Embassy of Russia in the USA / Посольство России в США
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Официальный новостной канал Посольства России в США
🇷🇺🌍 12 сентября состоялся торжественный вечер, посвященный итогам второго Саммита Россия-Африка, прошедшего 27-28 июля в Санкт-Петербурге.

🤝 Мероприятие посетили главы дипмиссий африканских государств, стран СНГ, а также военные атташе, российские и иностранные журналисты, представители американских НПО.

🎙 К гостям с приветственным словом обратился Посол А.И.Антонов.
🇷🇺🌍 Russia-Africa evening took place on September 12. It was dedicated to the outcomes of the Second Russia-Africa Summit (July 27-28, Saint Petersburg).

🤝 The evening was attended by the heads of African diplomatic missions, CIS countries as well as military attachés, Russian and foreign journalists, representatives of American NGOs.

🎙Ambassador Anatoly Antonov addressed the guests.
🇷🇺🇰🇵 Президент России Владимир Путин и Председатель Государственных дел Корейской Народно-Демократической Республики Ким Чен Ын провели переговоры на космодроме Восточный.

По окончании переговоров с участием делегаций лидеры провели отдельную беседу в формате тет-а-тет.

💬 В.В.Путин: Уважаемый господин Председатель!

Я очень рад Вас вновь видеть и принимать в России – на этот раз, как мы и договорились, на нашем космодроме Восточный. <...>

Совсем недавно Корейская Народно-Демократическая Республика отмечала 75 лет своего создания, основания. 75 лет установления дипломатических отношений между нашими странами. Напомню, что именно наша страна была первой, кто признал суверенное, независимое государство – Корейскую Народно-Демократическую Республику.

Затем совсем скоро будем отмечать и 70 лет окончания войны за независимость и победу корейского народа в этой войне. Это знаковая дата, поскольку наша страна также помогала нашим друзьям в Корейской Народно-Демократической Республике бороться за эту независимость.

Нам, конечно, нужно поговорить по вопросам экономического взаимодействия, по вопросам гуманитарного характера, по ситуации в регионе.

Вопросов у нас много. Я хочу сказать, что очень рад Вас видеть. Благодарю за то, что Вы приняли приглашение и приехали в Россию. Добро пожаловать!
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🇷🇺🇰🇵 President Vladimir Putin and Chairman of State Affairs of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Kim Jong-un held talks at the Vostochny Space Launch Centre.

Following the talks with participation of the countries’ delegations, the two leaders held a one-on-one meeting.

💬 Vladimir Putin: Mr Chairman,

I am delighted to see you again and to welcome you to Russia. This time we are meeting at the Vostochny Cosmodrome. <...>

The People’s Democratic Republic of Korea has recently celebrated the 75th Anniversary of its founding, and we established diplomatic relations 75 years ago. I would like to remind you that our country was the first to recognise the sovereignty and independence of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

This year we mark 70 years since the end of the war for independence and the Korean people’s victory in that war. It is a landmark date because our country also helped our friends in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to fight for their independence.

Of course, we need to talk about our economic cooperation, humanitarian issues and the situation in the region.

There are many issues we will discuss. I would like to say that I am glad to see you. Thank for accepting our invitation to come to Russia.

Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🎙 President Vladimir Putin’s address at the Plenary Session of the 8th Eastern Economic Forum (September 12, 2023)

💬 In these conditions the world sees the expanding space for actual business cooperation between states that do not yield to external pressure but pursue their own national interests. We are witnessing a new emerging model of relationships and integration – and not by Western patterns, for the elite, for the chosen ‘golden billion,’ but for the entire humanity.

🤝 I expect our trade with the APR countries and economic relations in general to further expand, because Russia, our Far East, is open to strengthening trade and cooperation ties, and the potential of such cooperation simply cannot be overestimated.

We have come up with special tax, administrative and customs preferences in the Far East in order to promote the development of industrial sites and high-tech production facilities and to create new jobs, and we have taken on the construction of infrastructure and bringing utilities to industrial sites.

🚢 Transport projects are important as a means of support for business initiatives and in general for the economy of the Arctic and the Far East and for local residents there. It is necessary to expand the existing logistics routes and open new corridors for cargo operations.

Development of the Northern Sea Route has special priority among these projects. Thirty-four million tonnes of cargo were shipped using the route last year. In the next few years, the cargo traffic on this global transport corridor will only grow

Thanks to the initiative of private investors, we are building the Pacific Railway and a new port on the Sea of Okhotsk, which will allow us to utilise the resources of Yakutia and the northern regions in the Khabarovsk Territory, and to secure direct access to Asia-Pacific markets.

❗️ The Far East is Russia’s strategic priority for the entire 21st century, and we will stick to this.

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