Генассамблея ООН ежегодно принимает резолюцию о борьбе с героизацией нацизма, против которой выступает лишь одно-государство-член @UNESCO – 🇺🇦. Резолюция отмечает позитивную роль ЮНЕСКО в борьбе с дискриминацией. Призываем @AAzoulay активизировать усилия по противодействию распространению ксенофобских и неонацистских идей.
🚌Servicemen of the Russian Armed Forces organised evacuation of 138 citizens of the Republic of Turkey and 10 citizens of Ukraine from the Kherson region of Ukraine to the territory of the Russian Federation.
▫️The evacuation was organised in accordance with requests from foreign embassies for assistance in ensuring the safe return of their citizens from the territory of Ukraine.
▫️In all, some 600 foreigners have been transported to the territory of the Republic of Crimea from Kherson region of Ukraine by Russian servicemen since the beginning of the special military operation.
#Russia #Ukraine #HumanitarianResponse #evacuation
▫️The evacuation was organised in accordance with requests from foreign embassies for assistance in ensuring the safe return of their citizens from the territory of Ukraine.
▫️In all, some 600 foreigners have been transported to the territory of the Republic of Crimea from Kherson region of Ukraine by Russian servicemen since the beginning of the special military operation.
#Russia #Ukraine #HumanitarianResponse #evacuation
Some Ukrainian Telegram channels are spreading a rumour that Russian troops in Severodonetsk destroyed a food storage because they wanted to leave civilians without food.
No food of any kind was stored in that particular warehouse for a long time. Ukrainian nationalists were using it as an ammunition depot. But such a disguise did not work – the building was destroyed.
#MoD #Russia #Ukraine #FakeNews
Some Ukrainian Telegram channels are spreading a rumour that Russian troops in Severodonetsk destroyed a food storage because they wanted to leave civilians without food.
No food of any kind was stored in that particular warehouse for a long time. Ukrainian nationalists were using it as an ammunition depot. But such a disguise did not work – the building was destroyed.
#MoD #Russia #Ukraine #FakeNews
💬 Российские военные делают все, чтобы избежать жертв среди мирного населения – не наносят ударов по гражданским объектам, ежедневно открывают гуманитарные коридоры, помогают людям покинуть опасные районы.
По состоянию на 28 марта, с начала операции из Украины, ДНР и ЛHP были эвакуированы 469 тысяч чел., в т.ч. 97 тысяч детей. На российской территории работают 9,5 тысяч пунктов временного размещения беженцев. Россия организует доставку в республики Донбасса и на Украину гуманитарной помощи, предметов первой необходимости, медикаментов и продуктов питания. Со 2 марта было доставлено более 5 тысяч тонн российских гуманитарных грузов.
По состоянию на 28 марта, с начала операции из Украины, ДНР и ЛHP были эвакуированы 469 тысяч чел., в т.ч. 97 тысяч детей. На российской территории работают 9,5 тысяч пунктов временного размещения беженцев. Россия организует доставку в республики Донбасса и на Украину гуманитарной помощи, предметов первой необходимости, медикаментов и продуктов питания. Со 2 марта было доставлено более 5 тысяч тонн российских гуманитарных грузов.
🇧🇷🇺🇦 «Мы знаем, что вероятность убийства журналистов украинцами, а не русскими, очень высока»: бразильский военкор покинул Украину из-за угроз
Бразильский военный корреспондент издания UOL Андре Лион сообщил, что покинул Украину из-за постоянных угроз со стороны ВСУ. Такое решение Лион принял после подписания Зеленским закона, вводящего уголовную ответственность сроком до 12 лет для журналистов, публикации которых привели к ударам ВС РФ по позициям ВСУ.
По словам Лиона, отношение к журналистам со стороны украинских военных и без того было ужасным, но теперь стало опасным для их жизни. После вступления в силу нового закона солдаты терробороны Запорожья затаскали по допросам нескольких журналистов, в том числе американского издания, а в Киеве был прилюдно избит польский фотограф.
Андре Лион считает, что администрация Зеленского целенаправленно криминализирует военкоров, ситуация в целом напоминает ему Сирию:
«В декабре 2011 года, ещё в начале войны в Сирии, меня взяли в плен и избили экстремисты, подозревая в шпионаже. Вчера, поняв что ситуация на Украине будет ухудшаться, что процесс демонизации журналистов вряд ли обратим, я с грустью принял решение покинуть Украину.
С начала войны на Украине погибало по одному журналисту в неделю. Ответственность за их гибель возложили на русские войска, но мы знаем, что вероятность убийства журналистов украинцами, а не русскими, очень высока», — заявил Лион.
Из Киева бразилец выбирался вместе с итальянским журналистом. В 150 км от границы их машину остановили на блокпосте, изъяли мобильные телефоны и отправили на допрос. В настоящее время Андре Лион находится в Польше и надеется вернуться на Украину, где после таких откровений ему светит лишь судьба мученика.
Бразильский военный корреспондент издания UOL Андре Лион сообщил, что покинул Украину из-за постоянных угроз со стороны ВСУ. Такое решение Лион принял после подписания Зеленским закона, вводящего уголовную ответственность сроком до 12 лет для журналистов, публикации которых привели к ударам ВС РФ по позициям ВСУ.
По словам Лиона, отношение к журналистам со стороны украинских военных и без того было ужасным, но теперь стало опасным для их жизни. После вступления в силу нового закона солдаты терробороны Запорожья затаскали по допросам нескольких журналистов, в том числе американского издания, а в Киеве был прилюдно избит польский фотограф.
Андре Лион считает, что администрация Зеленского целенаправленно криминализирует военкоров, ситуация в целом напоминает ему Сирию:
«В декабре 2011 года, ещё в начале войны в Сирии, меня взяли в плен и избили экстремисты, подозревая в шпионаже. Вчера, поняв что ситуация на Украине будет ухудшаться, что процесс демонизации журналистов вряд ли обратим, я с грустью принял решение покинуть Украину.
С начала войны на Украине погибало по одному журналисту в неделю. Ответственность за их гибель возложили на русские войска, но мы знаем, что вероятность убийства журналистов украинцами, а не русскими, очень высока», — заявил Лион.
Из Киева бразилец выбирался вместе с итальянским журналистом. В 150 км от границы их машину остановили на блокпосте, изъяли мобильные телефоны и отправили на допрос. В настоящее время Андре Лион находится в Польше и надеется вернуться на Украину, где после таких откровений ему светит лишь судьба мученика.
Ответ Марьяны Наумовой Арнольду Шварценеггеру https://telegra.ph/Otvet-Maryany-Naumovy-Arnoldu-SHvarceneggeru-03-21
️Ответ Марьяны Наумовой Арнольду Шварценеггеру.
Марьяна Наумова, российская спортсменка в пауэрлифтинге, обладатель мировых рекордов и призёр чемпионатов мира. Господин Шварценеггер! Я уверена, что Вы меня помните. В 2015 году на турнире Арнольд Классик в США я, пятнадцатилетняя девочка из России, установила…
Maryana Naumova responds to Arnold Schwarzenegger https://telegra.ph/Maryana-Naumova-responds-to-Arnold-Schwarzenegger-03-21
Maryana Naumova responds to Arnold Schwarzenegger
Maryana Naumova's (renowned Russian powerlifter, World champion with 15 world records in her age category) response to the "video address" by Arnold Schwarzenegger. 💬 Dear Mr Schwarzenegger! I’m sure you remember me. In 2015, at the Arnold Classic competition…
Media is too big
Fake: Russian soldiers gunned down civilians in Chernigov.
Fact: it was a Ukrainian provocation
Fact: it was a Ukrainian provocation
Media is too big
Fake: Russian military blew up Mariupol theatre sheltering civilians.
Fact: the theatre was bombed by Ukraine's Azov batallion
Fact: the theatre was bombed by Ukraine's Azov batallion
28 марта состоялась отправка второго конвоя Управления ООН по координации гуманитарных вопросов (УКГВ) из г.Днепра в г.Харьков с участием следующих специализированных международных агентств – Управления Верховного комиссара ООН по делам беженцев (УВКБ), Всемирной продовольственной программы (ВПП), Всемирной организации здравоохранения (ВОЗ) и Детского фонда ООН (ЮНИСЕФ). В ходе данной акции были доставлены и распределены среди нуждающихся порядка 100 тонн необходимой помощи, включая продовольствие, лекарства, медицинские принадлежности, предметы первой необходимости.
Отмечаем, что эта и другие гуманитарные операции ООН осуществляются в рамках налаженного механизма прямого взаимодействия между представителями УКГВ ООН и Минобороны России. В Москве придают большое значение оказанию комплексного гуманитарного содействия гражданскому населению Украины, Донецкой и Луганской народных республик без политизации и при обеспечении надлежащего уровня безопасности. Ключевую роль в этой связи отводим продолжению и развитию координации с ООН и другими профильными
Отмечаем, что эта и другие гуманитарные операции ООН осуществляются в рамках налаженного механизма прямого взаимодействия между представителями УКГВ ООН и Минобороны России. В Москве придают большое значение оказанию комплексного гуманитарного содействия гражданскому населению Украины, Донецкой и Луганской народных республик без политизации и при обеспечении надлежащего уровня безопасности. Ключевую роль в этой связи отводим продолжению и развитию координации с ООН и другими профильными
Sergey Lavrov: We consider yesterday’s talks in Istanbul a positive move forward, but it is not the final result yet. I think there is considerable progress because the Ukrainian negotiators confirmed the need to ensure Ukraine’s non-nuclear and non-aligned status and because our Ukrainian colleagues understand that the issues of Crimea and Donbass have been irrevocably settled.
💬С.В.Лавров: Считаю прогрессом то, что украинские переговорщики подтвердили необходимость обеспечения неядерного, внеблокового статуса Украины и своей безопасности вне рамок НАТО, как и понимание того, что вопросы Крыма и Донбасса окончательно решены.
❗ Киевский режим использует культовые сооружения и места общественного богослужения в качестве пунктов сбора и переправки оружия и нацистов для участия в боевых действиях.
📸 @mod_russia
Подробнее 👉 https://t.co/MfBqxTXWFZ https://t.co/n2SgFsL5wr
📸 @mod_russia
Подробнее 👉 https://t.co/MfBqxTXWFZ https://t.co/n2SgFsL5wr
Первый заместитель Постоянного представителя России при ООН Д.А.Полянский: Вы же знаете кто такой Степан Бандера и Роман Шухевич. Вы знаете, сколько эти люди сделали плохого для человечества. Это люди, которые сотрудничали с нацистами, которые причастны к убийствам евреев, поляков, русских, украинцев. Если вы сомневаетесь, то спросите об этом поляков. Не польских политиков, а простых жителей Польши. Я работал в Польше 3 года, я прекрасно знаю, как в Польше относятся к С.Бандере. Так вот, С.Бандера и Р.Шухевич – это национальные герои Украины. На шевронах национальных батальонов Украины есть нацистские символы. Недавно НАТО вынуждена была удалить со своей официальной страницы портрет украинской женщины-военнослужащего, потому что на шевроне был нацистский символ.
Подробнее: https://russiaun.ru/ru/news/290322u_n
Подробнее: https://russiaun.ru/ru/news/290322u_n
Update on Ukraine
At present, the Russian armed forces’ special military operation is being carried out in Ukraine. According to the country's leadership, it proceeds in strict accordance with the plan. Russian President Vladimir Putin emphasised that its goals and objectives would be fulfilled.
The Russian military is doing everything possible to avoid civilian casualties. They do not attack civilian targets, and they open humanitarian corridors daily to help evacuate civilians from harm’s way. Since the beginning of the operation, as of March 28, 469,000 people, including 97,000 children, have been evacuated from Ukraine, the DPR and the LPR. As many as 9,500 temporary refugee accommodation centres are operational in Russia. Russia is supplying humanitarian aid, essential supplies, medications and food to the republics of Donbass and Ukraine. Russia has delivered over 5,000 tonnes of humanitarian cargo since March 2.
Despite the fact that people in Ukraine need urgent humanitarian assistance, the Western countries are increasing supplies of all types of weapons to Ukraine, including small arms, anti-tank guided missiles, anti-tank missile systems, man-portable air defence systems, ammunition and equipment. The United States is especially good at pouring billions of dollars into it. Poland acts as a transit point. Armed Ukrainian units are shelling rural and urban communities and killing civilians with Western weapons. Donetsk, Makeyevka, Gorlovka, Yasinovataya, and Dokuchayevsk as well as other towns in Donbass are regularly shelled by the Ukrainian military with heavy weapons, including the Tochka-U missile system. However, the West prefers not to see this.
The Ukrainian neo-Nazis’ treatment of civilians remains terrifying. People are taken hostage, used as a human shield, and are not allowed to leave combat zones. It was reported recently that the Crimean Tatars living in the liberated Kherson region were being threatened by radicals from the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People. They force these people to stage anti-Russia rallies and threaten to kill their relatives, including children, who remain in the territory controlled by the Kiev regime.
The neo-Nazis’ treatment of captured Russians and DPR and LPR citizens horrified the world. So much for modern democracies. The other day, the world shuddered from seeing the harrowing footage of the atrocities committed by Ukrainian militants, who not only abuse Russian prisoners of war, but also reveal their ferocious nature. They shoot them in the legs and then leave them without medical help. This is savage cruelty bordering on sadism. The Ukrainian militants seem to enjoy this. All war crimes are recorded, and the perpetrators will be held accountable.
Don’t even try to pretend that what everyone has seen never happened. I have read numerous materials posted by bloggers and journalists. They say that war is “dehumanising.” No. These extremists and militants have long been dehumanised. This process and the fact that it is supported by the West (morally, politically, financially and with weapons) have led to the situation at hand. They have been doing exactly that for eight years in Donetsk and Lugansk. They buried people alive, killed children, and held civilians in basements. The militias who fell into their “paws” learned firsthand about the sadism and cannibal cruelty of Ukrainian nationalist battalions. They were mistreated not because they participated in hostilities, they got it in retaliation for not surrendering to the nationalist ideology and not swearing allegiance to those who were considered enemies as defined by the Nuremberg Tribunal verdicts. They did not bow to evil and upheld everything that has always been considered (and included on paper in legal acts) the correct, righteous and dignified thing to do.
At present, the Russian armed forces’ special military operation is being carried out in Ukraine. According to the country's leadership, it proceeds in strict accordance with the plan. Russian President Vladimir Putin emphasised that its goals and objectives would be fulfilled.
The Russian military is doing everything possible to avoid civilian casualties. They do not attack civilian targets, and they open humanitarian corridors daily to help evacuate civilians from harm’s way. Since the beginning of the operation, as of March 28, 469,000 people, including 97,000 children, have been evacuated from Ukraine, the DPR and the LPR. As many as 9,500 temporary refugee accommodation centres are operational in Russia. Russia is supplying humanitarian aid, essential supplies, medications and food to the republics of Donbass and Ukraine. Russia has delivered over 5,000 tonnes of humanitarian cargo since March 2.
Despite the fact that people in Ukraine need urgent humanitarian assistance, the Western countries are increasing supplies of all types of weapons to Ukraine, including small arms, anti-tank guided missiles, anti-tank missile systems, man-portable air defence systems, ammunition and equipment. The United States is especially good at pouring billions of dollars into it. Poland acts as a transit point. Armed Ukrainian units are shelling rural and urban communities and killing civilians with Western weapons. Donetsk, Makeyevka, Gorlovka, Yasinovataya, and Dokuchayevsk as well as other towns in Donbass are regularly shelled by the Ukrainian military with heavy weapons, including the Tochka-U missile system. However, the West prefers not to see this.
The Ukrainian neo-Nazis’ treatment of civilians remains terrifying. People are taken hostage, used as a human shield, and are not allowed to leave combat zones. It was reported recently that the Crimean Tatars living in the liberated Kherson region were being threatened by radicals from the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People. They force these people to stage anti-Russia rallies and threaten to kill their relatives, including children, who remain in the territory controlled by the Kiev regime.
The neo-Nazis’ treatment of captured Russians and DPR and LPR citizens horrified the world. So much for modern democracies. The other day, the world shuddered from seeing the harrowing footage of the atrocities committed by Ukrainian militants, who not only abuse Russian prisoners of war, but also reveal their ferocious nature. They shoot them in the legs and then leave them without medical help. This is savage cruelty bordering on sadism. The Ukrainian militants seem to enjoy this. All war crimes are recorded, and the perpetrators will be held accountable.
Don’t even try to pretend that what everyone has seen never happened. I have read numerous materials posted by bloggers and journalists. They say that war is “dehumanising.” No. These extremists and militants have long been dehumanised. This process and the fact that it is supported by the West (morally, politically, financially and with weapons) have led to the situation at hand. They have been doing exactly that for eight years in Donetsk and Lugansk. They buried people alive, killed children, and held civilians in basements. The militias who fell into their “paws” learned firsthand about the sadism and cannibal cruelty of Ukrainian nationalist battalions. They were mistreated not because they participated in hostilities, they got it in retaliation for not surrendering to the nationalist ideology and not swearing allegiance to those who were considered enemies as defined by the Nuremberg Tribunal verdicts. They did not bow to evil and upheld everything that has always been considered (and included on paper in legal acts) the correct, righteous and dignified thing to do.
The situation with four Russian Rosatom subsidiary employees who delivered special cargo to the Rovno NPP under contract is egregious. For more than a month now, the Ukrainian authorities have kept them locked in a railway car at the station. We demand that the Ukrainian side release our citizens and ensure their safe return home. We call on the IAEA to assist us in this matter.
Ukrainian embassies abroad continue to recruit volunteers and mercenaries to participate in the hostilities (I have mentioned this on many occasions). The authorities of the countries where this recruitment is carried out largely turn a blind eye to this violation of international standards, including Article 41 of 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations which says that using diplomatic missions for purposes incompatible with their function is illegal. If it is legal, though, let these countries tell us so directly. Better yet, let them do so in public, so they won’t go back on their words later, as they usually do. If they believe that embassies can engage in recruiting activities, let them say so openly so that people in these and other countries are aware of it as well. But if that happens, no one should be surprised to see the processes that start unfolding en masse after this kind of revelation.
The talks between the Russian and Ukrainian delegations started on February 28 and have been ongoing for a month now. The agenda includes Ukraine’s permanent neutral and non-aligned status and security guarantees, its demilitarisation, denazification, the recognition of modern territorial realities, and restoration of the status of the Russian language and the rights of its Russian-speaking citizens.
In other words, we are talking about Ukraine returning to its original statehood as enshrined in the 1990 Declaration of State Sovereignty. We hope that during the next round of talks in Istanbul the Ukrainian delegation will be constructive in its approach.
Over the past eight years, the people of Donbass have been affected by shelling, blockades and genocide, and the people of Ukraine have suffered from discrimination and abuse on the part of the nationalist regime. What Ukraine needs today is not a supply of Western weapons, but humanitarian aid and progress in the talks in order to achieve peace and stability and put an end to this years-long inferno. Pretending that eight previous years didn’t exist is not going to work for anyone.
Ukrainian embassies abroad continue to recruit volunteers and mercenaries to participate in the hostilities (I have mentioned this on many occasions). The authorities of the countries where this recruitment is carried out largely turn a blind eye to this violation of international standards, including Article 41 of 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations which says that using diplomatic missions for purposes incompatible with their function is illegal. If it is legal, though, let these countries tell us so directly. Better yet, let them do so in public, so they won’t go back on their words later, as they usually do. If they believe that embassies can engage in recruiting activities, let them say so openly so that people in these and other countries are aware of it as well. But if that happens, no one should be surprised to see the processes that start unfolding en masse after this kind of revelation.
The talks between the Russian and Ukrainian delegations started on February 28 and have been ongoing for a month now. The agenda includes Ukraine’s permanent neutral and non-aligned status and security guarantees, its demilitarisation, denazification, the recognition of modern territorial realities, and restoration of the status of the Russian language and the rights of its Russian-speaking citizens.
In other words, we are talking about Ukraine returning to its original statehood as enshrined in the 1990 Declaration of State Sovereignty. We hope that during the next round of talks in Istanbul the Ukrainian delegation will be constructive in its approach.
Over the past eight years, the people of Donbass have been affected by shelling, blockades and genocide, and the people of Ukraine have suffered from discrimination and abuse on the part of the nationalist regime. What Ukraine needs today is not a supply of Western weapons, but humanitarian aid and progress in the talks in order to achieve peace and stability and put an end to this years-long inferno. Pretending that eight previous years didn’t exist is not going to work for anyone.