Polyanskiy
That’s how #Fakenews is born. We warned in our statement back on 7 March (russiaun.ru/en/news/070322n) that this hospital has been turned into a military object by radicals. Very disturbing that UN spreads this information without verification #Mariupol …
‼️ Смотрите брифинг Постпреда России при ОБСЕ А.К.Лукашевича по ситуации в ОБСЕ в связи со спецоперацией на Украине, 9 марта 2022 года https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=siUqYj769vs
Брифинг Постпреда России при ОБСЕ А.К.Лукашевича, 9 марта 2022 года
Брифинг Постпреда России при ОБСЕ А.К.Лукашевича по ситуации в ОБСЕ в связи со спецоперацией на Украине, 9 марта 2022 года
Forwarded from МИД России 🇷🇺
🔴 #ПрямойЭфир: Пресс-конференция С.В.Лаврова по итогам переговоров с главой МИД Турции М.Чавушоглу и мининдел Украины Д.Кулебой
🔴 Пресс-конференция С.В.Лаврова по итогам переговоров с главой МИД Турции и мининдел Украины
Forwarded from Russian Embassy in Denmark
Media is too big
❗️Watch what actually happened in Mariupol ❗️#stopfake
Forwarded from МИД России 🇷🇺
🔴 #ПрямойЭфир: Пресс-конференция С.В.Лаврова по итогам переговоров с главой МИД Турции М.Чавушоглу и мининдел Украины Д.Кулебой
🔴 Пресс-конференция С.В.Лаврова по итогам переговоров с главой МИД Турции и мининдел Украины
Forwarded from Zvezdanews
⚡️В МО РФ прокомментировали фейки западных СМИ о якобы нанесении вчера российской авиацией «удара» по мариупольской больнице № 3:
❗️Минобороны России вчера объявило «режим тишины» для безопасной эвакуации мирных жителей города. Абсолютно никаких задач по поражению целей на земле российская авиация в районе Мариуполя не выполняла.
❗️Проведенный анализ заявлений представителей киевского националистического режима, фотоматериалов из больницы, не оставляет никаких сомнений. Якобы имевший место «авиаудар» – полностью срежиссированная провокация, для поддержания антироссийского ажиотажа у западной аудитории.
❗️Мы неоднократно ранее заявляли, что лечебные учреждения Мариуполя, включая больницу № 3, прекратили свою штатную работу еще в конце февраля. Весь персонал и пациенты разогнаны националистами.
❗️Здание больницы, из-за выгодного тактического расположения близко к центру города, переоборудовано в опорный пункт нацбатальона «Азов»*. Об этом массово сообщают жители города, перебравшиеся как в подконтрольный Киев, так и контролируемые Донецкой народной республикой районы.
❗️Фотоснимки территории больницы содержат свидетельства двух отдельных постановочных взрывов рядом с больницей. Заглубленного подземного и еще одного небольшой мощности, направленного в корпус больницы.
❗️Характер внешних и внутренних повреждений здания может ввести в заблуждение массовую непрофессиональную аудиторию Европы и США. Для которой и делалась эта постановка. Но не экспертов. Фугасный авиационный боеприпас, даже меньшей мощности, просто ничего бы не оставил от внешних стен здания.
❗️Все эти и другие военные преступления в Мариуполе совершаются запертыми в городе карателями. Мы неоднократно предупреждали, что по мере сжатия кольца количество провокаций нацистов будет нарастать. Бежать им оттуда уже некуда.
❗️Именно эти нацисты батальона «Азов»* восемь лет осознанно и с особой жестокостью уничтожали мирное население в Донецкой и Луганской республиках.
*батальон «Азов» - террористическая организация, запрещенная на территории РФ
❗️Минобороны России вчера объявило «режим тишины» для безопасной эвакуации мирных жителей города. Абсолютно никаких задач по поражению целей на земле российская авиация в районе Мариуполя не выполняла.
❗️Проведенный анализ заявлений представителей киевского националистического режима, фотоматериалов из больницы, не оставляет никаких сомнений. Якобы имевший место «авиаудар» – полностью срежиссированная провокация, для поддержания антироссийского ажиотажа у западной аудитории.
❗️Мы неоднократно ранее заявляли, что лечебные учреждения Мариуполя, включая больницу № 3, прекратили свою штатную работу еще в конце февраля. Весь персонал и пациенты разогнаны националистами.
❗️Здание больницы, из-за выгодного тактического расположения близко к центру города, переоборудовано в опорный пункт нацбатальона «Азов»*. Об этом массово сообщают жители города, перебравшиеся как в подконтрольный Киев, так и контролируемые Донецкой народной республикой районы.
❗️Фотоснимки территории больницы содержат свидетельства двух отдельных постановочных взрывов рядом с больницей. Заглубленного подземного и еще одного небольшой мощности, направленного в корпус больницы.
❗️Характер внешних и внутренних повреждений здания может ввести в заблуждение массовую непрофессиональную аудиторию Европы и США. Для которой и делалась эта постановка. Но не экспертов. Фугасный авиационный боеприпас, даже меньшей мощности, просто ничего бы не оставил от внешних стен здания.
❗️Все эти и другие военные преступления в Мариуполе совершаются запертыми в городе карателями. Мы неоднократно предупреждали, что по мере сжатия кольца количество провокаций нацистов будет нарастать. Бежать им оттуда уже некуда.
❗️Именно эти нацисты батальона «Азов»* восемь лет осознанно и с особой жестокостью уничтожали мирное население в Донецкой и Луганской республиках.
*батальон «Азов» - террористическая организация, запрещенная на территории РФ
Forwarded from MoD Russia
🇷🇺 🇺🇦 Briefing by Russian Defence Ministry
▪ The grouping of troops of Lugansk People's Republic, continuing offensive operations, took control of Maryanovka, Lazarevka, Lesnoe.
▪ The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation advanced to a depth of 10 kilometers and took control of Stepnoe, Krapivnitskoe, Maly Kremechik, Novopetrikovka and Yalynskoe.
▪ 💥 2,998 Ukrainian military facilities were destroyed as a result of strikes.
💥 During the day, operational-tactical aviation hit 68 assets, including: 2 assets of the control system of the Ukrainian armed forces, 12 CSS assets, 3 Osa anti-aircraft missile systems.
💥 Russian air defence systems destroyed 1 MiG-29, 3 Bayraktar TB-2 unmanned aerial vehicles and 1 Tochka-U tactical missile.
💥 In total, since the beginning of the operation, the losses of the security agencies of Ukraine amounted to: 98 aircraft, 110 unmanned aerial vehicles, 144 anti-aircraft missile defence systems, 88 radar posts, 1,007 tanks and other armored vehicles, 109 multiple launch rocket systems, 374 field artillery and mortars, 793 special military vehicles.
▪ Units of People's Militia of DPR advanced 1 kilometer inside Mariupol from the northern direction.
❗▪ I will dwell separately on the informational provocation of Kiev regime about alleged “strike” by Russian aircraft on Mariupol hospital No. 3 yesterday.
First of all, I note that the Russian Defence Ministry yesterday established cease-fire for safe evacuation of civilians in the city.
Russian aviation had no missions of hitting targets on the ground in the Mariupol area.
The analysis of the statements of representatives of Kiev nationalist regime and photos from the hospital, leaves no doubt.
The "air strike” that took place is a completely staged provocation to maintain the anti-Russian stir among the Western audience.
We have repeatedly stated earlier that the medical institutions of Mariupol, including Hospital No. 3, stopped their full-time work at the end of February. All staff and patients dispersed by the nationalists.
The hospital building, due to its favorable tactical location close to the city center, was re-equipped into a stronghold of the Azov National Battalion.
This is reported by residents of the city, who moved both to the areas controlled by Kiev and controlled by the Donetsk People's Republic.
Photos of the hospital grounds contain evidence of two separate staged explosions near the hospital. An underground explosion and another of minor power, aimed at the hospital building.
The nature of the external and internal damage to the building can mislead non-professional audience of Europe and the United States. For whom this was made.
But not experts. Comparing to the staged explosion of the Ukrainian Nazis, even less power high-explosive aviation bomb would destroy the outer walls of the building.
I emphasize that all these and other war crimes in Mariupol are committed by nationalist locked in the city. We have repeatedly warned that as the ring shrinks, the number of Nazi provocations will increase. There is no way for them to escape.
These are the Nazis of the Azov battalion who had been eliminating the civilian population in Donetsk and Lugansk republics for eight years.
In recent days, attacks by Ukrainian nationalists and mercenaries who arrived in Ukraine from the United States, Great Britain and Europe on Russian medics and special medical vehicles have become more frequent.
▪ The Nazis deliberately ambush ambulances with a red cross symbol.
Snipers fire from long distances at medics evacuating wounded Russian servicemen in combat areas. Even at medics providing assistance to local residents in settlements.
All this once again confirms the Nazi essence of the Kiev regime, which calls for the killing of any Russians without exception, in violation of international humanitarian law.
We warn again, the best thing that awaits foreign mercenaries detained in combat areas is criminal prosecution.
#MoD #Russia #Ukraine #Breifing
▪ The grouping of troops of Lugansk People's Republic, continuing offensive operations, took control of Maryanovka, Lazarevka, Lesnoe.
▪ The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation advanced to a depth of 10 kilometers and took control of Stepnoe, Krapivnitskoe, Maly Kremechik, Novopetrikovka and Yalynskoe.
▪ 💥 2,998 Ukrainian military facilities were destroyed as a result of strikes.
💥 During the day, operational-tactical aviation hit 68 assets, including: 2 assets of the control system of the Ukrainian armed forces, 12 CSS assets, 3 Osa anti-aircraft missile systems.
💥 Russian air defence systems destroyed 1 MiG-29, 3 Bayraktar TB-2 unmanned aerial vehicles and 1 Tochka-U tactical missile.
💥 In total, since the beginning of the operation, the losses of the security agencies of Ukraine amounted to: 98 aircraft, 110 unmanned aerial vehicles, 144 anti-aircraft missile defence systems, 88 radar posts, 1,007 tanks and other armored vehicles, 109 multiple launch rocket systems, 374 field artillery and mortars, 793 special military vehicles.
▪ Units of People's Militia of DPR advanced 1 kilometer inside Mariupol from the northern direction.
❗▪ I will dwell separately on the informational provocation of Kiev regime about alleged “strike” by Russian aircraft on Mariupol hospital No. 3 yesterday.
First of all, I note that the Russian Defence Ministry yesterday established cease-fire for safe evacuation of civilians in the city.
Russian aviation had no missions of hitting targets on the ground in the Mariupol area.
The analysis of the statements of representatives of Kiev nationalist regime and photos from the hospital, leaves no doubt.
The "air strike” that took place is a completely staged provocation to maintain the anti-Russian stir among the Western audience.
We have repeatedly stated earlier that the medical institutions of Mariupol, including Hospital No. 3, stopped their full-time work at the end of February. All staff and patients dispersed by the nationalists.
The hospital building, due to its favorable tactical location close to the city center, was re-equipped into a stronghold of the Azov National Battalion.
This is reported by residents of the city, who moved both to the areas controlled by Kiev and controlled by the Donetsk People's Republic.
Photos of the hospital grounds contain evidence of two separate staged explosions near the hospital. An underground explosion and another of minor power, aimed at the hospital building.
The nature of the external and internal damage to the building can mislead non-professional audience of Europe and the United States. For whom this was made.
But not experts. Comparing to the staged explosion of the Ukrainian Nazis, even less power high-explosive aviation bomb would destroy the outer walls of the building.
I emphasize that all these and other war crimes in Mariupol are committed by nationalist locked in the city. We have repeatedly warned that as the ring shrinks, the number of Nazi provocations will increase. There is no way for them to escape.
These are the Nazis of the Azov battalion who had been eliminating the civilian population in Donetsk and Lugansk republics for eight years.
In recent days, attacks by Ukrainian nationalists and mercenaries who arrived in Ukraine from the United States, Great Britain and Europe on Russian medics and special medical vehicles have become more frequent.
▪ The Nazis deliberately ambush ambulances with a red cross symbol.
Snipers fire from long distances at medics evacuating wounded Russian servicemen in combat areas. Even at medics providing assistance to local residents in settlements.
All this once again confirms the Nazi essence of the Kiev regime, which calls for the killing of any Russians without exception, in violation of international humanitarian law.
We warn again, the best thing that awaits foreign mercenaries detained in combat areas is criminal prosecution.
#MoD #Russia #Ukraine #Breifing
Forwarded from МИД России 🇷🇺
🤝 10 марта в Анталье С.В.Лавров провёл краткую беседу с Генеральным директором Международного агентства по атомной энергии Р.Гросси.
В центре внимания были вопросы сотрудничества Российской Федерации и МАГАТЭ в целях обеспечения физической защиты и функционирования объектов ядерной энергетики в контексте проведения специальной военной операции на Украине.
В центре внимания были вопросы сотрудничества Российской Федерации и МАГАТЭ в целях обеспечения физической защиты и функционирования объектов ядерной энергетики в контексте проведения специальной военной операции на Украине.
Forwarded from МИД России 🇷🇺
🇷🇺🇦🇿 10 марта «на полях» Анталийского дипломатического форума состоялась встреча С.В.Лаврова и Министра иностранных дел Азербайджана Д.А.Байрамова.
Главы внешнеполитических ведомств обсудили ход реализации договоренностей лидеров России, Азербайджана и Армении от 9 ноября 2020 г., 11 января и 26 ноября 2021 г., в частности, касающихся запуска процесса делимитации азербайджано-армянской границы, разблокирования экономических связей и транспортных коммуникаций в регионе, а также решения гуманитарных задач.
Условлено вести дело к скорейшему проведению второго заседания Консультативной региональной платформы «3+3».
Главы внешнеполитических ведомств обсудили ход реализации договоренностей лидеров России, Азербайджана и Армении от 9 ноября 2020 г., 11 января и 26 ноября 2021 г., в частности, касающихся запуска процесса делимитации азербайджано-армянской границы, разблокирования экономических связей и транспортных коммуникаций в регионе, а также решения гуманитарных задач.
Условлено вести дело к скорейшему проведению второго заседания Консультативной региональной платформы «3+3».
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
⚡️ Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova’s comment on supplying man-portable air defence systems (MANPADS) and anti-tank missile weapons (ATMW) to Ukraine
☝️ The Western countries have begun large-scale shipments to Ukraine of Stinger MANPADS which are used to attack land-based and above-water targets at a distance of up to 8 km and an altitude of up to 3.5 km, as well as other portable systems including Javelins, NLAW and Carl Gustaf ATMWs, which, without exaggeration, are the most sensitive types of weapons.
The people behind these shipments are definitely aware of the growing threat of these high-precision weapons ending up in the hands of terrorists or illegal armed groups, not only in Ukraine, but in Europe as well.
❗️The Western capitals are grossly ignoring a number of international agreements aimed at minimising the risk of MANPADS falling into the hands of terrorist or criminal elements, such as the 2007 UNGA Resolution 62/40 Prevention of the Illicit Transfer and Unauthorised Access To and Use of Man-Portable Air Defence Systems, and Elements for Export Controls of Man-Portable Air Defence Systems (MANPADS) adopted in 2003.
In this regard, we remind the representatives of the West of the inordinate amounts of money that, in the early 2000s, went into destroying surplus MANPADS in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Montenegro, Macedonia, Cambodia and Nicaragua, which was initiated under the Partnership for Peace programme.
❗️ Clearly, the lessons have not been learned. The current political situation amid the blatant dictatorship of the United States has caused fundamental changes in the basic principles of control over the non-proliferation of particularly sensitive types of weapons that have been promoted by the EU for many years with the unwavering support of like-minded partners from Africa and Latin America, not only within the UN, but also on the platform provided by the international Arms Trade Treaty.
⚡️ Once again, we call on the EU and NATO countries to stop the thoughtless flooding of the unviable Kiev regime with the latest weapons systems in order to avoid the enormous risk to international civilian aviation and other means of transport in Europe and beyond.
☝️ The Western countries have begun large-scale shipments to Ukraine of Stinger MANPADS which are used to attack land-based and above-water targets at a distance of up to 8 km and an altitude of up to 3.5 km, as well as other portable systems including Javelins, NLAW and Carl Gustaf ATMWs, which, without exaggeration, are the most sensitive types of weapons.
The people behind these shipments are definitely aware of the growing threat of these high-precision weapons ending up in the hands of terrorists or illegal armed groups, not only in Ukraine, but in Europe as well.
❗️The Western capitals are grossly ignoring a number of international agreements aimed at minimising the risk of MANPADS falling into the hands of terrorist or criminal elements, such as the 2007 UNGA Resolution 62/40 Prevention of the Illicit Transfer and Unauthorised Access To and Use of Man-Portable Air Defence Systems, and Elements for Export Controls of Man-Portable Air Defence Systems (MANPADS) adopted in 2003.
In this regard, we remind the representatives of the West of the inordinate amounts of money that, in the early 2000s, went into destroying surplus MANPADS in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Montenegro, Macedonia, Cambodia and Nicaragua, which was initiated under the Partnership for Peace programme.
❗️ Clearly, the lessons have not been learned. The current political situation amid the blatant dictatorship of the United States has caused fundamental changes in the basic principles of control over the non-proliferation of particularly sensitive types of weapons that have been promoted by the EU for many years with the unwavering support of like-minded partners from Africa and Latin America, not only within the UN, but also on the platform provided by the international Arms Trade Treaty.
⚡️ Once again, we call on the EU and NATO countries to stop the thoughtless flooding of the unviable Kiev regime with the latest weapons systems in order to avoid the enormous risk to international civilian aviation and other means of transport in Europe and beyond.
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
⚡️ The Russian Defence Ministry continues to study materials on the implementation of military biological programme of the United States and its NATO allies on the territory of Ukraine.
🦠 Details of the UP-4 project became known, which was implemented with the participation of laboratories in Kiev, Kharkov and Odessa and was designed for the period up to 2020.
Its purpose was to study the possibility of the spread of particularly dangerous infections through migrating birds, including highly pathogenic H5N1 influenza, the mortality rate of which reaches 50% for humans, as well as Newcastle disease.
❗️145 biological species were studied within the framework of this project. At the same time, at least two species of migratory birds were identified, whose routes pass mainly through the territory of Russia.
🦠 In addition, the R-781 project is interesting, where bats are considered as carriers of potential biological weapons agents.
☝️ It is noteworthy that the research is carried out in close proximity to the borders of Russia – in the areas of the Black Sea coast and the Caucasus.
The project is being implemented with the involvement of not only Ukrainian, but also Georgian biological laboratories controlled by the Pentagon in cooperation with the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and the US Geological Survey.
🦠 The analyzed materials on the UP-8 project, aimed at studying the Congo-Crimean hemorrhagic fever virus and hantaviruses in Ukraine, clearly refute the US public statement that only Ukrainian scientists work in the Pentagon biolabs in Ukraine without the intervention of American biologists. One of the documents confirms that all serious high-risk studies are conducted under the direct supervision of specialists from the United States.
In addition, the studied materials contain proposals for the expansion of the US military-biological program in Ukraine.
❗️The Pentagon is also interested in insect vectors capable of spreading dangerous infectious diseases. The analysis of the obtained materials confirms the transfer of more than 140 containers with ectoparasites of bats - fleas and ticks from the biolab in Kharkov abroad.
Read in full
🦠 Details of the UP-4 project became known, which was implemented with the participation of laboratories in Kiev, Kharkov and Odessa and was designed for the period up to 2020.
Its purpose was to study the possibility of the spread of particularly dangerous infections through migrating birds, including highly pathogenic H5N1 influenza, the mortality rate of which reaches 50% for humans, as well as Newcastle disease.
❗️145 biological species were studied within the framework of this project. At the same time, at least two species of migratory birds were identified, whose routes pass mainly through the territory of Russia.
🦠 In addition, the R-781 project is interesting, where bats are considered as carriers of potential biological weapons agents.
☝️ It is noteworthy that the research is carried out in close proximity to the borders of Russia – in the areas of the Black Sea coast and the Caucasus.
The project is being implemented with the involvement of not only Ukrainian, but also Georgian biological laboratories controlled by the Pentagon in cooperation with the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and the US Geological Survey.
🦠 The analyzed materials on the UP-8 project, aimed at studying the Congo-Crimean hemorrhagic fever virus and hantaviruses in Ukraine, clearly refute the US public statement that only Ukrainian scientists work in the Pentagon biolabs in Ukraine without the intervention of American biologists. One of the documents confirms that all serious high-risk studies are conducted under the direct supervision of specialists from the United States.
In addition, the studied materials contain proposals for the expansion of the US military-biological program in Ukraine.
❗️The Pentagon is also interested in insect vectors capable of spreading dangerous infectious diseases. The analysis of the obtained materials confirms the transfer of more than 140 containers with ectoparasites of bats - fleas and ticks from the biolab in Kharkov abroad.
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