🇷🇺🇺🇸Ambassador Anatoly Antonov’s interview to the Russian channel «РОССИЯ 24». Part FOUR
💬Evelina Zakamskaya: The only remaining US-Russia treaty on nuclear arms control is the New START Treaty, Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, which expires in 2026. Cognizant of the need to prepare for its extension, the parties seemed to be laying the groundwork.
❓Yet with start of the Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine this effort came to a halt. Having said that, President Biden has recently stated that he is ready to resume the talks on the matter immediately. What stands behind such statements?
💬Ambassador Antonov: His bold statement was timed to coincide with the opening of the 10th NPT Review Conference – an international conference to discuss international efforts on arms control, non-proliferation and peaceful use of nuclear energy. The Conference has been up and running in New York for over a month now. In his introductory remarks, President Biden made this strong statement, signaling his readiness to immediately negotiate what he termed as a “framework agreement” that would supersede the New START Treaty.
🔹That being said, the US has not made any specific proposals available to us, to follow up on their initiative.
🔹Biden’s words have been widely broadcasted both in Russian media and here in America. However, you have failed to mentioned one important phrase that he ended his remarks with. Russia, he said, is expected to show good will. Now, what is that supposed to mean? One may only assume that this was an offhand reference to Russia’s special military operation.
☝️Now, that is an odd remark, coming from Americans. History of arms control talks, first between the United States and the Soviet Union, and then between the United States and Russia gives a proof-positive record of never yielding to pressure. Our negotiators have always demanded equitable dialog.
🔹We requested meetings to clarify the statements of President Biden and some of his Administration’s officials. So far, we have got no response. Still, I’m planning to meet people from the Department of Defense and Department of State shortly, to dot the i’s and cross the t’s and get to the bottom of what was really meant. To find out whether Americans are actually up for an equitable and mutually beneficial conversation on that matter.
🔹You know, these days we often hear that talking to Americans at all is a lost cause. That talks and negotiations are a waste of time. Let me tell you what I think.
🔹To my mind, without an earnest conversation between the US and Russia we will lose, the whole world and the international order will lose.
‼️Today, the New START Treaty is the benchmark for arms control treaties. It must be saved. It is bound to expire in 2026 and we need to decide, what comes the day after? What do we do when we wake up to a world without such a treaty. Bearing this in mind, I need to remind you of the words our presidents said in Geneva: nuclear war can never be won and therefore must never be fought.
🔹We desperately need a modicum of certainty. Something that is conspicuous with its absence in our bilateral relations today. We are ready to a frank conversation – that is what I gather from my communications with colleagues in Moscow. We just need to figure out, whether Americans are. All the more so, notwithstanding all the promises, all the key posture review papers of the US Administration which were to have been published in spring are still pending. We hope for them to be made public any day now. I very much expect to have contacts with my US counterparts.
💬Evelina Zakamskaya: The only remaining US-Russia treaty on nuclear arms control is the New START Treaty, Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, which expires in 2026. Cognizant of the need to prepare for its extension, the parties seemed to be laying the groundwork.
❓Yet with start of the Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine this effort came to a halt. Having said that, President Biden has recently stated that he is ready to resume the talks on the matter immediately. What stands behind such statements?
💬Ambassador Antonov: His bold statement was timed to coincide with the opening of the 10th NPT Review Conference – an international conference to discuss international efforts on arms control, non-proliferation and peaceful use of nuclear energy. The Conference has been up and running in New York for over a month now. In his introductory remarks, President Biden made this strong statement, signaling his readiness to immediately negotiate what he termed as a “framework agreement” that would supersede the New START Treaty.
🔹That being said, the US has not made any specific proposals available to us, to follow up on their initiative.
🔹Biden’s words have been widely broadcasted both in Russian media and here in America. However, you have failed to mentioned one important phrase that he ended his remarks with. Russia, he said, is expected to show good will. Now, what is that supposed to mean? One may only assume that this was an offhand reference to Russia’s special military operation.
☝️Now, that is an odd remark, coming from Americans. History of arms control talks, first between the United States and the Soviet Union, and then between the United States and Russia gives a proof-positive record of never yielding to pressure. Our negotiators have always demanded equitable dialog.
🔹We requested meetings to clarify the statements of President Biden and some of his Administration’s officials. So far, we have got no response. Still, I’m planning to meet people from the Department of Defense and Department of State shortly, to dot the i’s and cross the t’s and get to the bottom of what was really meant. To find out whether Americans are actually up for an equitable and mutually beneficial conversation on that matter.
🔹You know, these days we often hear that talking to Americans at all is a lost cause. That talks and negotiations are a waste of time. Let me tell you what I think.
🔹To my mind, without an earnest conversation between the US and Russia we will lose, the whole world and the international order will lose.
‼️Today, the New START Treaty is the benchmark for arms control treaties. It must be saved. It is bound to expire in 2026 and we need to decide, what comes the day after? What do we do when we wake up to a world without such a treaty. Bearing this in mind, I need to remind you of the words our presidents said in Geneva: nuclear war can never be won and therefore must never be fought.
🔹We desperately need a modicum of certainty. Something that is conspicuous with its absence in our bilateral relations today. We are ready to a frank conversation – that is what I gather from my communications with colleagues in Moscow. We just need to figure out, whether Americans are. All the more so, notwithstanding all the promises, all the key posture review papers of the US Administration which were to have been published in spring are still pending. We hope for them to be made public any day now. I very much expect to have contacts with my US counterparts.
🇷🇺🇺🇸Ambassador Anatoly Antonov’s interview to the Russian channel «РОССИЯ 24». Part FIVE
💬Evelina Zakamskaya: The pressure becomes clearer, and it builds up as Russia's special military operation in Ukraine goes on. What do you make of the way this pressure evolves? The United States has already spent ten billion US dollars on military support of Ukraine, particularly during Russia's special military operation.
❓Do you think that this pressure will continue to build up according to your impressions, feelings, and calculus?
💬Ambassador Antonov: We have to look at this from a broader perspective.
☝️The Americans believe that in 1991 they failed to follow through with their operation to precipitate Russia's downfall, to break it up and turn it into a third-class non-entity. After the 1990s, we began to raise from our knees, we strengthened our armed forces, made far-reaching political and economic steps. It irritated people here in Washington, it alarmed them and rubbed them the wrong way. Washington was only ready to see us as a second-rate sidekick, sticking to all of its policies.
🔹That is why our President's demand for security guarantees and the rejection of the rules-based international order came as a shock to Americans. The West chose to ignore the admonitions of the Russian President, believing it was possible to maintain a world order that benefitted them, but was detrimental to us. Naturally we rejected such an approach.
🔹But the special military operation seemed to be a kind of a trigger to impose the "sanctions from hell" as the Americans put it. And as we have been liberating the Republics of Donetsk and Luhansk, Washington has come to realize that we're not bluffing. That our resolve is steadfast, and we are committed to accomplishing every single goal our President has set for us.
🔹Americans are not going to stop and are doing their best to form a front of loyal allies and states that, for one reason or another, are forced to obey Washington's orders. The pressure is being ramped up everywhere.
❗️Washington sends its emissaries to Asia, Africa, Latin America. They are tasked with persuading the states not to have any business with us. I would like to emphasize Washington's keen attention to the CIS countries. They are threatened and intimidated by sanctions. Washington is trying to force their hand and make them stop interacting with us.
‼️Washington is imposing sanctions that are causing serious economic damage for both Russia and the United States. We are talking high gasoline prices, high inflation, low economic development rate here. The important thing here is that Russia, the word "Russia", "the Russian problem" has become a politically-charged issue, especially now, when midterms are looming in November. The White House repeatedly claims that it has achieved every single one of its goals and that we are isolated. Contrary to that, most members of the international community continue to cooperate with us.
🔹On August 9 the Washington Post – and nobody can accuse this newspaper of cosying up to Russia – put it in no uncertain terms that two-thirds of the world population, living in various countries, have refused to support the Western sanctions. We see all US plans imploding. Look at the most recent examples. Look at the grand events that the Russian Ministry of Defense will be hosting today and tomorrow. Three major events: a conference on international security, Army 2022, International Military and Technical Forum and Army Games – will bring together 700 delegates from several dozen countries. I mean, what are we talking here about? Isn’t it a proof of authority as well as recognition of, by the way, not only Russian Defence Ministry but of our country in general?
💬Evelina Zakamskaya: The pressure becomes clearer, and it builds up as Russia's special military operation in Ukraine goes on. What do you make of the way this pressure evolves? The United States has already spent ten billion US dollars on military support of Ukraine, particularly during Russia's special military operation.
❓Do you think that this pressure will continue to build up according to your impressions, feelings, and calculus?
💬Ambassador Antonov: We have to look at this from a broader perspective.
☝️The Americans believe that in 1991 they failed to follow through with their operation to precipitate Russia's downfall, to break it up and turn it into a third-class non-entity. After the 1990s, we began to raise from our knees, we strengthened our armed forces, made far-reaching political and economic steps. It irritated people here in Washington, it alarmed them and rubbed them the wrong way. Washington was only ready to see us as a second-rate sidekick, sticking to all of its policies.
🔹That is why our President's demand for security guarantees and the rejection of the rules-based international order came as a shock to Americans. The West chose to ignore the admonitions of the Russian President, believing it was possible to maintain a world order that benefitted them, but was detrimental to us. Naturally we rejected such an approach.
🔹But the special military operation seemed to be a kind of a trigger to impose the "sanctions from hell" as the Americans put it. And as we have been liberating the Republics of Donetsk and Luhansk, Washington has come to realize that we're not bluffing. That our resolve is steadfast, and we are committed to accomplishing every single goal our President has set for us.
🔹Americans are not going to stop and are doing their best to form a front of loyal allies and states that, for one reason or another, are forced to obey Washington's orders. The pressure is being ramped up everywhere.
❗️Washington sends its emissaries to Asia, Africa, Latin America. They are tasked with persuading the states not to have any business with us. I would like to emphasize Washington's keen attention to the CIS countries. They are threatened and intimidated by sanctions. Washington is trying to force their hand and make them stop interacting with us.
‼️Washington is imposing sanctions that are causing serious economic damage for both Russia and the United States. We are talking high gasoline prices, high inflation, low economic development rate here. The important thing here is that Russia, the word "Russia", "the Russian problem" has become a politically-charged issue, especially now, when midterms are looming in November. The White House repeatedly claims that it has achieved every single one of its goals and that we are isolated. Contrary to that, most members of the international community continue to cooperate with us.
🔹On August 9 the Washington Post – and nobody can accuse this newspaper of cosying up to Russia – put it in no uncertain terms that two-thirds of the world population, living in various countries, have refused to support the Western sanctions. We see all US plans imploding. Look at the most recent examples. Look at the grand events that the Russian Ministry of Defense will be hosting today and tomorrow. Three major events: a conference on international security, Army 2022, International Military and Technical Forum and Army Games – will bring together 700 delegates from several dozen countries. I mean, what are we talking here about? Isn’t it a proof of authority as well as recognition of, by the way, not only Russian Defence Ministry but of our country in general?
🇷🇺🇺🇸Ambassador Anatoly Antonov’s interview to the Russian channel «РОССИЯ 24». Part SIX
💬Evelina Zakamskaya: There is one question I ask you during every single interview, and regrettably, each time your answer only grows shorter.
❓ Do Russia and the US still have any opportunities for cooperation left? And a follow-up question, if I may. How likely is it that the US would go so far as to name Russia, say, a state sponsor of terrorism?
💬Ambassador Antonov: The situation is deplorable. I am scrambling for words here, really. All the legacy of recent years has been razed to the ground. When we spoke two years ago, we discussed difficulties in our relations, when Donald Trump was the President. Here Russian diplomats were expelled, our property was seized, but today the situation is simply unprecedented. Had somebody said a year ago that it was possible to drive the relations between our two countries down so low, I would have just smiled back. However, here we are.
❗️Not only Russians but also compatriots, living here, today face discrimination simply for being Russians. They are intimidated, harassed, threatened. It is indeed a very sad situation that cultural, scientific educational ties have been severed. Official propaganda tries its best to demonize the Russian authorities. Every mention of our country's role in World War II is simply obliterated.
🔹This is the most disappointing thing of all. I know many ordinary Americans here who watch it all with bitterness, as they remember the battle brotherhood of the American and Soviet people during the World War II. And it is my firm belief that no global challenge can be addressed without the cooperation of the major nuclear powers, the permanent members of the Security Council.
🔹This, by the way, was clearly and distinctively stated by the Russian President in his opening remarks at the conference on international security. Nothing but breadcrumbs is what remains from our former cooperation. I could mention the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction but that would be subject to a huge reservation. Then there is the so-called deconflicting communications channel in Syria, perhaps, the peaceful space exploration. I know that US administration officials openly say that they are interested in our participation. Alas, that's all that comes to mind today. And other examples do not even merit the attention of your audience.
☝️Apparently, we have to wait out a little bit for all this “foam” of Russophobia to wane here in the United States. After all, we don't really need much from the United States. We seek them to recognize our national interests, show some respect and the willingness to talk to us on an equitable and mutually beneficial footing. We are not going to chase and beg anyone. We can make it without Coca-Cola. Our soft drinks are much better anyway.
🔹Still, it is my strong belief that steady and pragmatic relations between our two countries are in the interests of the peoples of Russia and the United States of America.
💬Evelina Zakamskaya: There is one question I ask you during every single interview, and regrettably, each time your answer only grows shorter.
❓ Do Russia and the US still have any opportunities for cooperation left? And a follow-up question, if I may. How likely is it that the US would go so far as to name Russia, say, a state sponsor of terrorism?
💬Ambassador Antonov: The situation is deplorable. I am scrambling for words here, really. All the legacy of recent years has been razed to the ground. When we spoke two years ago, we discussed difficulties in our relations, when Donald Trump was the President. Here Russian diplomats were expelled, our property was seized, but today the situation is simply unprecedented. Had somebody said a year ago that it was possible to drive the relations between our two countries down so low, I would have just smiled back. However, here we are.
❗️Not only Russians but also compatriots, living here, today face discrimination simply for being Russians. They are intimidated, harassed, threatened. It is indeed a very sad situation that cultural, scientific educational ties have been severed. Official propaganda tries its best to demonize the Russian authorities. Every mention of our country's role in World War II is simply obliterated.
🔹This is the most disappointing thing of all. I know many ordinary Americans here who watch it all with bitterness, as they remember the battle brotherhood of the American and Soviet people during the World War II. And it is my firm belief that no global challenge can be addressed without the cooperation of the major nuclear powers, the permanent members of the Security Council.
🔹This, by the way, was clearly and distinctively stated by the Russian President in his opening remarks at the conference on international security. Nothing but breadcrumbs is what remains from our former cooperation. I could mention the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction but that would be subject to a huge reservation. Then there is the so-called deconflicting communications channel in Syria, perhaps, the peaceful space exploration. I know that US administration officials openly say that they are interested in our participation. Alas, that's all that comes to mind today. And other examples do not even merit the attention of your audience.
☝️Apparently, we have to wait out a little bit for all this “foam” of Russophobia to wane here in the United States. After all, we don't really need much from the United States. We seek them to recognize our national interests, show some respect and the willingness to talk to us on an equitable and mutually beneficial footing. We are not going to chase and beg anyone. We can make it without Coca-Cola. Our soft drinks are much better anyway.
🔹Still, it is my strong belief that steady and pragmatic relations between our two countries are in the interests of the peoples of Russia and the United States of America.
🇷🇺🇺🇸Ambassador Anatoly Antonov’s interview to the Russian channel «РОССИЯ 24». Part SEVEN
💬Evelina Zakamskaya: And the last question. We don't have much time left, but you did mention ordinary Americans.
❓ Hasn't American public got a Russophobia fatigue already? Isn't it tired of this anti-Russian rhetoric?
💬Ambassador Antonov: The Russophobia in the US is intense, but it mostly peaks in Washington, D.C., New York and other big cities. The farther away from the capital you go, the less interested people are in European affairs and the more questions they ask.
⁉️Why is the United States fighting with Russia? Especially today, when the economy is tight? Few people can even show Ukraine on the map, let alone Russia. People are mostly interested in their day-to-day life. How much do you have to pay for gasoline, for bread, for milk? How big is the pay check? Am I even going to keep my job tomorrow?
🔹Who are the ill-wishers? The media, of course. Turn on CNN on any given day, which is what I do day in and day out, and you will quickly learn that it's all Russia's fault, the so-called "Putin’s inflation", Putin’s price hikes on anything and everything. As far as Fox News is concerned, that is the mouthpiece of the Republican Party, they would scoff at those words and negatively react to the accusations against Russia, including the alleged collusion between the former President Trump and the Russian authorities.
🔹Crucially though, the media attitude to the special military operation is extremely negative. The political classes actively dislike our wish to create a new international order. And this is where they stand united. As much as I would love to, right now I cannot unequivocally tell you that people have grown tired of all this, but the first sprouts are there, to put it mildly. Some statesmen say this.
‼️For instance, Tulsi Gabbard, an influential Democrat, has bluntly said that the whole thing has nothing to do with the people of Ukraine or with defense of democracy. She said that the goal of all Washington actions is to change regime in Russia. She has hit the nail on the head.
☝️Let me also quote Henry Kissinger. Recently, speaking to the Wall Street Journal he said that we are on the brink of starting a war with Russia and China over issues that we have partially created ourselves. So, these are the sprouts I have just told you about. Political scientists, the colleagues I meet with, they talk reluctantly about them. We are still a long way from saying that the situation is under control.
💬Evelina Zakamskaya: And the last question. We don't have much time left, but you did mention ordinary Americans.
❓ Hasn't American public got a Russophobia fatigue already? Isn't it tired of this anti-Russian rhetoric?
💬Ambassador Antonov: The Russophobia in the US is intense, but it mostly peaks in Washington, D.C., New York and other big cities. The farther away from the capital you go, the less interested people are in European affairs and the more questions they ask.
⁉️Why is the United States fighting with Russia? Especially today, when the economy is tight? Few people can even show Ukraine on the map, let alone Russia. People are mostly interested in their day-to-day life. How much do you have to pay for gasoline, for bread, for milk? How big is the pay check? Am I even going to keep my job tomorrow?
🔹Who are the ill-wishers? The media, of course. Turn on CNN on any given day, which is what I do day in and day out, and you will quickly learn that it's all Russia's fault, the so-called "Putin’s inflation", Putin’s price hikes on anything and everything. As far as Fox News is concerned, that is the mouthpiece of the Republican Party, they would scoff at those words and negatively react to the accusations against Russia, including the alleged collusion between the former President Trump and the Russian authorities.
🔹Crucially though, the media attitude to the special military operation is extremely negative. The political classes actively dislike our wish to create a new international order. And this is where they stand united. As much as I would love to, right now I cannot unequivocally tell you that people have grown tired of all this, but the first sprouts are there, to put it mildly. Some statesmen say this.
‼️For instance, Tulsi Gabbard, an influential Democrat, has bluntly said that the whole thing has nothing to do with the people of Ukraine or with defense of democracy. She said that the goal of all Washington actions is to change regime in Russia. She has hit the nail on the head.
☝️Let me also quote Henry Kissinger. Recently, speaking to the Wall Street Journal he said that we are on the brink of starting a war with Russia and China over issues that we have partially created ourselves. So, these are the sprouts I have just told you about. Political scientists, the colleagues I meet with, they talk reluctantly about them. We are still a long way from saying that the situation is under control.
Media is too big
🎙 Russia's Ambassador to the US Anatoly Antonov gives an extensive interview to Russia-24 TV Channel, discusses a wide array of topical issues (English subtitles) .
Forwarded from МИД России 🇷🇺
⚡️ Министерство обороны России проводит анализ развития ситуации на Запорожской атомной электростанции.
🔹 Начиная с 18 июля 2022 г. станция подвергается систематическому обстрелу со стороны вооруженных сил Украины.
🔹 Украинская сторона вместе с их кураторами из США пытается разыграть карту, вызвав, по их мнению, незначительную аварию на атомной станции, сорвать нормальную и безопасную эксплуатацию АЭС, обвинив в этом Россию.
🔹 Мы готовы представить МАГАТЭ реальные снимки с очень сильным разрешением, на которых видно, что оружие, тем более тяжелое, на территории этой станции не размещаем.
🔹 США замалчивают объективные данные об обстрелах и ситуации на атомной станции, тем самым поощряя безнаказанность Киевского режима и способствуя возможному развитию ядерной катастрофы на территории Европы.
🔹 Целью провокации является создание зоны отчуждения до 30 км, введение международных сил и иностранных наблюдателей на территорию ЗАЭС, а также обвинение Вооруженных Сил России в ядерном терроризме.
🔹 Начиная с 18 июля 2022 г. станция подвергается систематическому обстрелу со стороны вооруженных сил Украины.
🔹 Украинская сторона вместе с их кураторами из США пытается разыграть карту, вызвав, по их мнению, незначительную аварию на атомной станции, сорвать нормальную и безопасную эксплуатацию АЭС, обвинив в этом Россию.
🔹 Мы готовы представить МАГАТЭ реальные снимки с очень сильным разрешением, на которых видно, что оружие, тем более тяжелое, на территории этой станции не размещаем.
🔹 США замалчивают объективные данные об обстрелах и ситуации на атомной станции, тем самым поощряя безнаказанность Киевского режима и способствуя возможному развитию ядерной катастрофы на территории Европы.
🔹 Целью провокации является создание зоны отчуждения до 30 км, введение международных сил и иностранных наблюдателей на территорию ЗАЭС, а также обвинение Вооруженных Сил России в ядерном терроризме.
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
⚡️ Russian Defence Ministry is analysing the situation at Zaporozhye nuclear power plant.
🔹 Since July 18, the station has been subjected to systematic shelling by the Ukrainian armed forces.
🔹 The Ukrainian side, together with their US handlers, are trying to play the card by causing what they believe to be a minor accident at the nuclear power plant and thus disrupting its normal and safe operation, blaming it on Russia.
🔹 We are ready to provide the IAEA with real high-resolution images, a sample placed on a slide, which shows that we do not place weapons on the territory of this station.
🔹 The US is keeping silent on objective data about the shelling and the situation at the nuclear power plant, thereby encouraging impunity for the Kiev regime and contributing to a possible nuclear catastrophe in Europe.
🔹 The ultimate goal of the provocation is to create an exclusion zone of up to 30 km, to bring foreign observers to ZNPP territory, and to accuse the Russian Armed Forces of nuclear terrorism.
🔹 Since July 18, the station has been subjected to systematic shelling by the Ukrainian armed forces.
🔹 The Ukrainian side, together with their US handlers, are trying to play the card by causing what they believe to be a minor accident at the nuclear power plant and thus disrupting its normal and safe operation, blaming it on Russia.
🔹 We are ready to provide the IAEA with real high-resolution images, a sample placed on a slide, which shows that we do not place weapons on the territory of this station.
🔹 The US is keeping silent on objective data about the shelling and the situation at the nuclear power plant, thereby encouraging impunity for the Kiev regime and contributing to a possible nuclear catastrophe in Europe.
🔹 The ultimate goal of the provocation is to create an exclusion zone of up to 30 km, to bring foreign observers to ZNPP territory, and to accuse the Russian Armed Forces of nuclear terrorism.
🇷🇺🇺🇸Ответ Посла А.И.Антонова на вопрос СМИ
❓: Уважаемый Анатолий Иванович, как бы Вы могли прокомментировать публикацию Госдепартаментом материалов, якобы призванных «развенчать миф» об устойчивости российской экономики к санкционному давлению?
💬 А.И.#Антонов: Создается впечатление, что в администрации, желая убедить самих себя и союзников в действенности столь полюбившегося геополитического оружия, готовы цепляться за любые максимально ангажированные оценки. Зацикленность на рестрикциях не позволяет Вашингтону осознать, что выбранная стратегия потерпела неудачу. Очевидно, что попытки «удушить, разорвать в клочья» наше хозяйство провалились.
☝️Закономерный итог, которого сумели «добиться» Соединенные Штаты, - дополнительная дестабилизация мировой экономики, которая в условиях сохраняющихся последствий пандемии и без того переживает не лучшие времена. Одновременно рестрикции рикошетом бьют по самим зачинщикам санкционного безумия.
🔹Еще одним результатом хаотичного нагромождения Вашингтоном бессмысленных ограничений стали огромные издержки для бизнеса и рядовых граждан. Финансовые учреждения и международные компании, запуганные американскими регуляторами, опасаются осуществлять рутинные операции. Дошло до того, что не действуют даже попытки властей разъяснить фирмам предусмотренные "исключения" из санкционного режима, в частности в продовольственный сфере. Жертвой такой ситуации становится нормальное торгово-экономическое сотрудничество.
❓: Уважаемый Анатолий Иванович, как бы Вы могли прокомментировать публикацию Госдепартаментом материалов, якобы призванных «развенчать миф» об устойчивости российской экономики к санкционному давлению?
💬 А.И.#Антонов: Создается впечатление, что в администрации, желая убедить самих себя и союзников в действенности столь полюбившегося геополитического оружия, готовы цепляться за любые максимально ангажированные оценки. Зацикленность на рестрикциях не позволяет Вашингтону осознать, что выбранная стратегия потерпела неудачу. Очевидно, что попытки «удушить, разорвать в клочья» наше хозяйство провалились.
☝️Закономерный итог, которого сумели «добиться» Соединенные Штаты, - дополнительная дестабилизация мировой экономики, которая в условиях сохраняющихся последствий пандемии и без того переживает не лучшие времена. Одновременно рестрикции рикошетом бьют по самим зачинщикам санкционного безумия.
🔹Еще одним результатом хаотичного нагромождения Вашингтоном бессмысленных ограничений стали огромные издержки для бизнеса и рядовых граждан. Финансовые учреждения и международные компании, запуганные американскими регуляторами, опасаются осуществлять рутинные операции. Дошло до того, что не действуют даже попытки властей разъяснить фирмам предусмотренные "исключения" из санкционного режима, в частности в продовольственный сфере. Жертвой такой ситуации становится нормальное торгово-экономическое сотрудничество.
🇷🇺🇺🇸 Ambassador Anatoly Antonov's answer to a media question:
❓: How could you comment on the recent State Department publications aimed at “debunking myths” of the resilience of Russia’s economy to the western sanctions?
💬 Anatoly #Antonov: It seems that U.S. Administration is wishing to convince itself and its allies of the effectiveness of their favorite geopolitical weapon, is ready to resort to any biased and agenda-driven assessments. Obsession with restrictions does not allow Washington to understand that the chosen strategy has failed. Obviously, all the attempts to “strangle” and “cripple” our economy failed.
☝️The only result that the United States managed to achieve is further destabilization of the global economy, which, in the context of ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, is already going through hard times. At the same time, restrictions ricochet against the initiators of this sanctions madness.
🔹Another result of Washington's chaotic spreading of senseless restrictions has been an inflicted huge cost on businesses and ordinary citizens. Financial institutions and international companies, intimidated by U.S. regulators, are afraid to carry out routine operations. It has come to the point that even U.S. authorities’ attempts to explain to firms «exemptions» allowed within the sanctions regime, for instance in agricultural industry, do not work. Normal trade and economic cooperation have fallen victim to such situation.
❓: How could you comment on the recent State Department publications aimed at “debunking myths” of the resilience of Russia’s economy to the western sanctions?
💬 Anatoly #Antonov: It seems that U.S. Administration is wishing to convince itself and its allies of the effectiveness of their favorite geopolitical weapon, is ready to resort to any biased and agenda-driven assessments. Obsession with restrictions does not allow Washington to understand that the chosen strategy has failed. Obviously, all the attempts to “strangle” and “cripple” our economy failed.
☝️The only result that the United States managed to achieve is further destabilization of the global economy, which, in the context of ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, is already going through hard times. At the same time, restrictions ricochet against the initiators of this sanctions madness.
🔹Another result of Washington's chaotic spreading of senseless restrictions has been an inflicted huge cost on businesses and ordinary citizens. Financial institutions and international companies, intimidated by U.S. regulators, are afraid to carry out routine operations. It has come to the point that even U.S. authorities’ attempts to explain to firms «exemptions» allowed within the sanctions regime, for instance in agricultural industry, do not work. Normal trade and economic cooperation have fallen victim to such situation.
🇷🇺🇺🇸 Комментарий Посольства России в США:
🔹Обратили внимание на очередные огульные заявления администрации по ситуации с Запорожской АЭС (ЗАЭС). По версии госдепартамента, Россия пренебрегает вопросами обеспечения ядерной безопасности, в то время как военнослужащие РФ якобы применяют насилие в отношении сотрудников атомной станции.
🔹Никаких доказательств не приводится, а главный виновник происходящего вновь оставлен за скобками. Очевидно, что в Вашингтоне не брезгуют откровенной ложью в безудержных попытках очернить нашу страну.
🔹Между тем под хвалебную риторику Вашингтона киевский режим продолжает систематически наносить удары по ЗАЭС из реактивных систем залпового огня, ствольной артиллерии и с использованием беспилотных летательных аппаратов.
🔹По состоянию на 18 августа осуществлено 12 обстрелов, в ходе которых на территории ЗАЭС и города Энергодар зафиксировано более 50 разрывов артиллерийских снарядов и 5 дронов-камикадзе. По информации Минобороны России, ВСУ намерены инсценировать диверсию, которая приведет к утечке радиации, нарушению целостности хранилища ядерных отходов и выводу реактора в состояние нештатной работы. Цель - создать зону отчуждения до 30 км и обвинить Россию в ядерном терроризме.
🔹Замалчивание администрацией этих фактов недопустимо и лишь поощряет безнаказанность Киева.
🔹Предупреждаем, что подобная безответственная риторика США подталкивает ВСУ к реализации преступных планов, чреватых техногенной катастрофой, с последствиями которой Европе придется справляться многие десятилетия.
🔹Обратили внимание на очередные огульные заявления администрации по ситуации с Запорожской АЭС (ЗАЭС). По версии госдепартамента, Россия пренебрегает вопросами обеспечения ядерной безопасности, в то время как военнослужащие РФ якобы применяют насилие в отношении сотрудников атомной станции.
🔹Никаких доказательств не приводится, а главный виновник происходящего вновь оставлен за скобками. Очевидно, что в Вашингтоне не брезгуют откровенной ложью в безудержных попытках очернить нашу страну.
🔹Между тем под хвалебную риторику Вашингтона киевский режим продолжает систематически наносить удары по ЗАЭС из реактивных систем залпового огня, ствольной артиллерии и с использованием беспилотных летательных аппаратов.
🔹По состоянию на 18 августа осуществлено 12 обстрелов, в ходе которых на территории ЗАЭС и города Энергодар зафиксировано более 50 разрывов артиллерийских снарядов и 5 дронов-камикадзе. По информации Минобороны России, ВСУ намерены инсценировать диверсию, которая приведет к утечке радиации, нарушению целостности хранилища ядерных отходов и выводу реактора в состояние нештатной работы. Цель - создать зону отчуждения до 30 км и обвинить Россию в ядерном терроризме.
🔹Замалчивание администрацией этих фактов недопустимо и лишь поощряет безнаказанность Киева.
🔹Предупреждаем, что подобная безответственная риторика США подталкивает ВСУ к реализации преступных планов, чреватых техногенной катастрофой, с последствиями которой Европе придется справляться многие десятилетия.
🇷🇺🇺🇸 Comment by the Russian Embassy in the United States:
🔹We took note of another sweeping statement of the US administration with regard to the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP). According to the State Department, Russia neglects nuclear safety issues, with the Russian military using violence against employees of the abovementioned NPP.
🔹No evidence is given, and the main perpetrator of what is happening is again left out of brackets. Obviously Washington does not disdain outright lies in unrestrained attempts to tarnish our country.
🔹Meanwhile, under the complimentary rhetoric of Washington, the Kiev regime continues to systematically strike at the NPP from multiple rocket launchers, cannon artillery and with the use of unmanned aerial vehicles.
🔹As of August 18, 12 attacks were carried out, during which more than 50 explosions of artillery shells and 5 kamikaze drones were recorded on the territory of the NPP and the city of Energodar. The Russian Ministry of Defense has received evidence that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are planning to stage a provocation that will lead to a radiation leak, destruction of the integrity of the nuclear waste storage facility and putting the NPP reactor into an abnormal operating state. The goal is to create an exclusion zone of up to 30 km and accuse Russia of nuclear terrorism.
🔹The administration's silence on these facts is unacceptable and only encourages Kiev's impunity.
🔹We warn that such irresponsible rhetoric of the United States only encourages the Armed Forces of Ukraine to implement criminal plans fraught with a man-made catastrophe, the consequences of which Europe will have to cope with for many decades.
🔹We took note of another sweeping statement of the US administration with regard to the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP). According to the State Department, Russia neglects nuclear safety issues, with the Russian military using violence against employees of the abovementioned NPP.
🔹No evidence is given, and the main perpetrator of what is happening is again left out of brackets. Obviously Washington does not disdain outright lies in unrestrained attempts to tarnish our country.
🔹Meanwhile, under the complimentary rhetoric of Washington, the Kiev regime continues to systematically strike at the NPP from multiple rocket launchers, cannon artillery and with the use of unmanned aerial vehicles.
🔹As of August 18, 12 attacks were carried out, during which more than 50 explosions of artillery shells and 5 kamikaze drones were recorded on the territory of the NPP and the city of Energodar. The Russian Ministry of Defense has received evidence that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are planning to stage a provocation that will lead to a radiation leak, destruction of the integrity of the nuclear waste storage facility and putting the NPP reactor into an abnormal operating state. The goal is to create an exclusion zone of up to 30 km and accuse Russia of nuclear terrorism.
🔹The administration's silence on these facts is unacceptable and only encourages Kiev's impunity.
🔹We warn that such irresponsible rhetoric of the United States only encourages the Armed Forces of Ukraine to implement criminal plans fraught with a man-made catastrophe, the consequences of which Europe will have to cope with for many decades.
Forwarded from Russian Mission Vienna
«Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action» - Ian Fleming
⚡️Armed forces of Ukraine have attacked Zaporozhskaya NPP at least eight times
❗️In five cases they used Western weapon systems
❓If this is not nuclear terrorism, then what is it?
⚡️Armed forces of Ukraine have attacked Zaporozhskaya NPP at least eight times
❗️In five cases they used Western weapon systems
❓If this is not nuclear terrorism, then what is it?
Forwarded from МИД России 🇷🇺
🎙 Комментарий М.В.Захаровой в связи с публикацией американскими СМИ «фейковой» информации по ситуации в ЦАР
☝️ Агентство «Блумберг» 16 августа опубликовало материал под названием «Российские наемники ищут золото и сеют хаос в Центральной Африке», в котором со ссылкой на неких местных старателей, а также повстанцев и сотрудников гуморганизаций утверждает, что «прокремлевская» военная компания «Вагнер» вместе с армией ЦАР якобы ведет борьбу за контроль над золотоносными районами этой страны. При этом заявляется, что в результате таких действий, дескать, убиты сотни мирных жителей, разграблены селения и прииски.
❗️ В этой связи вынуждены вновь отметить, что подобные публикации не имеют под собой никаких оснований и подготовлены с использованием нечистоплотных методов подтасовки фактов. Цель их очевидна - очернить и демонизировать Россию и нанести ущерб нашим тесным и дружественным отношениям с Банги.
☝️ Агентство «Блумберг» 16 августа опубликовало материал под названием «Российские наемники ищут золото и сеют хаос в Центральной Африке», в котором со ссылкой на неких местных старателей, а также повстанцев и сотрудников гуморганизаций утверждает, что «прокремлевская» военная компания «Вагнер» вместе с армией ЦАР якобы ведет борьбу за контроль над золотоносными районами этой страны. При этом заявляется, что в результате таких действий, дескать, убиты сотни мирных жителей, разграблены селения и прииски.
❗️ В этой связи вынуждены вновь отметить, что подобные публикации не имеют под собой никаких оснований и подготовлены с использованием нечистоплотных методов подтасовки фактов. Цель их очевидна - очернить и демонизировать Россию и нанести ущерб нашим тесным и дружественным отношениям с Банги.
🇷🇺🇺🇸 Комментарий Посольства России в США на запрос издания Newsweek по ситуации с контролем над вооружениями:
🔹Инспекционная деятельность по Договору о СНВ действительно приостановлена с начала 2020 г. по согласию сторон из-за пандемии COVID-19. Мы плотно работаем с американскими коллегами в рамках Двусторонней консультативной комиссии по ДСНВ над устранением организационных и технических препятствий для возобновления инспекций. Некоторые вопросы удалось урегулировать, но далеко не все.
🔹Сохраняющиеся проблемы связаны с введенными США в одностороннем порядке антироссийскими ограничительными мерами. Заявление госдепа о том, что санкции не препятствуют нашим инспекторам проводить проверки на американской территории, - лукавство. Между Соединенными Штатами и Россией прервано прямое авиационное сообщение. Союзники Вашингтона закрыли свое воздушное пространство для транзитных полетов и технических остановок российских самолетов, доставляющих инспекторов в США. Членам наших инспекционных групп и летных экипажей чинятся препятствия в получении транзитных виз. У американской стороны всех этих проблем нет. В результате Вашингтон получает очевидное преимущество.
🔹Без урегулирования указанных вопросов возобновление инспекций невозможно. Американские коллеги это понимают. В этой связи вызывает недоумение решение США направить нам уведомление о намерении провести инспекцию в России. Нам ничего не оставалось, как объявить о временном выводе из-под инспекционной деятельности российских объектов, подлежащих проверке.
🔹Данная мера никоим образом не противоречит условиям ДСНВ и не носит постоянного характера. Россия привержена соблюдению всех положений Договора и стремится к скорейшему возобновлению его функционирования в полном объеме. Это единственное действующее соглашение между Россией и США в сфере ядерных вооружений. Его называют «золотым стандартом» в области контроля над вооружениями. Оно играет ключевую роль в поддержании стратегической стабильности и предотвращении гонки вооружений.
🔹В своих посланиях к участникам Обзорной конференции по ДНЯО 1 августа В.В.Путин и Дж.Байден подтвердили приверженность режиму ДСНВ. При этом американский президент заявил о готовности немедленно приступить к переговорам о новых рамках контроля над вооружениями. Однако никаких конкретных предложений о возобновлении двустороннего диалога по стратегической стабильности от Вашингтона не поступало.
🔹Между тем ДСНВ истекает через 3,5 года. Опыт прошлых российско-американских переговоров показывает, что даже при готовности обеих сторон оставшегося времени для выработки соглашения крайне мало. Особенно с учетом того, что Вашингтон в инициативном порядке «заморозил» запущенные в 2021 г. стратконсультации.
☝️Самое главное – любое взаимодействие в сфере контроля над вооружениями должно вестись на равноправной основе, с учетом взаимных озабоченностей и интересов.
🔗Ссылка на материал: https://www.newsweek.com/war-ukraine-pushing-last-us-russia-nuclear-treaty-off-rails-1735371
🔹Инспекционная деятельность по Договору о СНВ действительно приостановлена с начала 2020 г. по согласию сторон из-за пандемии COVID-19. Мы плотно работаем с американскими коллегами в рамках Двусторонней консультативной комиссии по ДСНВ над устранением организационных и технических препятствий для возобновления инспекций. Некоторые вопросы удалось урегулировать, но далеко не все.
🔹Сохраняющиеся проблемы связаны с введенными США в одностороннем порядке антироссийскими ограничительными мерами. Заявление госдепа о том, что санкции не препятствуют нашим инспекторам проводить проверки на американской территории, - лукавство. Между Соединенными Штатами и Россией прервано прямое авиационное сообщение. Союзники Вашингтона закрыли свое воздушное пространство для транзитных полетов и технических остановок российских самолетов, доставляющих инспекторов в США. Членам наших инспекционных групп и летных экипажей чинятся препятствия в получении транзитных виз. У американской стороны всех этих проблем нет. В результате Вашингтон получает очевидное преимущество.
🔹Без урегулирования указанных вопросов возобновление инспекций невозможно. Американские коллеги это понимают. В этой связи вызывает недоумение решение США направить нам уведомление о намерении провести инспекцию в России. Нам ничего не оставалось, как объявить о временном выводе из-под инспекционной деятельности российских объектов, подлежащих проверке.
🔹Данная мера никоим образом не противоречит условиям ДСНВ и не носит постоянного характера. Россия привержена соблюдению всех положений Договора и стремится к скорейшему возобновлению его функционирования в полном объеме. Это единственное действующее соглашение между Россией и США в сфере ядерных вооружений. Его называют «золотым стандартом» в области контроля над вооружениями. Оно играет ключевую роль в поддержании стратегической стабильности и предотвращении гонки вооружений.
🔹В своих посланиях к участникам Обзорной конференции по ДНЯО 1 августа В.В.Путин и Дж.Байден подтвердили приверженность режиму ДСНВ. При этом американский президент заявил о готовности немедленно приступить к переговорам о новых рамках контроля над вооружениями. Однако никаких конкретных предложений о возобновлении двустороннего диалога по стратегической стабильности от Вашингтона не поступало.
🔹Между тем ДСНВ истекает через 3,5 года. Опыт прошлых российско-американских переговоров показывает, что даже при готовности обеих сторон оставшегося времени для выработки соглашения крайне мало. Особенно с учетом того, что Вашингтон в инициативном порядке «заморозил» запущенные в 2021 г. стратконсультации.
☝️Самое главное – любое взаимодействие в сфере контроля над вооружениями должно вестись на равноправной основе, с учетом взаимных озабоченностей и интересов.
🔗Ссылка на материал: https://www.newsweek.com/war-ukraine-pushing-last-us-russia-nuclear-treaty-off-rails-1735371
War in Ukraine Is Pushing the Last U.S.-Russia Nuclear Treaty Off the Rails
"We have received no concrete proposals from Washington on the resumption of the bilateral dialogue on strategic stability," Russia's Embassy told Newsweek.
🇷🇺🇺🇸 Comment by the Russian Embassy in the United States to Newsweek on the current situation as it relates to arms control:
🔹The inspection activities under the New START Treaty have indeed been suspended since the early 2020 by mutual agreement due to COVID-19 pandemic. We are working closely with our American colleagues within the framework of the New START Bilateral Consultative Commission to remove organizational and technical obstacles to resume inspections. Some issues have been resolved but by no means all of them.
🔹The remaining problems stem from the anti-Russian restrictive measures imposed unilaterally by the United States. The State Department statement that the sanctions do not prevent our inspectors from conducting verification procedures on the US territory is misleading. Direct flights between the US and Russia have been cancelled. Washington’s allies have closed their airspace to transit flights and technical stops of Russian aircraft transporting our inspectors to the US. Members of our inspection teams and flights crews are prevented to obtain transit visas. The American side has none of these issues. As a result, Washington has got an obvious advantage.
🔹Without resolving these issues, it is impossible to resume inspections. Our American colleagues understand this. Therefore the US decision to notify us of their intent to conduct an inspection on the Russian territory was perplexing. We had no choice but to announce a temporary exemption of the inspection activities from the Russian facilities subject to inspections.
🔹This measure in no way contradicts New START terms and is not permanent in nature. Russia is committed to complying with all provisions of the Treaty and seeks to resume its implementation in full as soon as possible. It is the only working nuclear arms agreement between Russia and the US. It is referred to as a gold standard in arms control. It plays a key role in maintaining strategic stability and preventing an arms race.
🔹Presidents Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden reaffirmed their countries’ commitment to the New START in the August 1 messages to the participants of the 10th NPT Review Conference. The US president stated that the administration was ready to expeditiously negotiate a new arms control framework. However we have received no concrete proposals from Washington on the resumption of the bilateral dialogue on strategic stability.
🔹Meanwhile the New START Treaty expires in 3.5 years. The historic record of Russian-US negotiations shows that even if both sides are ready, the remaining time to work out an agreement is extremely short. Especially given that on Washington’s initiative the strategic consultations launched in 2021 have been frozen.
☝️Most importantly, any interaction on arms control matters must be conducted on an equal basis, with due consideration for mutual concerns and interests.
🔗Link to the material: https://www.newsweek.com/war-ukraine-pushing-last-us-russia-nuclear-treaty-off-rails-1735371
🔹The inspection activities under the New START Treaty have indeed been suspended since the early 2020 by mutual agreement due to COVID-19 pandemic. We are working closely with our American colleagues within the framework of the New START Bilateral Consultative Commission to remove organizational and technical obstacles to resume inspections. Some issues have been resolved but by no means all of them.
🔹The remaining problems stem from the anti-Russian restrictive measures imposed unilaterally by the United States. The State Department statement that the sanctions do not prevent our inspectors from conducting verification procedures on the US territory is misleading. Direct flights between the US and Russia have been cancelled. Washington’s allies have closed their airspace to transit flights and technical stops of Russian aircraft transporting our inspectors to the US. Members of our inspection teams and flights crews are prevented to obtain transit visas. The American side has none of these issues. As a result, Washington has got an obvious advantage.
🔹Without resolving these issues, it is impossible to resume inspections. Our American colleagues understand this. Therefore the US decision to notify us of their intent to conduct an inspection on the Russian territory was perplexing. We had no choice but to announce a temporary exemption of the inspection activities from the Russian facilities subject to inspections.
🔹This measure in no way contradicts New START terms and is not permanent in nature. Russia is committed to complying with all provisions of the Treaty and seeks to resume its implementation in full as soon as possible. It is the only working nuclear arms agreement between Russia and the US. It is referred to as a gold standard in arms control. It plays a key role in maintaining strategic stability and preventing an arms race.
🔹Presidents Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden reaffirmed their countries’ commitment to the New START in the August 1 messages to the participants of the 10th NPT Review Conference. The US president stated that the administration was ready to expeditiously negotiate a new arms control framework. However we have received no concrete proposals from Washington on the resumption of the bilateral dialogue on strategic stability.
🔹Meanwhile the New START Treaty expires in 3.5 years. The historic record of Russian-US negotiations shows that even if both sides are ready, the remaining time to work out an agreement is extremely short. Especially given that on Washington’s initiative the strategic consultations launched in 2021 have been frozen.
☝️Most importantly, any interaction on arms control matters must be conducted on an equal basis, with due consideration for mutual concerns and interests.
🔗Link to the material: https://www.newsweek.com/war-ukraine-pushing-last-us-russia-nuclear-treaty-off-rails-1735371
War in Ukraine Is Pushing the Last U.S.-Russia Nuclear Treaty Off the Rails
"We have received no concrete proposals from Washington on the resumption of the bilateral dialogue on strategic stability," Russia's Embassy told Newsweek.
🇷🇺🇺🇸 Комментарий Посольства России в США:
🔹Обратили внимание на очередные обвинения госдепартамента, связанные с якобы имевшим место применением российскими спецслужбами химоружия против Навального.
🔹Заявления об отравлении «блогера» абсолютно бездоказательны. Уголовное дело в отношении россиянина не является политически мотивированным. Он отбывает наказание на основании решения суда, принятого в соответствии с российским законодательством.
❗️Утверждения о том, что Россия якобы обладает химоружием лживы. Вашингтону хорошо известно, что в 2017 г. наша страна полностью ликвидировала национальные запасы боевых отравляющих веществ. Этот факт официально подтвержден ОЗХО.
☝️В свою очередь именно Соединенные Штаты – единственная страна, до сих пор не избавившаяся от химарсенала. Призываем Вашингтон прекратить уклоняться от выполнения своих международно-правовых обязательств, а также не вмешиваться во внутрироссийские дела.
🔹Обратили внимание на очередные обвинения госдепартамента, связанные с якобы имевшим место применением российскими спецслужбами химоружия против Навального.
🔹Заявления об отравлении «блогера» абсолютно бездоказательны. Уголовное дело в отношении россиянина не является политически мотивированным. Он отбывает наказание на основании решения суда, принятого в соответствии с российским законодательством.
❗️Утверждения о том, что Россия якобы обладает химоружием лживы. Вашингтону хорошо известно, что в 2017 г. наша страна полностью ликвидировала национальные запасы боевых отравляющих веществ. Этот факт официально подтвержден ОЗХО.
☝️В свою очередь именно Соединенные Штаты – единственная страна, до сих пор не избавившаяся от химарсенала. Призываем Вашингтон прекратить уклоняться от выполнения своих международно-правовых обязательств, а также не вмешиваться во внутрироссийские дела.
🇷🇺🇺🇸 Comment by the Russian Embassy in the United States:
🔹We drew attention to another round of accusations of the State Department related to the alleged use of chemical weapons by the Russian special services against Navalny.
🔹The statements about the poisoning of the "blogger" are absolutely baseless. The criminal case against him is not politically motivated. He is serving his sentence on the basis of a court decision taken in accordance with Russian law.
❗️Allegations that Russia possesses chemical weapons are false. Washington is well aware that in 2017 our country completely eliminated the national stocks of chemical warfare agents. This fact has been officially confirmed by the OPCW.
☝️In turn, it is the United States that is the only country that has not yet got rid of its chemical arsenal. We call on Washington to stop evading its international legal obligations as well as not to interfere in internal Russian affairs.
🔹We drew attention to another round of accusations of the State Department related to the alleged use of chemical weapons by the Russian special services against Navalny.
🔹The statements about the poisoning of the "blogger" are absolutely baseless. The criminal case against him is not politically motivated. He is serving his sentence on the basis of a court decision taken in accordance with Russian law.
❗️Allegations that Russia possesses chemical weapons are false. Washington is well aware that in 2017 our country completely eliminated the national stocks of chemical warfare agents. This fact has been officially confirmed by the OPCW.
☝️In turn, it is the United States that is the only country that has not yet got rid of its chemical arsenal. We call on Washington to stop evading its international legal obligations as well as not to interfere in internal Russian affairs.
Forwarded from МИД России 🇷🇺
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🇷🇺 Поздравление Президента России В.В.Путина по случаю Дня государственного флага
Полный текст
💬 В.В.Путин: Государственный флаг символизирует верность нашим традиционным ценностям, от которых мы никогда не отступим, – правде и справедливости, солидарности и милосердию, уважению к многовековой, непрерывной истории России, к достижениям и победам наших предков, которые завещали нам беречь и защищать Родину, никогда не допускать внешнего диктата и гегемонии. Поэтому стремление жить по собственной воле, самим делать выбор своего пути и идти по нему стало частью генетического кода нашего народа.
Россия – это мощная, самостоятельная мировая держава.
Мы тверды в том, чтобы проводить на международной арене только ту политику, которая отвечает коренным интересам Отечества.
Полный текст
💬 В.В.Путин: Государственный флаг символизирует верность нашим традиционным ценностям, от которых мы никогда не отступим, – правде и справедливости, солидарности и милосердию, уважению к многовековой, непрерывной истории России, к достижениям и победам наших предков, которые завещали нам беречь и защищать Родину, никогда не допускать внешнего диктата и гегемонии. Поэтому стремление жить по собственной воле, самим делать выбор своего пути и идти по нему стало частью генетического кода нашего народа.
Россия – это мощная, самостоятельная мировая держава.
Мы тверды в том, чтобы проводить на международной арене только ту политику, которая отвечает коренным интересам Отечества.
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
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🇷🇺 President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin's address on National Flag Day
💬 President Putin: The national flag symbolises our faith in our traditional values that we will never give up – truth and justice, solidarity and mercy, and respect for Russia’s centuries-long uninterrupted history, the achievements and victories of our ancestors that inspire us to care for and defend our Motherland and never permit any foreign hegemony or diktat. The desire to live according to our own will, to choose our own path and to follow it, has become part of our people’s genetic code.
Russia is a strong, independent world power.
On the international stage, we are committed to pursuing only such policies that meet the vital interests of our Fatherland.
Full transcript
💬 President Putin: The national flag symbolises our faith in our traditional values that we will never give up – truth and justice, solidarity and mercy, and respect for Russia’s centuries-long uninterrupted history, the achievements and victories of our ancestors that inspire us to care for and defend our Motherland and never permit any foreign hegemony or diktat. The desire to live according to our own will, to choose our own path and to follow it, has become part of our people’s genetic code.
Russia is a strong, independent world power.
On the international stage, we are committed to pursuing only such policies that meet the vital interests of our Fatherland.
Full transcript
4 MB
⚡️Enjoy the 2️⃣5️⃣5️⃣th #RussianEmbassyWeekly⚡️
Main topics:
🔹Vladimir Putin spoke at the opening ceremony of the Army-2022 International Military-Technical Forum
🔹Address to participants and guests of the 10th Moscow Conference on International Security
🔹Probability of a direct military clash between Russia and the United States
🔹Speech by Sergei Shoigu at X Moscow Conference on International Security
🔹Ambassador Anatoly Antonov's interview to Russia-24 TV Channel
🔹Ambassador Anatoly Antonov's answer to a media question
🔹Comment by the Russian Embassy in the United States to Newsweek on arms control
🔹Belka and Strelka ventured into space on August 19, 1960
🔹The Trenton Falls Meeting took place with participation of Russian diplomats on August 18, 1863
🔹The renowned Russian artist Ivan Bilibin was born August 16, 1876
🔹The Soviet nuclear-powered icebreaker Arktika was the first to reach the North Pole August 17, 1977
Main topics:
🔹Vladimir Putin spoke at the opening ceremony of the Army-2022 International Military-Technical Forum
🔹Address to participants and guests of the 10th Moscow Conference on International Security
🔹Probability of a direct military clash between Russia and the United States
🔹Speech by Sergei Shoigu at X Moscow Conference on International Security
🔹Ambassador Anatoly Antonov's interview to Russia-24 TV Channel
🔹Ambassador Anatoly Antonov's answer to a media question
🔹Comment by the Russian Embassy in the United States to Newsweek on arms control
🔹Belka and Strelka ventured into space on August 19, 1960
🔹The Trenton Falls Meeting took place with participation of Russian diplomats on August 18, 1863
🔹The renowned Russian artist Ivan Bilibin was born August 16, 1876
🔹The Soviet nuclear-powered icebreaker Arktika was the first to reach the North Pole August 17, 1977