Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
📄 This Report is a continuation of the efforts made by the Ministry to attract attention to the problems related to violation of the rights of Russian citizens and fellow citizens in foreign countries.
Since the issuing of the previous report, not only did no perceptible improvement of the situation take place in this sphere, but the state of affairs has worsened in multiple occasions.
The specific problems faced by our fellow citizens in a number of countries that had prevailed in the previous year were augmented by overwhelming discrimination of Russians, including diplomats, in connection with the special military operation for denazification and demilitarization of Ukraine conducted by the Russian Federation; this discrimination was shocking by its absurdity.
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Since the issuing of the previous report, not only did no perceptible improvement of the situation take place in this sphere, but the state of affairs has worsened in multiple occasions.
The specific problems faced by our fellow citizens in a number of countries that had prevailed in the previous year were augmented by overwhelming discrimination of Russians, including diplomats, in connection with the special military operation for denazification and demilitarization of Ukraine conducted by the Russian Federation; this discrimination was shocking by its absurdity.
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🇷🇺🇺🇸 Комментарий Посольства России в США в связи с опубликованным на сайте госдепартамента совместным заявлением США и их союзников с призывом к отстранению России от участия в международных спортивных мероприятиях:
🔹Обратили внимание на очередной русофобский выпад со стороны США и их сателлитов, которые не оставляют попыток ограничить российское участие в спортивных мероприятиях. Делается это под надуманным предлогом о якобы нарушении нами международных обязательств и попрании прав человека в контексте специальной военной операции на Украине.
🔹Рассматриваем данный шаг как политизированный и имеющий целью, как здесь выражаются, «сдержать» нашу страну. При этом, очевидно, что Украина - лишь повод. Гонения на российских атлетов начались задолго до нынешних событий. Это часть нелепой кампании по «отмене» России.
🔹Действия «коллективного запада» - очередной пример нечестной конкуренции с целью лишить российских спортсменов возможности состязаться на равных с соперниками из других государств.
❗️Подчёркиваем, что спорт должен оставаться вне политики. Использование его в качестве инструмента давления и для сведения счетов прямо нарушает базовые принципы олимпийского движения, противоречит духу состязательности и здоровой конкуренции.
🔹Обратили внимание на очередной русофобский выпад со стороны США и их сателлитов, которые не оставляют попыток ограничить российское участие в спортивных мероприятиях. Делается это под надуманным предлогом о якобы нарушении нами международных обязательств и попрании прав человека в контексте специальной военной операции на Украине.
🔹Рассматриваем данный шаг как политизированный и имеющий целью, как здесь выражаются, «сдержать» нашу страну. При этом, очевидно, что Украина - лишь повод. Гонения на российских атлетов начались задолго до нынешних событий. Это часть нелепой кампании по «отмене» России.
🔹Действия «коллективного запада» - очередной пример нечестной конкуренции с целью лишить российских спортсменов возможности состязаться на равных с соперниками из других государств.
❗️Подчёркиваем, что спорт должен оставаться вне политики. Использование его в качестве инструмента давления и для сведения счетов прямо нарушает базовые принципы олимпийского движения, противоречит духу состязательности и здоровой конкуренции.
Forwarded from MoD Russia
Forwarded from MoD Russia
📑The special military operation has led to forming the final report on DTRA activity dated from 2005 to 2016.
🗂The document contains the data on evaluation of healthcare, veterinary and biosecurity system efficiency prepared by a group of U.S. experts in 2016.
▫️This report is a concept document designed for further planification of military-biological activity of the Pentagon in Ukraine that contains conclusions on implementation of the programme guidelines.
❗️Despite the more than 10-year-long period of cooperation in the alleged '...reduction of biological threats...', the experts have stated: '...There is no legislation on the control of highly dangerous pathogens in the country, there are significant deficiencies in biosafety... The current state of resources makes it impossible for laboratories to respond effectively to public health emergencies...'
▫️The document emphasises that '...over the past five years, Ukraine has shown no progress in implementing international health regulations of the World Health Organisation'.
❗️The report pays particular attention to non-compliance with biosafety requirements when working and storing microbial collections. It has been stated '...that most facilities are characterised by numerous gross violations, such as unlocked fencing systems, unlatching windows, broken or inactive pathogen restriction systems, lack of alarm systems...' The results of the review conclude that there is no system for protecting dangerous pathogens in Ukraine.
▫️At the same time, the activities of the Defence Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) have been assessed positively: the organisation has managed to bring the national collection of microorganisms to the United States, to organise biological assessment work and to implement projects to study particularly dangerous and economically significant infections that could cause a worsening (changing) epidemic situation.
▫️The report makes the case for continuing this work on behalf of the Pentagon that has cost more than $250 million since 2005. The document is annexed with ambiguous comments about the sponsors and implementers of the Biological Threat Reduction Programme in Ukraine that have nothing to do with biosecurity issues. In particular, the Soros Foundation is mentioned with the notation '...contributed to the development of an open and democratic society...'
▫️It confirms again that the official activities of the Pentagon in Ukraine are just a front for illegal military and biological research.
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🗂The document contains the data on evaluation of healthcare, veterinary and biosecurity system efficiency prepared by a group of U.S. experts in 2016.
▫️This report is a concept document designed for further planification of military-biological activity of the Pentagon in Ukraine that contains conclusions on implementation of the programme guidelines.
❗️Despite the more than 10-year-long period of cooperation in the alleged '...reduction of biological threats...', the experts have stated: '...There is no legislation on the control of highly dangerous pathogens in the country, there are significant deficiencies in biosafety... The current state of resources makes it impossible for laboratories to respond effectively to public health emergencies...'
▫️The document emphasises that '...over the past five years, Ukraine has shown no progress in implementing international health regulations of the World Health Organisation'.
❗️The report pays particular attention to non-compliance with biosafety requirements when working and storing microbial collections. It has been stated '...that most facilities are characterised by numerous gross violations, such as unlocked fencing systems, unlatching windows, broken or inactive pathogen restriction systems, lack of alarm systems...' The results of the review conclude that there is no system for protecting dangerous pathogens in Ukraine.
▫️At the same time, the activities of the Defence Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) have been assessed positively: the organisation has managed to bring the national collection of microorganisms to the United States, to organise biological assessment work and to implement projects to study particularly dangerous and economically significant infections that could cause a worsening (changing) epidemic situation.
▫️The report makes the case for continuing this work on behalf of the Pentagon that has cost more than $250 million since 2005. The document is annexed with ambiguous comments about the sponsors and implementers of the Biological Threat Reduction Programme in Ukraine that have nothing to do with biosecurity issues. In particular, the Soros Foundation is mentioned with the notation '...contributed to the development of an open and democratic society...'
▫️It confirms again that the official activities of the Pentagon in Ukraine are just a front for illegal military and biological research.
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Forwarded from MoD Russia
💬 We have repeatedly mentioned the role of U.S. Democratic Party representatives in funding bioweapons activities in Ukraine and the intermediary organisations that have been used for this purpose.
◽️ I would like to refer to one of the key Pentagon contractors receiving money from Hunter Biden's investment fund, Metabiota.
📃 The available data suggests that the company is merely a front for internationally dubious purposes and is used by the U.S. political elite to carry out opaque financial activities in various parts of the world.
◽️ There is a specific example: Metabiota was involved in the response to the Ebola epidemic in West Africa. The activities of the company's employees have raised questions from the World Health Organisation (WHO) in terms of their compliance with biosafety requirements.
This is the report of the international panel of experts from the Haemorrhagic Fever Consortium who were involved in the fight against Ebola virus disease in Sierra Leone in 2015.
🗂 According to the document, Metabiota staff had failed to comply with handling procedures and concealed the involvement of Pentagon staff who were using the company as a front. The main purpose of these activities was to isolate highly virulent variants of the virus from sick and dead people, as well as to export its strains to the USA.
◽️ In view of the apparent failure of Metabiota's activities to meet the goals of controlling the spread of the disease, the World Health Organisation's Ebola coordinator, Philippe Barbosa, recommended to recall the staff of the company saying he was extremely concerned about the potential risks of such collaboration to WHO's reputation.
◽️ The U.S. military contractor's heightened interest in the Ebola virus is not a coincidence: the disease is one of the most pathogenic to humans. During the outbreak that began in 2014, 28,000 people were contaminated, over 11,000 of them died, the mortality rate was around 40%.
🗂 The special military operation has led to receiving documents that reveals the plans of Metabiota and the Ukrainian Scientific-Technological Centre to study the Ebola virus in Ukraine.
◽️ This is the request for U.S. funding to diagnose highly dangerous pathogens in Ukraine, including Ebola virus. This kind of requests are part of U.S. strategy to redeploy high-risk work with dangerous pathogens to third countries.
◽️ The research was to be carried out at the Mechnikov Anti-Plague Institute in Odessa. As the disease is not endemic and has never been recorded in Ukraine indeed, there is a legitimate question about the need for such research and its true purpose.
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◽️ I would like to refer to one of the key Pentagon contractors receiving money from Hunter Biden's investment fund, Metabiota.
📃 The available data suggests that the company is merely a front for internationally dubious purposes and is used by the U.S. political elite to carry out opaque financial activities in various parts of the world.
◽️ There is a specific example: Metabiota was involved in the response to the Ebola epidemic in West Africa. The activities of the company's employees have raised questions from the World Health Organisation (WHO) in terms of their compliance with biosafety requirements.
This is the report of the international panel of experts from the Haemorrhagic Fever Consortium who were involved in the fight against Ebola virus disease in Sierra Leone in 2015.
🗂 According to the document, Metabiota staff had failed to comply with handling procedures and concealed the involvement of Pentagon staff who were using the company as a front. The main purpose of these activities was to isolate highly virulent variants of the virus from sick and dead people, as well as to export its strains to the USA.
◽️ In view of the apparent failure of Metabiota's activities to meet the goals of controlling the spread of the disease, the World Health Organisation's Ebola coordinator, Philippe Barbosa, recommended to recall the staff of the company saying he was extremely concerned about the potential risks of such collaboration to WHO's reputation.
◽️ The U.S. military contractor's heightened interest in the Ebola virus is not a coincidence: the disease is one of the most pathogenic to humans. During the outbreak that began in 2014, 28,000 people were contaminated, over 11,000 of them died, the mortality rate was around 40%.
🗂 The special military operation has led to receiving documents that reveals the plans of Metabiota and the Ukrainian Scientific-Technological Centre to study the Ebola virus in Ukraine.
◽️ This is the request for U.S. funding to diagnose highly dangerous pathogens in Ukraine, including Ebola virus. This kind of requests are part of U.S. strategy to redeploy high-risk work with dangerous pathogens to third countries.
◽️ The research was to be carried out at the Mechnikov Anti-Plague Institute in Odessa. As the disease is not endemic and has never been recorded in Ukraine indeed, there is a legitimate question about the need for such research and its true purpose.
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Forwarded from MoD Russia
💬 We have already noted that Ukraine and other post-Soviet states have become a testing ground for biological weapons not only for the USA, but also for its NATO allies; on the first place, Germany. Various projects have been carried out on behalf of the Joint Medical Service of the German Armed Forces.
◽️ Bundeswehr professionals paid particular attention to the Congo-Crimean fever pathogen. A large-scale screening of the susceptibility of the local population to this infection was carried out and included summarising demographic, epidemiological and clinical data. This kind of approaches allows to identify new regional virus genotypes and to select strains that cause latent clinical forms.
◽️ The study of natural foci of Crimean-Congo fever was carried out under the pretext of improving the Ukrainian epidemiological surveillance system, with the participation of the Institute of Veterinary Medicine in Kiev and the Mechnikov Anti-Plague Institute in Odessa.
◽️ Bundeswehr's interest in Crimean-Congo fever stems from the fact that mortality can be as high as 30% and its outbreaks create a need for lengthy and costly treatment, preventive and special handling measures.
This is a quote from Bundeswehr's instructions: ' particular attention to fatal cases of infection with Crimean-Congo fever as it allows the virus strains with maximum pathogenicity and virulence for humans to be extracted from the dead individuals...'
◽️ Apart from Germany, microbiologists from the USA have shown a keen interest in tick-borne infections; research in this area has been funded by DTRA through the UP-1 and UP-8 projects.
A separate project on ixodid ticks that are vectors of a number of highly dangerous infections (tularemia, West Nile fever, Congo-Crimean fever) has been implemented by the University of Texas.
◽️ Ticks used to be collected in the south-eastern regions of Ukraine, where natural foci of infections characteristic of the territory of the Russian Federation are located. At the same time, the period of implementing this work coincided with a rapid increase in the incidence of tick-borne borreliosis among the Ukrainian population, as well as the increase in the number of ticks in various regions of Russia bordering Ukraine.
◽️ This issue is being studied by competent Russian professionals in coordination with professionals from the Ministry of Defence of Russia.
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◽️ Bundeswehr professionals paid particular attention to the Congo-Crimean fever pathogen. A large-scale screening of the susceptibility of the local population to this infection was carried out and included summarising demographic, epidemiological and clinical data. This kind of approaches allows to identify new regional virus genotypes and to select strains that cause latent clinical forms.
◽️ The study of natural foci of Crimean-Congo fever was carried out under the pretext of improving the Ukrainian epidemiological surveillance system, with the participation of the Institute of Veterinary Medicine in Kiev and the Mechnikov Anti-Plague Institute in Odessa.
◽️ Bundeswehr's interest in Crimean-Congo fever stems from the fact that mortality can be as high as 30% and its outbreaks create a need for lengthy and costly treatment, preventive and special handling measures.
This is a quote from Bundeswehr's instructions: ' particular attention to fatal cases of infection with Crimean-Congo fever as it allows the virus strains with maximum pathogenicity and virulence for humans to be extracted from the dead individuals...'
◽️ Apart from Germany, microbiologists from the USA have shown a keen interest in tick-borne infections; research in this area has been funded by DTRA through the UP-1 and UP-8 projects.
A separate project on ixodid ticks that are vectors of a number of highly dangerous infections (tularemia, West Nile fever, Congo-Crimean fever) has been implemented by the University of Texas.
◽️ Ticks used to be collected in the south-eastern regions of Ukraine, where natural foci of infections characteristic of the territory of the Russian Federation are located. At the same time, the period of implementing this work coincided with a rapid increase in the incidence of tick-borne borreliosis among the Ukrainian population, as well as the increase in the number of ticks in various regions of Russia bordering Ukraine.
◽️ This issue is being studied by competent Russian professionals in coordination with professionals from the Ministry of Defence of Russia.
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Forwarded from MoD Russia
💬 We have previously pointed out the significance of the results of the military-biological projects codenamed UP for the Pentagon.
Note the report prepared for the U.S. Defence Department by Black & Veatch and Metabiota. According to the document, Veterinary Projects codenamed 'TAP' were implemented simultaneously with the U-P projects in Ukraine.
◽️ Their main guideline lies in economically significant quarantine infections capable of damaging the agriculture of several countries and entire regions, such as glanders, African swine fever (ASF), classical swine fever, highly pathogenic avian influenza and Newcastle disease.
◽️ African swine fever with two projects dedicated to this pathogen represented particular interest to U.S. military biologists.
The TAP-3 project was aimed to study the spread of ASF pathogen through wild animals. The migration routes of wild boar through Ukraine had been examining within its framework. The TAP-6 project scaled this process up to Eastern European countries.
◽️ The study of vector populations of dangerous zoonotic infections was carried out by staff of the Institute of New Pathogens of the University of Florida (Gainesville) in Volyn, Rovno, Zhitomir and Chernigov regions of Ukraine, as well as in the areas bordering Belarus and Russia.
◽️ Note the worsening situation of African swine fever in Eastern European countries: According to the International Office of Epizootics, since 2014, outbreaks have been recorded in Latvia (4,021 cases), Estonia (3,814) and Lithuania (4,201). In Poland, more than 13,000 cases of ASF have been detected, and agricultural losses from the disease have exceeded 2.4 billion Euros.
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Note the report prepared for the U.S. Defence Department by Black & Veatch and Metabiota. According to the document, Veterinary Projects codenamed 'TAP' were implemented simultaneously with the U-P projects in Ukraine.
◽️ Their main guideline lies in economically significant quarantine infections capable of damaging the agriculture of several countries and entire regions, such as glanders, African swine fever (ASF), classical swine fever, highly pathogenic avian influenza and Newcastle disease.
◽️ African swine fever with two projects dedicated to this pathogen represented particular interest to U.S. military biologists.
The TAP-3 project was aimed to study the spread of ASF pathogen through wild animals. The migration routes of wild boar through Ukraine had been examining within its framework. The TAP-6 project scaled this process up to Eastern European countries.
◽️ The study of vector populations of dangerous zoonotic infections was carried out by staff of the Institute of New Pathogens of the University of Florida (Gainesville) in Volyn, Rovno, Zhitomir and Chernigov regions of Ukraine, as well as in the areas bordering Belarus and Russia.
◽️ Note the worsening situation of African swine fever in Eastern European countries: According to the International Office of Epizootics, since 2014, outbreaks have been recorded in Latvia (4,021 cases), Estonia (3,814) and Lithuania (4,201). In Poland, more than 13,000 cases of ASF have been detected, and agricultural losses from the disease have exceeded 2.4 billion Euros.
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Forwarded from MoD Russia
💬 We have already mentioned the use of biological weapons in Cuba in the 1970s and 1980s. Today, I would like to focus on U.S. military-biological activities during the Korean War.
📃 In March 2022, the U.S. Army Strategic Studies Institute published a report on the U.S. chemical and biological weapons programme during the Korean War. This report was aimed to create a possible line of defence against allegations of illegal activities carried out by U.S. biolaboratories in Ukraine. The document attempts to refute the testimony of 38 U.S. military pilots who have admitted using biological weapons in China and Korea.
◽️According to the document, while preparing for the Korean campaign, '...the U.S. Air Force secured additional funds to purchase large quantities of chemical and biological munitions, obtained a testing range for them in Canada and carried out an extensive conceptual work on their use...'
◽️ At that time, the Americans considered brucellosis pathogens and economically important infections, including wheat stem rust, as priority biological agents. 2,500 munitions of this type the U.S. Air Force Strategic Air Command planned to use, including ' attack Soviet grain crops...'
◽️ Analysis of the data mentioned in the report shows that the U.S. command uses the results of the research received from the Japanese military-biological programme and a certain 'continuity' of the works previously carried out by the Detachment 731 led by Shiro Ishii.
📄 This is the record of the closed session of CIA, State Department and the Pentagon representatives dated July 7, 1953. The document clearly shows that the Americans are focusing on techniques to manipulate public opinion and launch an aggressive counter-attack within their strategies aimed to defend from allegations.
◽️ The report states that the officials are reluctant to actual investigations of chemical and biological incidents due to fears of revealing the activities carried out by the U.S. Eighth Army.
◽️ The comparative analysis of U.S. activities during the Korean War and currently in Ukraine demonstrates the persistence of the U.S. policy of building up its own military and biological capabilities in circumvention of international agreements.
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📃 In March 2022, the U.S. Army Strategic Studies Institute published a report on the U.S. chemical and biological weapons programme during the Korean War. This report was aimed to create a possible line of defence against allegations of illegal activities carried out by U.S. biolaboratories in Ukraine. The document attempts to refute the testimony of 38 U.S. military pilots who have admitted using biological weapons in China and Korea.
◽️According to the document, while preparing for the Korean campaign, '...the U.S. Air Force secured additional funds to purchase large quantities of chemical and biological munitions, obtained a testing range for them in Canada and carried out an extensive conceptual work on their use...'
◽️ At that time, the Americans considered brucellosis pathogens and economically important infections, including wheat stem rust, as priority biological agents. 2,500 munitions of this type the U.S. Air Force Strategic Air Command planned to use, including ' attack Soviet grain crops...'
◽️ Analysis of the data mentioned in the report shows that the U.S. command uses the results of the research received from the Japanese military-biological programme and a certain 'continuity' of the works previously carried out by the Detachment 731 led by Shiro Ishii.
📄 This is the record of the closed session of CIA, State Department and the Pentagon representatives dated July 7, 1953. The document clearly shows that the Americans are focusing on techniques to manipulate public opinion and launch an aggressive counter-attack within their strategies aimed to defend from allegations.
◽️ The report states that the officials are reluctant to actual investigations of chemical and biological incidents due to fears of revealing the activities carried out by the U.S. Eighth Army.
◽️ The comparative analysis of U.S. activities during the Korean War and currently in Ukraine demonstrates the persistence of the U.S. policy of building up its own military and biological capabilities in circumvention of international agreements.
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Forwarded from MoD Russia
💬 In conclusion, I would like to present real data on the health condition of the voluntarily surrendered Ukrainian servicemen. This dispositive presents the data on presence of antibodies to contagious disease agents without mentioning personal data of these servicemen.
📊 The results are as follows: 33% of the examined servicemen had had hepatitis A, over 4% had renal syndrome fever and 20% had West Nile fever. The figures are significantly higher than the statistical average. In view of active research of these diseases held by the Pentagon within the Ukrainian projects, there is reason to believe that servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) were involved as volunteers in experiments to assess the tolerance of dangerous infectious diseases.
◽️ The lack of therapeutic effect of antibacterial medication has been reported during in-patient treatment of AFU servicemen in medical facilities. High concentrations of antibiotics, including sulphonyl amides and fluoroquinolones, have been detected in their blood.
◽️ This fact may indicate preventive use of antibiotics and preparation of personnel for operating in conditions of biological contamination, such as cholera agent, that indirectly proves the information of the Russian Defence Ministry that Ukrainian special units were planning to use biological agents.
◽️ The data will be included in the U.S. military-biological dossier and we will continue to examine it and keep you informed.
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📊 The results are as follows: 33% of the examined servicemen had had hepatitis A, over 4% had renal syndrome fever and 20% had West Nile fever. The figures are significantly higher than the statistical average. In view of active research of these diseases held by the Pentagon within the Ukrainian projects, there is reason to believe that servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) were involved as volunteers in experiments to assess the tolerance of dangerous infectious diseases.
◽️ The lack of therapeutic effect of antibacterial medication has been reported during in-patient treatment of AFU servicemen in medical facilities. High concentrations of antibiotics, including sulphonyl amides and fluoroquinolones, have been detected in their blood.
◽️ This fact may indicate preventive use of antibiotics and preparation of personnel for operating in conditions of biological contamination, such as cholera agent, that indirectly proves the information of the Russian Defence Ministry that Ukrainian special units were planning to use biological agents.
◽️ The data will be included in the U.S. military-biological dossier and we will continue to examine it and keep you informed.
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🇷🇺🇺🇸 Комментарий Посольства России в США:
🔹В американских СМИ продолжается поток дезинформации о якобы несостоятельности российских обвинений в адрес США в нарушении глобального режима биобезопасности.
🔹Хотели бы разъяснить суть реального положения дел. Как отметил 7 июля на брифинге Минобороны России генерал-лейтенант И.А.Кириллов, в ходе специальной военной операции стал доступен итоговый доклад о деятельности Управления по снижению угроз минобороны США (DTRA) за период с 2005 по 2016 гг. Отчёт представляет собой концептуальный документ для дальнейшего планирования проектов военной направленности на Украине.
🔹Как следует из доклада, сотрудники DTRA вывезли в США национальную коллекцию микроорганизмов и вели изучение особо опасных и экономически значимых инфекций, способных вызвать ухудшение эпидситуации. Обосновывается целесообразность продолжения программы в интересах пентагона, расходы на которую с 2005 г. превысили 250 млн долл.
❗️Отдельного внимания требует деятельность одного из ключевых подрядчиков военного ведомства - компании Metabiota. В частности, фирма принимала участие в ликвидации последствий эпидемии лихорадки Эбола в Западной Африке. Как стало известно Минобороны России, основной целью миссии фирмы было выделение высоковирулентных вариантов вируса от заболевших и погибших с последующим вывозом штаммов в США.
🔹В ходе спецоперации также обнаружены документы, подтверждающие планы Metabiota по изучению вируса Эбола на территории Украины. Это - не иначе как часть стратегии США по переносу работ с особо опасными патогенами в третьи страны.
🔹Предлагаем американской общественности ознакомиться с указанными материалами, чтобы иметь возможность самостоятельно дать оценку деятельности местных властей, идущей вразрез с обязательствами США по КБТО.
Ссылка на брифинг Минобороны России:
🔹В американских СМИ продолжается поток дезинформации о якобы несостоятельности российских обвинений в адрес США в нарушении глобального режима биобезопасности.
🔹Хотели бы разъяснить суть реального положения дел. Как отметил 7 июля на брифинге Минобороны России генерал-лейтенант И.А.Кириллов, в ходе специальной военной операции стал доступен итоговый доклад о деятельности Управления по снижению угроз минобороны США (DTRA) за период с 2005 по 2016 гг. Отчёт представляет собой концептуальный документ для дальнейшего планирования проектов военной направленности на Украине.
🔹Как следует из доклада, сотрудники DTRA вывезли в США национальную коллекцию микроорганизмов и вели изучение особо опасных и экономически значимых инфекций, способных вызвать ухудшение эпидситуации. Обосновывается целесообразность продолжения программы в интересах пентагона, расходы на которую с 2005 г. превысили 250 млн долл.
❗️Отдельного внимания требует деятельность одного из ключевых подрядчиков военного ведомства - компании Metabiota. В частности, фирма принимала участие в ликвидации последствий эпидемии лихорадки Эбола в Западной Африке. Как стало известно Минобороны России, основной целью миссии фирмы было выделение высоковирулентных вариантов вируса от заболевших и погибших с последующим вывозом штаммов в США.
🔹В ходе спецоперации также обнаружены документы, подтверждающие планы Metabiota по изучению вируса Эбола на территории Украины. Это - не иначе как часть стратегии США по переносу работ с особо опасными патогенами в третьи страны.
🔹Предлагаем американской общественности ознакомиться с указанными материалами, чтобы иметь возможность самостоятельно дать оценку деятельности местных властей, идущей вразрез с обязательствами США по КБТО.
Ссылка на брифинг Минобороны России:
Минобороны России
⚡️ Брифинг по результатам анализа документов, касающихся военно-биологической деятельности США на территории Украины
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Документы 🗂
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Документы 🗂
Forwarded from Мария Захарова
ВСЯ западная пресса, освещающая министерскую встречу 20-ки, занята одним: попыткой выяснить, кто кого в результате бойкотировал.
Они бегают, суетятся, считают время нахождения министров в зале, следят за их перемещениями.
«А Лавров выходил из зала?», «А он до конца кого дослушал?», «А на обед он остаётся?», «А вчера на ужине он ужинал?», «А когда он улетает?»…
Ни продовольствие, ни миграция, ни энергетика Западу не актуальна сегодня. У мейнстрима заказ: отработать бойкот любой ценой, даже если это уже вызывает смех у всех присутствующих.
Если бы западные СМИ имели представление об арифметике, то могли бы решить нехитрую задачку: 20-7=13. Что означает провал бойкота до его начала.
Они бегают, суетятся, считают время нахождения министров в зале, следят за их перемещениями.
«А Лавров выходил из зала?», «А он до конца кого дослушал?», «А на обед он остаётся?», «А вчера на ужине он ужинал?», «А когда он улетает?»…
Ни продовольствие, ни миграция, ни энергетика Западу не актуальна сегодня. У мейнстрима заказ: отработать бойкот любой ценой, даже если это уже вызывает смех у всех присутствующих.
Если бы западные СМИ имели представление об арифметике, то могли бы решить нехитрую задачку: 20-7=13. Что означает провал бойкота до его начала.
🇷🇺🇺🇸 Комментарий Посольства России в США в связи с очередными поставками американских ударных систем киевскому режиму:
🔹Обратили внимание на заявление пентагона о предстоящей отправке на Украину еще четырёх РСЗО HIMARS.
🔹За этим решением стоит безудержное желание Вашингтона затянуть конфликт любой ценой, компенсировать через отправку вооружений множащиеся потери нацбатальонов и ВСУ.
🔹Тезис высокопоставленных представителей США о том, что ПВН используется украинцами в оборонительных целях несостоятелен. Киевские власти и националистические формирования применяют оружие из Соединенных Штатов для уничтожения городов Донбасса.
🔹ВСУ постоянно наносят целенаправленные удары по жилым кварталам Донецка. Обстрелы ведутся натовскими снарядами калибром 155 мм. Каждый день в различных районах столицы ДНР, где даже близко нет российских военнослужащих, гибнут мирные жители. На днях во время прогулки прямо перед своим домом погибла десятилетняя девочка Вероника Бадина. На Донбассе от рук нацистов за восемь лет погибло более 150 детей.
🔹Цель Российской Федерации - положить конец террору киевского режима.
❗️ Своими действиями Вашингтон не приближает мир, а напротив -подталкивает украинские власти к новым кровавым преступлениям.
🔹Обратили внимание на заявление пентагона о предстоящей отправке на Украину еще четырёх РСЗО HIMARS.
🔹За этим решением стоит безудержное желание Вашингтона затянуть конфликт любой ценой, компенсировать через отправку вооружений множащиеся потери нацбатальонов и ВСУ.
🔹Тезис высокопоставленных представителей США о том, что ПВН используется украинцами в оборонительных целях несостоятелен. Киевские власти и националистические формирования применяют оружие из Соединенных Штатов для уничтожения городов Донбасса.
🔹ВСУ постоянно наносят целенаправленные удары по жилым кварталам Донецка. Обстрелы ведутся натовскими снарядами калибром 155 мм. Каждый день в различных районах столицы ДНР, где даже близко нет российских военнослужащих, гибнут мирные жители. На днях во время прогулки прямо перед своим домом погибла десятилетняя девочка Вероника Бадина. На Донбассе от рук нацистов за восемь лет погибло более 150 детей.
🔹Цель Российской Федерации - положить конец террору киевского режима.
❗️ Своими действиями Вашингтон не приближает мир, а напротив -подталкивает украинские власти к новым кровавым преступлениям.
3.4 MB
⚡️Enjoy the 2️⃣4️⃣9️⃣st #RussianEmbassyWeekly⚡️
Main topics:
🔹Vladimir Putin met with the leaders of the State Duma and the heads of party factions
🔹Meeting with Defense Minister of the Russian Federation General of the Army Sergei Shoigu
🔹Sergey Lavrov’s statement and answers to media questions following a ministerial meeting of the G20
🔹Sergey Lavrov met with Foreign Minister of the People’s Republic of China Wang Yi
🔹Report by Russian MFA on Violations of the Rights of Russian Citizens and Fellow Citizens in Foreign Countries
🔹Sergei Shoigu holds a conference call with the leadership of the Armed Forces
🔹The Russian Ministry of Defence report on the role of U.S. Democratic Party representatives in funding bioweapons activities in Ukraine
🔹Comments of the Russian Embassy in the United States
🔹The Battle of Kursk commenced July 5, 1943
🔹Marc Chagall was born July 7, 1887
🔹The 12th International Industrial Fair Innoprom 2022 took place in Yekaterinburg on July 4-7
Main topics:
🔹Vladimir Putin met with the leaders of the State Duma and the heads of party factions
🔹Meeting with Defense Minister of the Russian Federation General of the Army Sergei Shoigu
🔹Sergey Lavrov’s statement and answers to media questions following a ministerial meeting of the G20
🔹Sergey Lavrov met with Foreign Minister of the People’s Republic of China Wang Yi
🔹Report by Russian MFA on Violations of the Rights of Russian Citizens and Fellow Citizens in Foreign Countries
🔹Sergei Shoigu holds a conference call with the leadership of the Armed Forces
🔹The Russian Ministry of Defence report on the role of U.S. Democratic Party representatives in funding bioweapons activities in Ukraine
🔹Comments of the Russian Embassy in the United States
🔹The Battle of Kursk commenced July 5, 1943
🔹Marc Chagall was born July 7, 1887
🔹The 12th International Industrial Fair Innoprom 2022 took place in Yekaterinburg on July 4-7
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
#Opinion by Maria Zakharova:
💬 The green agenda in the US and Europe has rung out in fresh colours.
“Environmentally friendly” Austria has launched a coal-fired power station in Mellach. The US has boosted its oil production to 12 million barrels per day. US Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm boasted that this figure is higher than under the Bush, Obama or Trump administrations. So what about the energy transition and abandoning hydrocarbons?
Permission for Italian and Spanish energy companies to use Venezuelan oil is also among these steps.
At the same time, the US Supreme Court has rallied to defend the coal industry in West Virginia and ruled to limit the Environmental Protection Agency’s authority to regulate the state’s coal mining industry.
What is happening? A green counter-revolution?
☝️ But it gets even more absurd. The green transition has turned into a transition to green camouflage given the amount of weapons supplied to Ukraine by those who only yesterday were environmental activists.
💬 The green agenda in the US and Europe has rung out in fresh colours.
“Environmentally friendly” Austria has launched a coal-fired power station in Mellach. The US has boosted its oil production to 12 million barrels per day. US Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm boasted that this figure is higher than under the Bush, Obama or Trump administrations. So what about the energy transition and abandoning hydrocarbons?
Permission for Italian and Spanish energy companies to use Venezuelan oil is also among these steps.
At the same time, the US Supreme Court has rallied to defend the coal industry in West Virginia and ruled to limit the Environmental Protection Agency’s authority to regulate the state’s coal mining industry.
What is happening? A green counter-revolution?
☝️ But it gets even more absurd. The green transition has turned into a transition to green camouflage given the amount of weapons supplied to Ukraine by those who only yesterday were environmental activists.
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
#Opinion by Maria Zakharova:
💬 Yesterday, US National Security Advisor to the President Jacob Sullivan held a briefing for the media on President Biden’s upcoming visit to the Middle East. The main takeaway is that the Persian Gulf countries have the potential to significantly BOOST oil and gas production.
I understand this is an awkward question, but I will ask it anyway: so what about the green agenda and the very same administration’s calls for an energy transition?
As a refresher, in 2020, during the presidential election campaign, Joe Biden released nine key elements of his plan on a clean energy revolution that would eliminate carbon emissions from the electricity sector by 2035.
Is this the end of the plan? Then we are expecting the White House to announce that the proposed strategy is not relevant anymore.
How can the same people work on eliminating carbon emissions and boosting hydrocarbon production at the same time?
President Biden’s panicked attempts to bring down fuel prices are old news. Recently, he urged Congress to temporarily lift the fuel tax in order to combat petrol prices. American environmentalists immediately voiced scathing criticism.
It seems they will soon be even more disappointed…
💬 Yesterday, US National Security Advisor to the President Jacob Sullivan held a briefing for the media on President Biden’s upcoming visit to the Middle East. The main takeaway is that the Persian Gulf countries have the potential to significantly BOOST oil and gas production.
I understand this is an awkward question, but I will ask it anyway: so what about the green agenda and the very same administration’s calls for an energy transition?
As a refresher, in 2020, during the presidential election campaign, Joe Biden released nine key elements of his plan on a clean energy revolution that would eliminate carbon emissions from the electricity sector by 2035.
Is this the end of the plan? Then we are expecting the White House to announce that the proposed strategy is not relevant anymore.
How can the same people work on eliminating carbon emissions and boosting hydrocarbon production at the same time?
President Biden’s panicked attempts to bring down fuel prices are old news. Recently, he urged Congress to temporarily lift the fuel tax in order to combat petrol prices. American environmentalists immediately voiced scathing criticism.
It seems they will soon be even more disappointed…
🇷🇺Регистрация заявок на присуждение международной премии «Мы вместе»
🔹В рамках Международного молодежного форума «Евразия Global 2022» на сайте стартовала регистрация заявок на присуждение международной премии «Мы вместе», которая продлится до 15 августа 2022 г.
🔹Тема международного трека награды – социальные изменения через волонтерство.
🔹Объявлены следующие номинации: «экология и устойчивое развитие», «медицина и здоровый образ жизни», «равные возможности и социальная справедливость».
🔹К участию допускаются некоммерческие, общественные и бизнес-организации, а также волонтеры и незарегистрированные объединения инициативных граждан.
🔹Победителям международного трека будут выделятся гранты на реализацию их проектов. Церемония награждения состоится в Москве с 2 по 5 декабря 2022 г.
🔹По всем вопросам можно обращаться по почте: [email protected]
🇷🇺Registration of applications for “We are together” international award
🔹As part of the Eurasia Global-2022 International Youth Forum, the website has launched registration of applications for We are together international award, which will last until August 15, 2022.
🔹The theme of the award's international track is social change through volunteering.
🔹The following nominations have been announced: "ecology and sustainable development", "medicine and healthy lifestyle", "equal opportunities and social justice".
🔹Non-profit, public and business organizations, as well as volunteers and unregistered associations of initiative citizens are allowed to participate.
🔹The winners of the international track will be given grants to implement their projects. The award ceremony will take place in Moscow from 2 to 5 December 2022.
🔹For questions contact us by e-mail: [email protected]
🔹В рамках Международного молодежного форума «Евразия Global 2022» на сайте стартовала регистрация заявок на присуждение международной премии «Мы вместе», которая продлится до 15 августа 2022 г.
🔹Тема международного трека награды – социальные изменения через волонтерство.
🔹Объявлены следующие номинации: «экология и устойчивое развитие», «медицина и здоровый образ жизни», «равные возможности и социальная справедливость».
🔹К участию допускаются некоммерческие, общественные и бизнес-организации, а также волонтеры и незарегистрированные объединения инициативных граждан.
🔹Победителям международного трека будут выделятся гранты на реализацию их проектов. Церемония награждения состоится в Москве с 2 по 5 декабря 2022 г.
🔹По всем вопросам можно обращаться по почте: [email protected]
🇷🇺Registration of applications for “We are together” international award
🔹As part of the Eurasia Global-2022 International Youth Forum, the website has launched registration of applications for We are together international award, which will last until August 15, 2022.
🔹The theme of the award's international track is social change through volunteering.
🔹The following nominations have been announced: "ecology and sustainable development", "medicine and healthy lifestyle", "equal opportunities and social justice".
🔹Non-profit, public and business organizations, as well as volunteers and unregistered associations of initiative citizens are allowed to participate.
🔹The winners of the international track will be given grants to implement their projects. The award ceremony will take place in Moscow from 2 to 5 December 2022.
🔹For questions contact us by e-mail: [email protected]
🔹Из школьной программы на Украине, к нашему прискорбию и позору авторов такого запрета, исключил произведение «Война и Мир». Тем не менее, роман-эпопею пытливые умы смогут и прочесть, и посмотреть его экранизацию.
🔹Вот что написано о легендарном шедевре отечественного кинематографа в июньском номере журнала «Русская мысль», посвященном 210-летию Отечественной войны 1812 года:
🔹«Крупнейший блокбастер в истории СССР, 7-часовая адаптация «Воины и мир» стоит того, чтобы его посмотреть. В любой серьезной взвешенной дискуссии о том, что может являться образцом границ возможностей кинематографа, адаптация произведения Льва Толстого, которая был сделана Сергеем Бондарчуком и во многом осталась незамеченной, должна быть в центре таких обсуждений.
🔹История производства кинокартины, в процессе которой создатели фильма переворачивают горы чтобы произвести впечатление на зрителя, поражает воображение по сей день. Адаптация стала новым стандартом «эпических картин», в которой запечатлена страсть и трагедия Наполеоновского противостояния с российским дворянством».
🔹С полной версией журнала можно ознакомиться по ссылке:
🔹The novel “War and Peace” has been excluded from the school program in Ukraine, which is a shame for those who implemented such a ban. Nevertheless the masterpiece can be read and it’s adaption can be watched by inquisitive minds.
🔹The June issue of the magazine “Russian Mind”, dedicated to the 210th anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812, tells us the following about the legendary masterpiece of the Soviet cinematography:
🔹“The biggest blockbuster in Soviet history, a 7-hour adaptation of War and Peace, is absolutely worth seeing. In any serious, sober-minded discussion about what could be selected to exemplify the farthest reaches of cinema’s capabilities, War and Peace – Sergei Bondarchuk’s largely unseen adaptation of Tolstoy’s literary classic – would have to be on the table.
🔹The story of its production, of a man moving heaven and Earth to realize a staggering vision, boggles the mind to this day. The adaptation set a new standard for “epic,” capturing all the passion and tragedy of Napoleon’s clash against the Russian aristocracy in its seven-hour sprawl”.
🔹The full version of the June issue can be found here:
🔹Вот что написано о легендарном шедевре отечественного кинематографа в июньском номере журнала «Русская мысль», посвященном 210-летию Отечественной войны 1812 года:
🔹«Крупнейший блокбастер в истории СССР, 7-часовая адаптация «Воины и мир» стоит того, чтобы его посмотреть. В любой серьезной взвешенной дискуссии о том, что может являться образцом границ возможностей кинематографа, адаптация произведения Льва Толстого, которая был сделана Сергеем Бондарчуком и во многом осталась незамеченной, должна быть в центре таких обсуждений.
🔹История производства кинокартины, в процессе которой создатели фильма переворачивают горы чтобы произвести впечатление на зрителя, поражает воображение по сей день. Адаптация стала новым стандартом «эпических картин», в которой запечатлена страсть и трагедия Наполеоновского противостояния с российским дворянством».
🔹С полной версией журнала можно ознакомиться по ссылке:
🔹The novel “War and Peace” has been excluded from the school program in Ukraine, which is a shame for those who implemented such a ban. Nevertheless the masterpiece can be read and it’s adaption can be watched by inquisitive minds.
🔹The June issue of the magazine “Russian Mind”, dedicated to the 210th anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812, tells us the following about the legendary masterpiece of the Soviet cinematography:
🔹“The biggest blockbuster in Soviet history, a 7-hour adaptation of War and Peace, is absolutely worth seeing. In any serious, sober-minded discussion about what could be selected to exemplify the farthest reaches of cinema’s capabilities, War and Peace – Sergei Bondarchuk’s largely unseen adaptation of Tolstoy’s literary classic – would have to be on the table.
🔹The story of its production, of a man moving heaven and Earth to realize a staggering vision, boggles the mind to this day. The adaptation set a new standard for “epic,” capturing all the passion and tragedy of Napoleon’s clash against the Russian aristocracy in its seven-hour sprawl”.
🔹The full version of the June issue can be found here:
Русская Мысль
Журнал «Русская мысль», июнь 2022 - Русская Мысль
Издательский дом «Русская мысль» спешит анонсировать выход в свет специального выпуска нашего журнала в связи с 210-й годовщиной Отечественной войны 1812
Foreign Affairs: The main threat to effective U.S. economic power comes from the United States itself
🔹The economic power of the United States did not allow to influence the decisions of the Russian leadership on Ukraine, writes “Foreign Affairs” in an article «What Money Can’t Buy The Limits of Economic Power». For all the damage that Western punitive moves have done, there is no indication that they can persuade the Kremlin …to modify its prosecution of the war.
👇The link to the article:
🔹The economic power of the United States did not allow to influence the decisions of the Russian leadership on Ukraine, writes “Foreign Affairs” in an article «What Money Can’t Buy The Limits of Economic Power». For all the damage that Western punitive moves have done, there is no indication that they can persuade the Kremlin …to modify its prosecution of the war.
👇The link to the article:
International Affairs
“Foreign Affairs”: The main threat to effective U.S. economic power comes from the United States itself - International Affairs
The economic power of the United States did not allow to influence the decisions of the Russian leadership on Ukraine, writes “Foreign Affairs” in an …