Forwarded from MoD Russia
Forwarded from MoD Russia
Three scenarios are planned for the Russian Federation accusation.
▫️The first one is a ‘staged incident under a false flag’ that is the most probable.
▫️This could include a real use of chemical and biological weapons that would cause deaths among the population or staging ‘sabotages’ from Russia at the facilities of Ukraine involved in the development of components for weapons of mass destruction.
▫️The abovementioned scenario can be implemented in the chemical and biological facilities located in Kharkov and Kiev.
▫️There also may occur a provocation in the nuclear energy facilities: above all others, it could refer to Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Station controlled by the Russian Federation. On April, 21, a convoy of 10 motor vehicles that was transporting dangerous goods to the nuclear station was stopped and turned about to Zaporozhye.
▫️In addition, the leadership of Ukraine is seriously considering striking at the radioactive waste storage facility at the former Pridneprovsky Chemical Plant in the village of Kamenskoye in Dnipropetrovsk Region.
🗂The Ministry of Defense has documents confirming the critical condition of the storage facility and the inappropriate spending of funds allocated by the European Union for the maintenance of the facility.
▫️The second one refers to a ‘Maximally covert use of weapons of mass destruction in small volumes’ for neutralising the will power and the capacity to resist within the fulfilment of a particular operational task.
▫️This scenario was supposed to be implemented in ‘Azovstal’. But the order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief to cancel the assault of the entity has frustrated the plans of the Pentagon.
▫️The third and the least probable one is the ‘overt use of weapons of mass destruction at a combat area’ in case of failure to succeed in using conventional armaments in the combat zone.
▫️This scenario was considered for Slavyansk and Kramatorsk that had been transformed into fortified towns.
▫️The high probability of staging the application of chemical arms is confirmed by the facts of the supply of antidotes with toxic substances to Ukraine. Only in 2022, on request of the Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine, more than 220 thousand of vials with atropines. This fact is an evidence of a targeted preparation of a provocation that includes the use of toxic nerve-paralytic substances.
📑 Full text of the Briefing on a provocation against the Russian Federation prepared by the USA and NATO with the accusation of using nuclear, biological and chemical weapons
#MoD #Russia #Ukraine #NBCP
▫️The first one is a ‘staged incident under a false flag’ that is the most probable.
▫️This could include a real use of chemical and biological weapons that would cause deaths among the population or staging ‘sabotages’ from Russia at the facilities of Ukraine involved in the development of components for weapons of mass destruction.
▫️The abovementioned scenario can be implemented in the chemical and biological facilities located in Kharkov and Kiev.
▫️There also may occur a provocation in the nuclear energy facilities: above all others, it could refer to Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Station controlled by the Russian Federation. On April, 21, a convoy of 10 motor vehicles that was transporting dangerous goods to the nuclear station was stopped and turned about to Zaporozhye.
▫️In addition, the leadership of Ukraine is seriously considering striking at the radioactive waste storage facility at the former Pridneprovsky Chemical Plant in the village of Kamenskoye in Dnipropetrovsk Region.
🗂The Ministry of Defense has documents confirming the critical condition of the storage facility and the inappropriate spending of funds allocated by the European Union for the maintenance of the facility.
▫️The second one refers to a ‘Maximally covert use of weapons of mass destruction in small volumes’ for neutralising the will power and the capacity to resist within the fulfilment of a particular operational task.
▫️This scenario was supposed to be implemented in ‘Azovstal’. But the order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief to cancel the assault of the entity has frustrated the plans of the Pentagon.
▫️The third and the least probable one is the ‘overt use of weapons of mass destruction at a combat area’ in case of failure to succeed in using conventional armaments in the combat zone.
▫️This scenario was considered for Slavyansk and Kramatorsk that had been transformed into fortified towns.
▫️The high probability of staging the application of chemical arms is confirmed by the facts of the supply of antidotes with toxic substances to Ukraine. Only in 2022, on request of the Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine, more than 220 thousand of vials with atropines. This fact is an evidence of a targeted preparation of a provocation that includes the use of toxic nerve-paralytic substances.
📑 Full text of the Briefing on a provocation against the Russian Federation prepared by the USA and NATO with the accusation of using nuclear, biological and chemical weapons
#MoD #Russia #Ukraine #NBCP
Forwarded from MoD Russia
The Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation possesses the information related to the preparation of provocations by the United States of America in order to accuse the Russian Armed Forces of using chemical, biological or tactical nuclear weapons. This plan has already been developed and represents a response to the success of Russia in conducting the special military operation.
▫️Only in March and April senior officials of the Western countries have been making regular provocative ‘warning’ statements. The mass media propagate the points about the possibility of using weapons of mass destructions by Russia.
▫️For example, the National Security Advisor J.Sullivan has commented on Biden’s words that the USA “in kind” to the possible use of weapons of mass destructions by our country. And on February 27 the American permanent representative to the UN Greenfield announced an intention of Russia to use any instruments ‘under a false flag’, including chemical and biological weapons for intimidating the Ukrainian population and the international community.
▫️Against this background, the US State Department considered positively the transfer of up to 400 sets of personal protection equipment, 390 NBC reconnaissance devices and 15 ‘Stryker’ reconnaissance vehicles.
📑 Full text of the Briefing on a provocation against the Russian Federation prepared by the USA and NATO with the accusation of using nuclear, biological and chemical weapons
#MoD #Russia #Ukraine #NBCP
▫️Only in March and April senior officials of the Western countries have been making regular provocative ‘warning’ statements. The mass media propagate the points about the possibility of using weapons of mass destructions by Russia.
▫️For example, the National Security Advisor J.Sullivan has commented on Biden’s words that the USA “in kind” to the possible use of weapons of mass destructions by our country. And on February 27 the American permanent representative to the UN Greenfield announced an intention of Russia to use any instruments ‘under a false flag’, including chemical and biological weapons for intimidating the Ukrainian population and the international community.
▫️Against this background, the US State Department considered positively the transfer of up to 400 sets of personal protection equipment, 390 NBC reconnaissance devices and 15 ‘Stryker’ reconnaissance vehicles.
📑 Full text of the Briefing on a provocation against the Russian Federation prepared by the USA and NATO with the accusation of using nuclear, biological and chemical weapons
#MoD #Russia #Ukraine #NBCP
Forwarded from MoD Russia
Staged use of WMD is aimed at accusing Russia of using prohibited weapons with the subsequent implementation of the so-called «Syrian scenario», in which the state is subjected to economic and political isolation, as well as exclusion from international organizations, including the UN Security Council.
▫️A possible way forward is to put pressure on the countries loyal to and friendly to the Russian Federation, including India and China, to compel them to impose sanctions on our country.
❗️We would like to recall that the Russian Federation completely destroyed its chemical arsenal on September 27, 2017, which is confirmed by an OPCW certificate. In turn, the United States, with its strong financial, economic and technical potential, is the only country party to the Chemical Weapons Convention that still possesses an impressive arsenal of chemical warfare agents (672.5 tons).
▫️CIA Director Burns' statement about Russia's possible use of tactical nuclear weapons is absurd. With the current level of technical equipment of the international nuclear test monitoring system, it is impossible to conceal the use of such weapons. If the CIA director does not understand this, then he is either unprofessional, or he is being misled.
▫️The biological weapons programs in the USSR were completely phased out in 1972. At the same time, the number of U.S. biological laboratories is incomparable to other countries. According to the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Washington controls 336 laboratories in 30 countries, which is of great concern.
📑 Full text of the Briefing on a provocation against the Russian Federation prepared by the USA and NATO with the accusation of using nuclear, biological and chemical weapons
#MoD #Russia #Ukraine #NBCP
▫️A possible way forward is to put pressure on the countries loyal to and friendly to the Russian Federation, including India and China, to compel them to impose sanctions on our country.
❗️We would like to recall that the Russian Federation completely destroyed its chemical arsenal on September 27, 2017, which is confirmed by an OPCW certificate. In turn, the United States, with its strong financial, economic and technical potential, is the only country party to the Chemical Weapons Convention that still possesses an impressive arsenal of chemical warfare agents (672.5 tons).
▫️CIA Director Burns' statement about Russia's possible use of tactical nuclear weapons is absurd. With the current level of technical equipment of the international nuclear test monitoring system, it is impossible to conceal the use of such weapons. If the CIA director does not understand this, then he is either unprofessional, or he is being misled.
▫️The biological weapons programs in the USSR were completely phased out in 1972. At the same time, the number of U.S. biological laboratories is incomparable to other countries. According to the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Washington controls 336 laboratories in 30 countries, which is of great concern.
📑 Full text of the Briefing on a provocation against the Russian Federation prepared by the USA and NATO with the accusation of using nuclear, biological and chemical weapons
#MoD #Russia #Ukraine #NBCP
Forwarded from MoD Russia
To date, the United States is the only state in world history that has used all three types of weapons of mass destruction.
▫️The dropped nuclear bombs during the Second World War on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the use of toxic chemicals in Vietnam and Iraq - all these crimes were not properly assessed by relevant international organizations.
❗️Thus, in an attempt to discredit the special military operation of the Russian troops, the Kiev regime, at the suggestion of the American administration, is able to implement scenarios in the near future that will lead to the death of tens of thousands of Ukrainian citizens and cause an environmental and humanitarian catastrophe.
📑 Full text of the Briefing on a provocation against the Russian Federation prepared by the USA and NATO with the accusation of using nuclear, biological and chemical weapons
#MoD #Russia #Ukraine #NBCP
▫️The dropped nuclear bombs during the Second World War on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the use of toxic chemicals in Vietnam and Iraq - all these crimes were not properly assessed by relevant international organizations.
❗️Thus, in an attempt to discredit the special military operation of the Russian troops, the Kiev regime, at the suggestion of the American administration, is able to implement scenarios in the near future that will lead to the death of tens of thousands of Ukrainian citizens and cause an environmental and humanitarian catastrophe.
📑 Full text of the Briefing on a provocation against the Russian Federation prepared by the USA and NATO with the accusation of using nuclear, biological and chemical weapons
#MoD #Russia #Ukraine #NBCP
Forwarded from Мария Захарова
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Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
Media is too big
#See4Yourself & #Think4Yourself
📽 Watch (with ENG subs) the documentary by Russian journalist Andrei Medvedev #Donbass to learn more about the tragedy of the region, the horrors of the past 8 years under constant attacks by the Kiev regime, killings of civilians, murder of children. All the things the Western mainstream media has so resolutely turned a blind eye to, ignoring or even laughing at the human suffering.
Learn the story of Donbass and its people.
📽 Watch (with ENG subs) the documentary by Russian journalist Andrei Medvedev #Donbass to learn more about the tragedy of the region, the horrors of the past 8 years under constant attacks by the Kiev regime, killings of civilians, murder of children. All the things the Western mainstream media has so resolutely turned a blind eye to, ignoring or even laughing at the human suffering.
Learn the story of Donbass and its people.
🔴Читайте отрывки из выступления А.К.Лукашевича «О продолжающихся преступлениях Украины
против гражданского населения
при поддержке западного альянса государств-участников ОБСЕ», (заседание Постоянного совета ОБСЕ, 22 апреля 2022 года):
➖Западные страны продолжают разжигать конфронтацию на 🇺🇦 Украине не только поставками вооружений 💣, но и прямой военной подготовкой украинских вооружённых формирований с помощью своих инструкторов. Иностранные наёмники напрямую участвуют в боевых действиях
➖Большую обеспокоенность вызывают сообщения о вскрывающихся неприглядных обстоятельствах вовлечённости персонала и активов бывшей Спецмониторинговой миссии ОБСЕ на Украине (СММ) в военное противостояние.
➖В конце февраля боевики «Азова» завладели восемью служебными автомобилями СММ с символикой ОБСЕ. Одна из машин явно поучаствовала в боевых действиях. Почему Секретариат и Действующее председательство продолжают хранить молчание по этому поводу?
➖Крайне озабочены информацией о возможном вовлечении ряда местных сотрудников СММ ОБСЕ в шпионаж в интересах 🇺🇦 Украины. Отмечаем, что следственные органы ДНР и ЛНР начали в этой связи расследование. Подобные факты, в случае подтверждения, подрывают авторитет всей ОБСЕ.
➖Российские военные получают всё больше информации об опасной деятельности биологических лабораторий на Украине, напрямую курировавшихся Пентагоном. Речь идёт о множественных свидетельствах нарушений конвенции о запрещении биооружия.
➖Изучались крупные реки Украины, чтобы установить наличие особо опасных патогенов и сделать выводы о возможности их распространения водным путем.
➖С 2019 по 2021 гг. американские ученые из лаборатории в Мерефе (Харьковская область) испытывали потенциально опасные биологические препараты на пациентах областной клинической психиатрической больницы №3 в Харькове.
➖9 марта в Херсонской области найдены беспилотники с 30-литровыми ёмкостями и оборудованием для распыления химических веществ.
➖За последние годы на реализацию биологических проектов на 🇺🇦 проектов Вашингтоном было израсходовано более 350 млн. долларов. Американских кураторов, прежде всего, интересовали исследования, имеющие двойное назначение, и направленые на изучение потенциальных агентов биологического оружия.
➖Результаты проведенных работ могут быть использованы для создания неблагоприятной биологической обстановки не только на территории России, но и в акватории Черного и Азовского морей, а также в странах Восточной Европы – Белоруссии, Молдавии, Польше.
против гражданского населения
при поддержке западного альянса государств-участников ОБСЕ», (заседание Постоянного совета ОБСЕ, 22 апреля 2022 года):
➖Западные страны продолжают разжигать конфронтацию на 🇺🇦 Украине не только поставками вооружений 💣, но и прямой военной подготовкой украинских вооружённых формирований с помощью своих инструкторов. Иностранные наёмники напрямую участвуют в боевых действиях
➖Большую обеспокоенность вызывают сообщения о вскрывающихся неприглядных обстоятельствах вовлечённости персонала и активов бывшей Спецмониторинговой миссии ОБСЕ на Украине (СММ) в военное противостояние.
➖В конце февраля боевики «Азова» завладели восемью служебными автомобилями СММ с символикой ОБСЕ. Одна из машин явно поучаствовала в боевых действиях. Почему Секретариат и Действующее председательство продолжают хранить молчание по этому поводу?
➖Крайне озабочены информацией о возможном вовлечении ряда местных сотрудников СММ ОБСЕ в шпионаж в интересах 🇺🇦 Украины. Отмечаем, что следственные органы ДНР и ЛНР начали в этой связи расследование. Подобные факты, в случае подтверждения, подрывают авторитет всей ОБСЕ.
➖Российские военные получают всё больше информации об опасной деятельности биологических лабораторий на Украине, напрямую курировавшихся Пентагоном. Речь идёт о множественных свидетельствах нарушений конвенции о запрещении биооружия.
➖Изучались крупные реки Украины, чтобы установить наличие особо опасных патогенов и сделать выводы о возможности их распространения водным путем.
➖С 2019 по 2021 гг. американские ученые из лаборатории в Мерефе (Харьковская область) испытывали потенциально опасные биологические препараты на пациентах областной клинической психиатрической больницы №3 в Харькове.
➖9 марта в Херсонской области найдены беспилотники с 30-литровыми ёмкостями и оборудованием для распыления химических веществ.
➖За последние годы на реализацию биологических проектов на 🇺🇦 проектов Вашингтоном было израсходовано более 350 млн. долларов. Американских кураторов, прежде всего, интересовали исследования, имеющие двойное назначение, и направленые на изучение потенциальных агентов биологического оружия.
➖Результаты проведенных работ могут быть использованы для создания неблагоприятной биологической обстановки не только на территории России, но и в акватории Черного и Азовского морей, а также в странах Восточной Европы – Белоруссии, Молдавии, Польше.
Выступления и интервью Постпреда
А.К.Лукашевич о продолжающихся преступлениях Украины против гражданского населения при поддержке западного альянса государств-участников ОБСЕ, 22 апреля 2022 года Печать А.К.Лукашевич о продолжающихся преступлениях Украины против гражданского населения при…
🔴Read extracts from the statement of the Russian Permanent Representative to the OSCE Alexander Lukashevich “On the continuing crimes of Ukraine against civilians
with the support of the Western Alliance of OSCE participating States”, (meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council, 22 April 2022):
➖Western countries continue to foment confrontation in 🇺🇦 Ukraine not only by supplying weapons 💣, but also by direct military training of Ukrainian armed forces with the help of their instructors. Foreign mercenaries are directly involved in hostilities
➖Reports of emerging circumstances involving the personnel and assets of the former OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM) in the military confrontation are very disturbing
➖In late February, Azov militants took possession of eight SMM official vehicles bearing OSCE symbols. One of the cars obviously took part in the hostilities. Why do the Secretariat and the Chairmanship-in-Office continue to remain silent on this issue?
➖The information about the possible involvement of a number of OSCE SMM local employees in espionage in the interests of 🇺🇦 Ukraine is extremely concerning. We note that the authorities of the DPR and LPR have launched an investigation in this regard. Such facts, if confirmed, undermine the credibility of the entire OSCE
➖The Russian military is receiving more and more information about the dangerous activities of biological laboratories in 🇺🇦 Ukraine, directly supervised by the Pentagon. We are talking about multiple evidence of violations of the Convention on the Prohibition of Bioweapons
➖Large rivers of 🇺🇦 Ukraine were studied to establish the presence of especially dangerous pathogens and draw conclusions about the possibility of their spread by water
➖From 2019 to 2021 🇺🇸 American scientists from the laboratory in Merefa (Kharkov region) tested potentially dangerous biological substances on patients of the regional psychiatric hospital No.3 in Kharkov
➖On March 9, drones with 30-liter containers and equipment for spraying chemicals were found in the Kherson region
➖In recent years, more than $350 million have been spent by Washington on the implementation of biological projects for 🇺🇦 projects. American supervisors, first of all, were interested in research that has a dual purpose and is aimed at studying potential agents of biological weapons
➖The results of this work can be used to create an unfavorable biological environment not only in Russia, but also in the waters of the Black and Azov Seas, as well as in Eastern Europe - Belarus, Moldova, Poland
with the support of the Western Alliance of OSCE participating States”, (meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council, 22 April 2022):
➖Western countries continue to foment confrontation in 🇺🇦 Ukraine not only by supplying weapons 💣, but also by direct military training of Ukrainian armed forces with the help of their instructors. Foreign mercenaries are directly involved in hostilities
➖Reports of emerging circumstances involving the personnel and assets of the former OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM) in the military confrontation are very disturbing
➖In late February, Azov militants took possession of eight SMM official vehicles bearing OSCE symbols. One of the cars obviously took part in the hostilities. Why do the Secretariat and the Chairmanship-in-Office continue to remain silent on this issue?
➖The information about the possible involvement of a number of OSCE SMM local employees in espionage in the interests of 🇺🇦 Ukraine is extremely concerning. We note that the authorities of the DPR and LPR have launched an investigation in this regard. Such facts, if confirmed, undermine the credibility of the entire OSCE
➖The Russian military is receiving more and more information about the dangerous activities of biological laboratories in 🇺🇦 Ukraine, directly supervised by the Pentagon. We are talking about multiple evidence of violations of the Convention on the Prohibition of Bioweapons
➖Large rivers of 🇺🇦 Ukraine were studied to establish the presence of especially dangerous pathogens and draw conclusions about the possibility of their spread by water
➖From 2019 to 2021 🇺🇸 American scientists from the laboratory in Merefa (Kharkov region) tested potentially dangerous biological substances on patients of the regional psychiatric hospital No.3 in Kharkov
➖On March 9, drones with 30-liter containers and equipment for spraying chemicals were found in the Kherson region
➖In recent years, more than $350 million have been spent by Washington on the implementation of biological projects for 🇺🇦 projects. American supervisors, first of all, were interested in research that has a dual purpose and is aimed at studying potential agents of biological weapons
➖The results of this work can be used to create an unfavorable biological environment not only in Russia, but also in the waters of the Black and Azov Seas, as well as in Eastern Europe - Belarus, Moldova, Poland
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🇷🇺🇨🇦 Russia's Ambassador to Canada Oleg Stepanov's Article "We know the truth and not afraid of it. Do and are you?" in response to the op-ed by Gwynne Dyer in the Hill Times.
💬 The story served by Mr. Dyer in his op-ed denigrating the Red Army is based on the false narrative invented on the terminal stage of the War in Europe by the Nazi Goebbels propaganda machine. And after the fall of Nazi Germany the story was re-launched with a doubled effort by the U.S. military intelligence and the CIA in coordination with the notorious Gehlen Organization (comprised of ‘rehabilitated’ Nazis, RHSA, Abwehr and SS officers) to confront Russia/Soviet Union <...>
My country lost to the WWII 27 million lives including about 15 million non-military toll – all civilian victims of the genocide unleashed by the German occupants supported by practically all of continental Europe that either joined the Nazis on the battlefields or economically sustained their fight. No other country in the world, with the exception of China, suffered on such a large scale during the war <...>
Let me be clear. I am personally against sweeping generalizations, but here providing a snap picture of the historical perception within Russian society. We understand that on a philosophical level the denigration of Russia emanates not simply from the strategic need of propaganda and information warfare. It is deeply rooted in the farthest corner of the Western soul. Every time it alleges Russia is committing atrocities, the West attempts to conceal in a secret room its own sins and liberate itself from guilt for its dark past. By demonizing us the West is trying to escape the shame it feels looking at its own reflection in the mirror.
What is the ‘dark past’, you’ll ask? The total genocide of the indigenous peoples of what now is known as the United States. The disgraceful and bloody history of colonialism by the British Empire (of which Canada was a part) – as a result millions and millions of dead, enslaved, tortured, harassed, traumatized. The list of others is long and well documented <...>
Russia and Russians won’t be hurt by the allegations in fake atrocities. We know those are lies. We also know that this article won’t change the views of those who on purpose or unwillingly in ignorance against the backdrop of the current historic moment are pouring on the Ukrainian propagandist mill to retrospectively reproduce the historical fakes.
However, our chief concern is that such narrative warfare is targeting Canadian audience in attempt to distort the real picture by intentionally falsifying history.
On the other hand, we also know that people of Canada whose grandfathers fought alongside my compatriots to liberate the world from Nazism are thoughtful and in terms of critical analysis can tell the truth from the lie. That is of high value especially on the eve of commemorating the upcoming anniversary of the Victory in the war in Europe celebrated on May 8th in Canada and on May 9th in Russia.
💬 The story served by Mr. Dyer in his op-ed denigrating the Red Army is based on the false narrative invented on the terminal stage of the War in Europe by the Nazi Goebbels propaganda machine. And after the fall of Nazi Germany the story was re-launched with a doubled effort by the U.S. military intelligence and the CIA in coordination with the notorious Gehlen Organization (comprised of ‘rehabilitated’ Nazis, RHSA, Abwehr and SS officers) to confront Russia/Soviet Union <...>
My country lost to the WWII 27 million lives including about 15 million non-military toll – all civilian victims of the genocide unleashed by the German occupants supported by practically all of continental Europe that either joined the Nazis on the battlefields or economically sustained their fight. No other country in the world, with the exception of China, suffered on such a large scale during the war <...>
Let me be clear. I am personally against sweeping generalizations, but here providing a snap picture of the historical perception within Russian society. We understand that on a philosophical level the denigration of Russia emanates not simply from the strategic need of propaganda and information warfare. It is deeply rooted in the farthest corner of the Western soul. Every time it alleges Russia is committing atrocities, the West attempts to conceal in a secret room its own sins and liberate itself from guilt for its dark past. By demonizing us the West is trying to escape the shame it feels looking at its own reflection in the mirror.
What is the ‘dark past’, you’ll ask? The total genocide of the indigenous peoples of what now is known as the United States. The disgraceful and bloody history of colonialism by the British Empire (of which Canada was a part) – as a result millions and millions of dead, enslaved, tortured, harassed, traumatized. The list of others is long and well documented <...>
Russia and Russians won’t be hurt by the allegations in fake atrocities. We know those are lies. We also know that this article won’t change the views of those who on purpose or unwillingly in ignorance against the backdrop of the current historic moment are pouring on the Ukrainian propagandist mill to retrospectively reproduce the historical fakes.
However, our chief concern is that such narrative warfare is targeting Canadian audience in attempt to distort the real picture by intentionally falsifying history.
On the other hand, we also know that people of Canada whose grandfathers fought alongside my compatriots to liberate the world from Nazism are thoughtful and in terms of critical analysis can tell the truth from the lie. That is of high value especially on the eve of commemorating the upcoming anniversary of the Victory in the war in Europe celebrated on May 8th in Canada and on May 9th in Russia.
We at the Embassy of Russia in Canada respect and love to read The Hill Times. However, the other day, I came across the piece “Ukraine: the impact of the atrocities” by Gwynne Dyer published in April 11, 2022 edition. In the beginning, I was eager to write…
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
💬 Russia's Permanent Representative to the International Organizations in Vienna Ambassador Mikhail Ulyanov:
The Russian Ministry of Defence is right when it points at high probability of provocations in Ukraine involving chemical substances.
🔸 Such provocations and staged incidents have been tested in Syria many times and proved to be very successful.
🔸 There is the need to be vigilant.
💬 Russia's Permanent Representative to the International Organizations in Vienna Ambassador Mikhail Ulyanov:
The Russian Ministry of Defence is right when it points at high probability of provocations in Ukraine involving chemical substances.
🔸 Such provocations and staged incidents have been tested in Syria many times and proved to be very successful.
🔸 There is the need to be vigilant.
Михаил Ульянов
Постоянный представитель Российской Федерации при международных организациях в Вене
Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the International Organizations in Vienna
Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the International Organizations in Vienna
Forwarded from Минобороны России
❗️ По имеющейся достоверной информации, в канун Светлого праздника Пасхи киевский режим готовит циничные провокации для дискредитации Украинской православной церкви Московского патриархата. Так, епископами украинской греко-католической церкви получены рекомендации от офиса президента В.Зеленского: «в ночь с 23 на 24 апреля не проводить традиционные пасхальные празднования, заменив их онлайн-трансляцией богослужения в храмах».
◽️ При этом в адрес Украинской Православной Церкви Московского Патриархата данные уведомления умышленно не высылались с целью организации массового скопления верующих в храмах УПЦ МП. Провокационные действия осуществляются на фоне проводимой киевским режимом в украинских СМИ кампании по обвинению России в якобы организации «ракетных обстрелов религиозных объектов», в том числе Святогорской Лавры.
◽️ Преднамеренно создаётся ситуация, при которой любой специально спровоцированный СБУ инцидент в переполненных сегодня храмах УПЦ МП будет максимально использован для усугубления раскольнической политики Киева и активизации новой волны русофобии на Украине и за рубежом.
📄 Полный текст заявления Межведомственного координационного штаба по гуманитарному реагированию
#Минобороны #Россия #Украина @mod_russia
◽️ При этом в адрес Украинской Православной Церкви Московского Патриархата данные уведомления умышленно не высылались с целью организации массового скопления верующих в храмах УПЦ МП. Провокационные действия осуществляются на фоне проводимой киевским режимом в украинских СМИ кампании по обвинению России в якобы организации «ракетных обстрелов религиозных объектов», в том числе Святогорской Лавры.
◽️ Преднамеренно создаётся ситуация, при которой любой специально спровоцированный СБУ инцидент в переполненных сегодня храмах УПЦ МП будет максимально использован для усугубления раскольнической политики Киева и активизации новой волны русофобии на Украине и за рубежом.
📄 Полный текст заявления Межведомственного координационного штаба по гуманитарному реагированию
#Минобороны #Россия #Украина @mod_russia
Forwarded from Минобороны России
❗️ В районе одесского порта «Южный» спецслужбами Украины планируется провокация с применением ядовитых химических веществ для обвинения российских войск в якобы нанесении ударов по объектам гражданской инфраструктуры.
◽️ Наиболее вероятным сценарием постановки может стать имитация ракетного удара российских Вооруженных Сил по западной военно-морской базе ВМС Украины, в результате которого будет взорван хладокомбинат порта, находящийся в 500 метрах от военного объекта. Для реализации данного сценария на территорию предприятия 18 апреля 2022 г. из Одессы доставлена цистерна с аммиаком (10 тонн), а сотрудникам правоохранительных органов и спецслужб в Одесской области выданы индивидуальные средства защиты.
📄 Полный текст заявления Межведомственного координационного штаба по гуманитарному реагированию
#Минобороны #Россия #Украина @mod_russia
◽️ Наиболее вероятным сценарием постановки может стать имитация ракетного удара российских Вооруженных Сил по западной военно-морской базе ВМС Украины, в результате которого будет взорван хладокомбинат порта, находящийся в 500 метрах от военного объекта. Для реализации данного сценария на территорию предприятия 18 апреля 2022 г. из Одессы доставлена цистерна с аммиаком (10 тонн), а сотрудникам правоохранительных органов и спецслужб в Одесской области выданы индивидуальные средства защиты.
📄 Полный текст заявления Межведомственного координационного штаба по гуманитарному реагированию
#Минобороны #Россия #Украина @mod_russia
Forwarded from MoD Russia
❗️According to reliable information, on the eve of the Easter holiday, the Kiev regime is preparing provocations to discredit the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate. Thus, the bishops of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church received recommendations from the office of President V. Zelensky: "on the night of April 23-24, not to hold traditional Easter celebrations, replacing them with an online broadcast of divine services in churches."
▫️At the same time, these notifications were deliberately not sent to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate (hereinafter referred to as the UOC–MP) in order to organize a mass gathering of believers in the churches of the UOC-MP. The provocative actions are carried out against the background of the campaign carried out by the Kiev regime in the Ukrainian media to accuse Russia of allegedly organizing "rocket attacks on religious sites," including the Svyatogorsk Lavra.
▫️A situation is being deliberately created in which any incident specially provoked by the SSU in the churches of the UOC-MP crowded today will be used to the maximum to aggravate Kiev's divisive policy and activate a new wave of Russophobia in Ukraine and abroad.
📄 Full text of the Statement of the Joint Coordination Headquarters for Humanitarian Response
#MoD #Russia #Ukraine #HumanitarianResponse
▫️At the same time, these notifications were deliberately not sent to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate (hereinafter referred to as the UOC–MP) in order to organize a mass gathering of believers in the churches of the UOC-MP. The provocative actions are carried out against the background of the campaign carried out by the Kiev regime in the Ukrainian media to accuse Russia of allegedly organizing "rocket attacks on religious sites," including the Svyatogorsk Lavra.
▫️A situation is being deliberately created in which any incident specially provoked by the SSU in the churches of the UOC-MP crowded today will be used to the maximum to aggravate Kiev's divisive policy and activate a new wave of Russophobia in Ukraine and abroad.
📄 Full text of the Statement of the Joint Coordination Headquarters for Humanitarian Response
#MoD #Russia #Ukraine #HumanitarianResponse
Forwarded from MoD Russia
❗️In the area of the Odessa port "Yuzhny", the special services of Ukraine are planning a provocation with the use of toxic chemicals to accuse Russian troops of allegedly striking civilian infrastructure facilities.
▫️The most likely scenario of the staging may be an imitation of a missile strike by the Russian Armed Forces on the western naval base of the Ukrainian Navy, as a result of which the port's cooling plant, located 500 meters from the military facility, will be blown up. To implement this scenario, a tank with ammonia (10 tons) was delivered from Odessa to the territory of the enterprise on April 18, 2022, and personal protective equipment was issued to law enforcement and special services in the Odessa region.
📄 Full text of the Statement of the Joint Coordination Headquarters for Humanitarian Response
#MoD #Russia #Ukraine #HumanitarianResponse
▫️The most likely scenario of the staging may be an imitation of a missile strike by the Russian Armed Forces on the western naval base of the Ukrainian Navy, as a result of which the port's cooling plant, located 500 meters from the military facility, will be blown up. To implement this scenario, a tank with ammonia (10 tons) was delivered from Odessa to the territory of the enterprise on April 18, 2022, and personal protective equipment was issued to law enforcement and special services in the Odessa region.
📄 Full text of the Statement of the Joint Coordination Headquarters for Humanitarian Response
#MoD #Russia #Ukraine #HumanitarianResponse
Forwarded from 🇷🇺Arms Control Delegation in Vienna
‼️According to reliable information, on the eve of the #Easter holiday, the #Kiev regime is preparing provocations to discredit the 🇺🇦 #Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate.
⭕️The bishops of the 🇺🇦 Greek Catholic Church received recommendations from the office of President V. #Zelensky: "on the night of April 23-24, not to hold traditional Easter celebrations, replacing them with an online broadcast of divine services in churches."
⭕️These notifications were deliberately not sent to the 🇺🇦 Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate in order to organize a mass gathering of believers in the churches.
⭕️A situation is being deliberately created in which any incident specially provoked by the SSU in the churches of the UOC-MP crowded today will be used to the maximum to aggravate Kiev's divisive policy and activate a new wave of Russophobia in Ukraine and abroad.
🔎Read the whole Statement of the Joint Coordination Headquarters of the Russian Federation for Humanitarian Response, April 23, 2022.
⭕️The bishops of the 🇺🇦 Greek Catholic Church received recommendations from the office of President V. #Zelensky: "on the night of April 23-24, not to hold traditional Easter celebrations, replacing them with an online broadcast of divine services in churches."
⭕️These notifications were deliberately not sent to the 🇺🇦 Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate in order to organize a mass gathering of believers in the churches.
⭕️A situation is being deliberately created in which any incident specially provoked by the SSU in the churches of the UOC-MP crowded today will be used to the maximum to aggravate Kiev's divisive policy and activate a new wave of Russophobia in Ukraine and abroad.
🔎Read the whole Statement of the Joint Coordination Headquarters of the Russian Federation for Humanitarian Response, April 23, 2022.
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
#Opinion by Maria Zakharova
Key points
🔹 The report published by the Russian Ministry of Defence today clearly proves that Washington, in close coordination with its NATO partners, has reached the final stage of setting up provocations in Ukraine aimed at convincing the international community that “Russia has been using weapons-grade poisonous substances and biological agents.”
🔹 Their rationale is obvious: the shocking details of the illegal cooperation between the United States and the Ukrainian administration which still remains in power in making bacteriological weapons have been revealed to the world. The realisation that their criminal activities would inevitably be exposed was so patently clear that Washington began to prepare in advance:
👉 Shaped public opinion
👉 Picked the contractors
👉 Worked to influence international organisations
🔹 The Americans and their partners in Europe take no notice of the fact that Russia has had no chemical weapons at all for five years – since September 27, 2017, and this has been verified by the OPCW. The Ukrainians, aided by NATO specialists, are to remedy this flaw in the American plans crudely enough: just as corrupt police officers plant a weapon with prints on an innocent suspect, Washington and Kiev are going to plant chemical weapons at the Russian Armed Forces’ positions in Ukraine.
👉 This is more than serious. Clearly, the original US plan was to step up economic pressure on Russia to make it reconsider its legitimate security interests. That didn’t work. Now the US is going to use WMD; in fact, this is a game that crosses the red line. If this happens, the number of victims will be incalculable. Each of them will be on the conscience of the American strategists sitting in the White House, the State Department and the Pentagon, and on the conscience of their puppets in Kiev, if they still have any left.
Key points
🔹 The report published by the Russian Ministry of Defence today clearly proves that Washington, in close coordination with its NATO partners, has reached the final stage of setting up provocations in Ukraine aimed at convincing the international community that “Russia has been using weapons-grade poisonous substances and biological agents.”
🔹 Their rationale is obvious: the shocking details of the illegal cooperation between the United States and the Ukrainian administration which still remains in power in making bacteriological weapons have been revealed to the world. The realisation that their criminal activities would inevitably be exposed was so patently clear that Washington began to prepare in advance:
👉 Shaped public opinion
👉 Picked the contractors
👉 Worked to influence international organisations
🔹 The Americans and their partners in Europe take no notice of the fact that Russia has had no chemical weapons at all for five years – since September 27, 2017, and this has been verified by the OPCW. The Ukrainians, aided by NATO specialists, are to remedy this flaw in the American plans crudely enough: just as corrupt police officers plant a weapon with prints on an innocent suspect, Washington and Kiev are going to plant chemical weapons at the Russian Armed Forces’ positions in Ukraine.
👉 This is more than serious. Clearly, the original US plan was to step up economic pressure on Russia to make it reconsider its legitimate security interests. That didn’t work. Now the US is going to use WMD; in fact, this is a game that crosses the red line. If this happens, the number of victims will be incalculable. Each of them will be on the conscience of the American strategists sitting in the White House, the State Department and the Pentagon, and on the conscience of their puppets in Kiev, if they still have any left.
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
Russian President Vladimir Putin greeted Orthodox Christians and all Russians celebrating Easter Sunday ☦️
💬 President Vladimir #Putin: This Feast of feasts, Easter brings Orthodox Christians and all Russians celebrating Easter Sunday together around high moral ideals and values, inspiring the best in people, as well as belief in the triumph of life, goodness and justice.
It is important that we note the creative, positive and fruitful efforts by the Russian Orthodox Church and other Christian denominations to preserve our rich historical, cultural and spiritual traditions, as well as to promote family values and educate the younger generation. Of course, Christian organisations deserve special credit for their community service and charity undertakings, and their commitment to helping those in need of care and support in these challenging times.
💬 President Vladimir #Putin: This Feast of feasts, Easter brings Orthodox Christians and all Russians celebrating Easter Sunday together around high moral ideals and values, inspiring the best in people, as well as belief in the triumph of life, goodness and justice.
It is important that we note the creative, positive and fruitful efforts by the Russian Orthodox Church and other Christian denominations to preserve our rich historical, cultural and spiritual traditions, as well as to promote family values and educate the younger generation. Of course, Christian organisations deserve special credit for their community service and charity undertakings, and their commitment to helping those in need of care and support in these challenging times.
Forwarded from Кремль. Новости
Эммануэль Макрон переизбран Президентом Франции. Владимир Путин направил поздравительную телеграмму
«Искренне желаю Вам успехов в государственной деятельности, а также крепкого здоровья и благополучия», – отметил в поздравлении глава Российского государства.
«Искренне желаю Вам успехов в государственной деятельности, а также крепкого здоровья и благополучия», – отметил в поздравлении глава Российского государства.
Forwarded from Минобороны России
⚡️ Срочное заявление Межведомственного координационного штаба Российской Федерации по гуманитарному реагированию
◽️ Руководство Российской Федерации еще раз подтверждает ранее открытый и постоянно действующий уже 36-е сутки (с 21 марта 2022 г.) круглосуточный гуманитарный коридор из металлургического комбината «Азовсталь» для эвакуации гражданских лиц (рабочего персонала, женщин и детей), о якобы нахождении которых в подземных сооружениях комбината публично заявляют киевские власти.
◽️ При этом, руководствуясь чисто гуманными принципами, Вооруженные Силы России и формирования Донецкой Народной Республики с 14:00 (мск) 25 апреля 2022 г. в одностороннем порядке прекращают любые боевые действия, подразделения отводятся на безопасное расстояние и обеспечивают вывод указанной категории граждан в любых избранных ими направлениях.
◽️ Фактическая готовность украинской стороны к началу гуманитарной операции обозначается поднятием белых флагов по всему периметру или на отдельных направлениях «Азовстали».
◽️ Российская Федерация публично и официально заявляет, что для выхода мирных жителей из «Азовстали» никаких препятствий нет, за исключением принципиального решения самих киевских властей и командиров националистических формирований продолжать удерживать мирных граждан в качестве «живого щита».
◽️ В случае, если мирные граждане все-таки находятся на металлургическом комбинате, то мы категорически требуем от киевских властей немедленно отдать соответствующий приказ командирам националистических формирований для их освобождения.
◽️ Указанное заявление будет непрерывно доводиться украинским формированиям на «Азовстали» по радиоканалам с интервалом каждые 30 минут.
◽️ По оперативным каналам связи это заявление немедленно доводится украинской стороне через вице-премьера правительства Украины Верещук Ирину Андреевну.
Руководитель Межведомственного координационного штаба Российской Федерации по гуманитарному реагированию – начальник Национального центра управления обороной Российской Федерации генерал-полковник Михаил Мизинцев
#Минобороны #Россия #Украина @mod_russia
◽️ Руководство Российской Федерации еще раз подтверждает ранее открытый и постоянно действующий уже 36-е сутки (с 21 марта 2022 г.) круглосуточный гуманитарный коридор из металлургического комбината «Азовсталь» для эвакуации гражданских лиц (рабочего персонала, женщин и детей), о якобы нахождении которых в подземных сооружениях комбината публично заявляют киевские власти.
◽️ При этом, руководствуясь чисто гуманными принципами, Вооруженные Силы России и формирования Донецкой Народной Республики с 14:00 (мск) 25 апреля 2022 г. в одностороннем порядке прекращают любые боевые действия, подразделения отводятся на безопасное расстояние и обеспечивают вывод указанной категории граждан в любых избранных ими направлениях.
◽️ Фактическая готовность украинской стороны к началу гуманитарной операции обозначается поднятием белых флагов по всему периметру или на отдельных направлениях «Азовстали».
◽️ Российская Федерация публично и официально заявляет, что для выхода мирных жителей из «Азовстали» никаких препятствий нет, за исключением принципиального решения самих киевских властей и командиров националистических формирований продолжать удерживать мирных граждан в качестве «живого щита».
◽️ В случае, если мирные граждане все-таки находятся на металлургическом комбинате, то мы категорически требуем от киевских властей немедленно отдать соответствующий приказ командирам националистических формирований для их освобождения.
◽️ Указанное заявление будет непрерывно доводиться украинским формированиям на «Азовстали» по радиоканалам с интервалом каждые 30 минут.
◽️ По оперативным каналам связи это заявление немедленно доводится украинской стороне через вице-премьера правительства Украины Верещук Ирину Андреевну.
Руководитель Межведомственного координационного штаба Российской Федерации по гуманитарному реагированию – начальник Национального центра управления обороной Российской Федерации генерал-полковник Михаил Мизинцев
#Минобороны #Россия #Украина @mod_russia