Embassy of Russia in the USA / Посольство России в США
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Официальный новостной канал Посольства России в США
🇷🇺 🇺🇸 Comment by the Embassy of the Russian Federation in the United States in connection with the calls of American senators to restrict access to Russian Spanish-language media

🔹 We paid attention to the concern of a number of US legislators about the expansion of the audience of the Spanish-language versions of the Russian media "Russia Today" and "Sputnik", which prompted them to write appeals to the heads of Meta, Twitter and Telegram companies with a request for the introduction of appropriate restrictions.

🔹 Parliamentarians, in the typical manner, once again turn everything upside down, seeing in the work of our news agencies attempts to "spread disinformation", "undermine democracy" and "sow chaos" in the Western Hemisphere. The reason for such accusations is dissatisfaction with the interest of the Latin American public in objective coverage of events in Russia and the world. Washington's ruling circles are clearly annoyed that, thanks to high-quality and timely news content, citizens of the countries of the region make a choice in favor of Russia Today and Sputnik, and not US-controlled media.

🔹 We proceed from the fact that subscribers of Russian media resources, regardless of the language of broadcasting, are able to determine the value of the information received themselves without any external prompts. Depriving them of access to an alternative point of view contradicts the most basic principles of media freedom and the unacceptability of censorship, so jealously defended at the Capitol.
🇷🇺 🇺🇸 Комментарий Посольства России в США в ответ на заявление американских законодателей об ответственности России за глобальный продовольственный кризис
🔹 Обратили внимание на обвинения конгрессменов Г.Микса и М.Маккола в адрес Министра иностранных дел России С.В.Лаврова в распространении в ходе турне по Африке дезинформации о причастности нашей страны к продовольственному кризису.
🔹 Заявления американских законодателей - часть клеветнической кампании против России и свидетельство отчаяния из-за неспособности изолировать нашу страну.
🔹 Истоки агрокризиса кроются в системных ошибках в макроэкономической политике самих западных государств.
🔹 Российская сторона глубоко обеспокоена текущей ситуацией на международных рынках агропродукции. Намерены продолжать добросовестно исполнять все свои обязательства по экспортным сельскохозяйственным контрактам.
🔹 Призываем власти США не перекладывать с больной головы на здоровую и принять конкретные шаги, гарантирующие исключение российских поставок продовольствия и удобрений из-под прямых и косвенных санкционных ограничений.
🔹 Публичные заверения и «комфортные письма» не срабатывают. Необходимо обеспечить беспрепятственную работу транспортно-логистической системы, включая российские и зарубежные порты, а также нормальное финансовое сопровождение соответствующих
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🇷🇺🇪🇹 FM Sergey Lavrov’s remarks following talks with Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Ethiopia Demeke Mekonnen

💬 The talks in Addis Ababa and our previous contacts with the African countries we visited prior to Ethiopia show that our African colleagues understand perfectly well the root causes of what is happening. They see the attempts by the collective West to cling to the evaporating future of the so-called unipolar world and impede the objective historical process of the creation of a fair, democratic order.

🌍 The striving of the African nations to decide their own destinies and find ways of settling persisting conflicts are part of the formation of this multipolar, democratic world order.

🇷🇺 Russia will support the aspirations of its African friends.

❗️ We believe all countries, including UN Security Council members, must respect Africa’s right to find African solutions to African problems.

Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🇷🇺🇪🇹 Outcome of FM Sergey Lavrov’s working visit to Ethiopia

Minister was welcomed by President of Ethiopia Sahle-Work Zewde and held talks with Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Demeke Mekonnen.

Progressive development of traditionally friendly Russian-Ethiopian relations was discussed during the meetings and conversations.

Both sides noted a high level of trust-based political dialogue, as well as Moscow and Addis Ababa’s overlapping approaches to pressing international issues.

They reiterated their mutual commitment to expand interaction and to coordinate their steps at the UN and other multilateral platforms.

They also touched on preparations for the second #RussiaAfrica summit in mid-2023.

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🇷🇺🇨🇳 Foreign Ministers Sergey #Lavrov & #WangYi meet in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.


🇷🇺 🇺🇸Comment by the Russian Embassy in the United States regarding the US lawmakers' statement about Russia's responsibility for the global food crisis

🔹 We have noted the accusations of congressmen Gregory Meeks and Michael McCaul against Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov of spreading disinformation during his tour in Africa about the involvement of our country in the food crisis.

🔹 Statements by the US lawmakers are part of a smear campaign against Russia and evidence of desperation at the inability to isolate our country.

❗️The root cause of the agrocrisis lies in systemic errors in the macroeconomic policy of the Western states.

🔹 The Russian side is deeply concerned about the current situation in the international agricultural markets. We intend to go on fulfilling in good faith all our obligations under export agricultural contracts.

☝️We urge the US authorities to stop passing the buck and take specific steps to guarantee the exclusion of Russian food and fertilizer supplies from direct and indirect sanctions.

‼️Public assurances and "comfort letters" won’t work. It is necessary to ensure the smooth operation of the transport and logistics system, including Russian and foreign ports, as well as the effective financial support of the relevant operations.
⚡️ Ответ на вопрос СМИ М.В.Захаровой относительно возможности обмена российских и американских граждан, пребывающих в местах заключения в России и США 🇷🇺🇺🇸

Как Вы могли бы прокомментировать сделанное вчера заявление Госсекретаря США Э.Блинкена о том, что, как приводят СМИ, США сделали России «серьезное предложение» по обмену В.Бута на американских граждан Б.Грайнер и П.Уилана?

💬 М.В.Захарова: Вопрос взаимного обмена российских и американских граждан, находящихся в местах заключения на территории двух стран, в своё время обговаривался Президентами России и США. Ими были даны поручения соответствующим уполномоченным структурам осуществлять переговоры. Они ведутся компетентными ведомствами. Конкретный результат пока не достигнут.

При этом мы исходим из того, что в ходе переговорного процесса должны быть учтены интересы обеих сторон.
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
⚔️ On July 28, 1944, the Red Army liberated Brest, famous fortified city that was among the first to come under the strike of the Nazi invaders and became the embodiment of Soviet resistance. In June 1941, its defenders repelled attacks by superior enemy forces for almost a month.

The Soviet soldiers who liberated Brest found inscriptions written by its heroic defenders on the fortress’ ruins. These inscriptions, some signed, others anonymous, covered the floors and walls. In them, the Red Army soldiers said goodbye to their Motherland and families, while declaring their determination to fight to the death.

🎖 In 1965, Brest was awarded Hero Fortress title. Six years later, a memorial complex comprising the ruins of the White Palace opened at the fortress.
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☦️ On July 28, Russia celebrates the Baptism of Rus. On this day in 988, Prince Vladimir and his warriors were baptised in the city of Korsun (Chersonesus), the centre of Byzantian territory in Crimea.

The baptism of Rus was an event of landmark significance. It accelerated the unification of Slavic tribes and the establishment of a united Russian state. By adopting one of the major world’s religions, our country tapped into the spiritual and cultural legacy of Byzantium, which considerably increased its international prestige.

⛪️ The St Vladimir Cathedral, a major architectural landmark of Sevastopol, was built at the site of Prince Vladimir’s baptism in the 19th century.

#BaptismOfRus #HistoryOfRussia
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⚡️ Maria Zakharova’s answer to a media question on the possibility of Russia and the US exchanging Russian and US citizens detained or imprisoned in their respective countries 🇷🇺🇺🇸

Can you comment on yesterday’s statement by United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken? According to media reports, the United States has a ‘substantial proposal’ for Russia to swap Viktor Bout for US citizens Brittney Griner and Paul N. Whelan.

💬 Maria Zakharova: The Presidents of Russia and the United States discussed the question of exchanging Russian and American citizens imprisoned or detained in these two countries some time ago. They instructed the relevant agencies to launch talks on this subject. This is what the competent agencies are doing. They have yet to achieve tangible results.

We proceed from the premise that the interests of both sides must be taken into consideration during this negotiating process.
📣🇷🇺В целях планового совершенствования работы на консульском направлении Посольство России в США предлагает всем желающим пройти опрос о процессе и качестве оказания консульских услуг!

Если Вы уже обращались или планируете воспользоваться соответствующими услугами, будем признательны за ответы на вопросы анкеты. Для нас очень важно услышать Ваше мнение.

Опрос абсолютно АНОНИМНЫЙ. Достаточно указать свой пол, матримониальный статус, общие сведения о семье и работе. Заполнение анкеты займет не более 10 минут.

🔗Перейти по ссылке: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfCHSMo44d02UrMWVQhwpN-Bg5wbPR3dMFL6bel3lK2ilgkng/viewform?usp=send_form&fbclid=IwAR2b_6XGOowdGzIL9QQQ-JNzcDr1yTDQMor4-RjRLyAoDAannHuHrqKH5KA
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⚡️ Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation in Ukraine (Part 2)

❗️Bloody provocation was purposefully perpetrated by Kiev regime tonight.

▫️US-made HIMARS MLRS struck a detention centre near Elenovka, where Ukrainian servicemen, including Azov fighters, are being held.

▫️40 Ukrainian POWs were killed and 75 injured. In addition, 8 employees of detention centre were injured to varying degrees of severity.

▫️A large number of Ukrainian soldiers are now voluntarily laying down their arms, knowing the humane treatment of prisoners of war on the Russian side.

▫️This blatant provocation was committed in order to intimidate Ukrainian servicemen and prevent their surrender.

▫️The circumstances of this provocation are being investigated.

Part 1 📑

#MoD #Russia #Ukraine #report
⚡️Посол России в США А.И.Антонов провел встречу с К.В.Ярошенко, который рассказал о реалиях пенитенциарной системы США, с которыми ему пришлось столкнуться за 12 лет своего пребывания в американских застенках.
⚡️ Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov held a meeting with Konstantin Yaroshenko, who recounted the realities of the US penitentiary system that he had to face during his 12 years in American prison.
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🎙 Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s reply to a question from "Uzbekistan-24" TV Channel

💬 Today, President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev and I discussed the entire range of issues in the agreements between he and President Vladimir Putin which were reached during the President of Uzbekistan’s visit to Russia last year and during their subsequent telephone conversations 🇷🇺🇺🇿

Participation in multilateral associations like the #CIS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) are a special area of bilateral cooperation. For obvious reasons, we spoke at length about the preparations for the #SCO summit in Samarkand next September.

Naturally, #Afghanistan 🇦🇫 will be prominent in our discussions. As in the past, Tashkent will again be the capital for special international meetings to discuss Afghanistan-related issues and the implications for the neighboring countries.
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🇷🇺🇮🇳🇰🇿🇰🇬🇨🇳🇵🇰🇹🇯🇺🇿 Heads of delegations at the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation #SCO Council of Foreign Ministers Meeting in Tashkent
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📅 On July 28-29, FM Sergey Lavrov attended the meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs in Tashkent.

🇷🇺🇮🇳🇰🇿🇰🇬🇨🇳🇵🇰🇹🇯🇺🇿 The agenda of the meeting focused on preparations for the meeting of the #SCO Heads of States Council to be held in Samarkand in September.

The summit is to:
• consider the state of multilateral cooperation and prospects for its further development,
• identify priorities and practical measures to step up SCO’s activities at the current stage,
• pay particular attention to the enhancement of the organisation's role in world affairs in the light of the current geopolitical realities.

✍️ On Russia’s initiative, the heads of foreign ministries adopted a Joint Statement on Strengthening the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention in the format of parties concerned.

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