WomenRightsTelegram DefenceTelegram GenRevolution Nature and Telegram Freaks stand for science / facts / neutrality https://yangx.top/StandForScience
We don't stand for corruption / mafia and bullshit!
We don't stand for corruption / mafia and bullshit!
WomenRightsTelegram DefenceTelegram GenRevolution Nature and Telegram Freaks stand for science / facts / neutrality
By @WomenRightsTelegram @DefenceTelegram @GenRevolutionOfficial @FactsTelegramChannels @FactsTelegramFreaks More @EthicalDilemmaHumanRights @LawsTelegram @FactsReality @AspergerSyndromeTelegram @PalestineIgnorance @StopDieWelle @WeAreTheFutureTelegram
We are now fighting against bullshit and criminality in our new planet. This was our last breath. Let the real worldwide revolution begin now. Our message wrote about 1 year ago without edits https://yangx.top/ourlastmessage
For a better planet. FOR YOUR FUTURE!
For a better planet. FOR YOUR FUTURE!
It's time to love and respect human / animal / planet rights, to give less shit to important things, to don't act under social presure irrationaly, etc. For a better future world @FactsTelegramFreaks @FactsTelegramChannels
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