All links available soon by @grannouncements
Telegram is science facts by GRT ! Finance / debts, pollution, human / animal / planet rights, car accidents, nutrition, social
Communication 14.10.23: new links added and we updated previous links too. Other channel list will be released in future
Remember that we haven't released all full channel list of all our 1000-2000 Telegram channels, and here you can just find some. New channels are listed on
Need help to search channels?
Remember that we haven't released all full channel list of all our 1000-2000 Telegram channels, and here you can just find some. New channels are listed on
Need help to search channels?
Smart Telegram Channels Search
To search new channels, just open the media panel, scroll the pictures, select what you are interested, right click "show message" and enjoy the channel. Or you can just search a term. A project by @TgmeFreaks @GenRevolutionOfficial
Our statement about our projects
GenRevolution Telegram Announcements
Meanwhile for those that still haven't understand: our channels are NOT just english (and will be never), because we focus on 🇧🇷🇪🇸🇫🇷🇩🇪🇺🇸🇳🇴🇺🇦🇷🇺🇳🇱🇮🇹(🇫🇮/🇩🇪🇨🇭)* like no one on this planet. We believe it's time to leave this 💩 country based approach, since we…
"How to", with related channels, to not be an idiot on Telegram
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Telegram is science facts by GRT ! Finance / debts, pollution, human / animal / planet rights, car accidents, nutrition, social
Remember that scrolling the previous 2-5 posts, like most people on Telegram are doing, doesn't mean checking facts! This means just to wish to remain ignorant, by ignoring all other facts.
Same like seeing a channel, without even visiting such channel at…
Same like seeing a channel, without even visiting such channel at…
GenRevolution stands for peace - Stop the war channels
Telegram Freaks, Nature Freaks, GenRevolution and WomenRightsTelegram are standing for peace - Stop the war channels
By @WomenRightsTelegram @DefenceTelegram @GenRevolutionOfficial @AnimalFreaks @TgmeFreaks More @FactChecksTelegram @IsraelWarBullshit @HumanRightsChannels @HumanRightsChecklist @FactsTelegramChannels @FactsTelegramFreaks @IsraelTelegramChannels