Embassy of Russia in the USA / Посольство России в США
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Официальный новостной канал Посольства России в США.
🎥 On August 29, the Russian Embassy in the United States showed a feature film “The Star” to mark the 80th anniversary of the completion of Operation Bagration and the liberation of Belarus.

▪️Our friends from diplomatic missions of the CIS countries, Russian representatives in the Bretton Woods institutions, our compatriots and journalists attended the event.

▪️Before the film under the songs of wartime the participants have seen the exhibitions about the milestones of the Great Patriotic War, the heroes of the Special military operation as well as the exposition "People of the New Regions". The guests accepted St. George ribbons and books about the history of Russia with great gratitude. Belarusian diplomats also provided materials onthe events of the wartime of 1941-1945.

▪️With deep respect we remember the friendship and brotherhood of the peoples of the USSR, who endured the most severe trials in the fight against the Nazi invaders.

🇷🇺🇺🇸 Ответ Посла России в США А.И.Антонова на вопрос СМИ

: Уважаемый Анатолий Иванович, 31 августа 2017 г. американские власти пошли на беспрецедентные меры по захвату российской дипсобственности в Вашингтоне и Сан-Франциско. Как Вы могли бы прокомментировать нынешнюю позицию администрации США по перспективам возвращения изъятых объектов недвижимости?

💬 А.И.Антонов: Мы постоянно и на всех уровнях ставим вопрос о возвращении нашей дипсобственности в контактах с представителями Белого дома и Госдепартамента. Подчеркну, что в американской позиции ничего не изменилось. На наши многочисленные дипломатические ноты с требованием предоставить доступ хотя бы для оценки состояния недвижимости мы получаем отказы.

▪️ В ходе встреч местные чиновники не скрывают, что обсуждать эту тему не собираются. За прошедшие семь лет мы не услышали ни одного юридически состоятельного аргумента в оправдание вопиющего поведения Вашингтона. Расплывчатые ссылки на некие подозрения в шпионаже не дают основания нарушать принцип неприкосновенности собственности, предусмотренный как международным правом, так и американским законодательством.

▫️ Для нас очевидно, что речь идет о банальном сведении счетов, желании насолить и отомстить России. Когда администрации США не нравится чья-то внешняя политика, то она начинает бить по всему, до чего рука дотягивается. Без суда и следствия, с полным пренебрежением к юридическим нормам и собственным постулатам.

▪️ Будем добиваться безусловного восстановления своих прав на пользование и распоряжение нашей дипломатической недвижимостью. Призываем власти США одуматься. Напоминаем, что Америка располагает самой обширной сетью дипломатического присутствия в мире. Созданный Вашингтоном прецедент разрушает правила цивилизованного межгосударственного общения и неизбежно аукнется Соединенным Штатам.

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Коллектив Посольства России в США сердечно поздравляет всех сотрудников ТАСС со знаменательной датой – 120-летием со дня создания первого в нашей стране информационного агентства.

За долгие годы активной и самоотверженной деятельности Агентство превратилось в один из ведущих источников объективной и качественной информации. Сегодня ТАСС располагает одной из крупнейших в мире корреспондентских сетей, выпуская новости на нескольких языках. Оперативное и достоверное освещение ТАСС событий в России и на международной арене пользуется заслуженным авторитетом как у нас в стране, так и за рубежом.

Посольство высоко ценит сложившиеся партнерские отношения с ТАСС, опирается на сотрудничество с Агентством в информационном сопровождении российской внешней политики и работе, направленной на укрепление позиций России.

Искренне желаем руководству и всем сотрудникам ТАСС здоровья, благополучия, новых творческих успехов и всего самого доброго. Благодарим за преданность делу. Пусть ТАСС и далее остается флагманом отечественной и мировой журналистики, задавая высочайшие стандарты профессионализма!

🇷🇺🇺🇸 Ambassador Anatoly Antonov’s answer to a media question

: Dear Ambassador, on August 31, 2017, American authorities took unprecedented measures to seize Russian diplomatic property in Washington and San Francisco. How would you comment on the current position of the US administration regarding the prospects of returning the seized real estate?

💬 A.I.Antonov: We constantly raise the issue of returning our diplomatic property in contacts with representatives of the White House and the State Department at all levels. I emphasize that the American position has not changed. We receive refusals to our numerous diplomatic notes demanding access just to access the condition of the property.

▪️ During meetings local officials do not hide that they have no intentions to discuss this topic. Over the past seven years we have not heard a single legally valid argument justifying Washington's egregious behavior. Vague references to some suspicions of espionage do not provide grounds for violating the principle of property inviolability, provided for by both international law and American legislation.

▫️ It is obvious to us that this is about simple score-settling, a desire to annoy and take revenge on Russia. When the US administration doesn't like someone's foreign policy they start hitting everything they can reach. Without trial, with complete disregard for legal norms and their own postulates.

▪️ We will continue to seek unconditional restoration of our rights to use and dispose of our diplomatic property. We call on the US authorities to come to their senses. We remind you that America has the most extensive network of diplomatic presence in the world. The precedent created by Washington destroys the rules of civilized interstate communication and will inevitably backfire on the United States.

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Embassy of Russia in the USA / Посольство России в США
Коллектив Посольства России в США сердечно поздравляет всех сотрудников ТАСС со знаменательной датой – 120-летием со дня создания первого в нашей стране информационного агентства. За долгие годы активной и самоотверженной деятельности Агентство превратилось…
The staff of the Russian Embassy in the USA cordially congratulates all TASS employees on the significant date - the 120th anniversary of the establishment of our country's first news agency.

Over many years of active and dedicated work, the Agency has become one of the leading sources of objective and high-quality information. Today, TASS has one of the largest correspondent networks in the world, producing news in several languages. TASS's prompt and reliable coverage of events in Russia and on the international arena enjoys well-deserved authority both in our country and abroad.

The Embassy highly values the established partnership with TASS and relies on cooperation with the Agency in providing information support for Russian foreign policy and work aimed at strengthening Russia's positions.

We sincerely wish the management and all TASS employees good health, well-being, new creative successes, and all the best. We thank you for your dedication to the cause. May TASS continue to remain the flagship of domestic and world journalism, setting the highest standards of professionalism!

Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🗓 September 1st marks 85 years ago since the start of World War II – the bloodiest conflict in the history of mankind. It claimed many dozens of millions of peoples' lives (by some estimates, 80+ mln perished), including over 27 million citizens of the Soviet Union.

▪️ 61 states, with over 80 percent of the world’s population, were drawn into the bloody ordeal unleashed by the Axis powers; hostilities spread to 40 countries.

📖 Read our in-depth retrospective overview in full

The background of the greatest tragedy of the 20th century still remains in the focus of historians’ attention. The entire range of contradictions that provoked the war stemmed from World War I and can be traced back to the Treaty of Versailles signed in 1919.

👉 It was the Versailles system of international relations, drafted by the UK and France, that made the basis for the rise of revanchist sentiments in Europe. The League of Nations, the organization established to settle international disputes within the legal framework, technically became a tool for the Western powers to achieve their political goals.

Not surprising that in Europe, torn by contradictions, fascism rapidly gained popularity. Politicians and extreme right-wing ideologues who were convinced of the superiority of their nation and ethnicities came to power first in Italy (1922) and then in Germany (1933), humiliated by the Versailles Treaty. The political establishment of the Western countries preferred to remain unaware and close their eyes on the danger these new ideologies presented. Their cynical view considered that Nazi aggression could be, in a typical Anglo-Saxon style, redirected towards the east where the young Soviet state was rapidly developing.

The infamous Munich Betrayal of 1938 was the apotheosis of the self-serving “appeasement” policy that the Western countries had preferred to building a collective security system suggested by the Soviet Union. With the tacit consent by the UK and France, Hitler ruthlessly annexed the sovereign state of Czechoslovakia. It was only Moscow that was willing to provide military assistance to the Czechoslovakians, but was unable to do so due to Poland that was playing along with Hitler and taking advantage of Czechoslovakia’s annexation by occupying the Cieszyn region.

🔻 A year later, a similar drama played out in the Far East: the Anglo-Japanese treaty was signed in June 1939, untying Tokyo’s hands in China. The Soviet Union could have become the next victim of militarist Japan. According to recently declassified documents, the Japanese command had been planning a possible attack against the Soviet Union since 1938, with nearly a million-strong Kwantung Army troops deployed along the border and ready to invade of our country at any moment, with its soldiers and officers known to show no aversion to human experiments to develop biological weapons. The Soviet Union had to contain Japan’s potential invasion by keeping substantial forces on its eastern borders until the very end of the war.

❗️ Hitler's invasion of Poland on September 1, 1939 was a direct consequence of the policy of intrigues and manuevers pursued by the West, which did not allow to create an anti-Hitler coalition to jointly resist the Third Reich.

In this context, the assertions of an alleged ‘equivalence’ between Nazism and Communism are unacceptable and blasphemous, as are the attempts to place equal blame for the start of the war on Germany and the Soviet Union in order to downplay the decisive contribution of the Soviet Union on the battlefields of the Great Patriotic War, which crushed Hitler’s war machine, and to diminish the heroism of our soldiers-liberators.

☝️ Defeating the most aggressive reactionary forces was the most important outcome of the Great Victory of May 9, 1945. Our country saved many peoples (considered by the Nazis and their cronies “non-Aryan”), that the Nazis planned to kill in concentration camps or to turn into slaves.
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
▪️ 20 years ago, on September 1, 2004, a group of terrorists seized School No. 1 in Beslan, Russia's North Ossetia, during a ceremony marking the start of the new school year. Children, parents and teachers were taken hostage. They were held without food and water for almost three days.

That bloody terrorist attack claimed 334 lives, including 186 children. The Alfa and Vympel special-purpose units of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation launched a counter-terrorist operation and managed to save 811 lives. Ten Federal Security Service special operations soldiers and two EMERCOM officers were killed in the assault.

🕯 People in Russia and abroad are mourning the innocent victims of the terrorist attack today. It has become an unhealing wound for our entire nation which bleeds to this day.

Encouraged by Western masterminds, the terrorists sought to destabilise Russian society and sow interethnic and inter-faith discord. Against all odds, our society stood firm and survived. The terrorists may have destroyed a school building, but it was substituted by two newly-built schools equipped up to the most modern standards.

⚠️ Today, Russia is once again facing a terrorist threat. The collective West is waging a hybrid war against our country, using, among other things, terrorist and extremist groups.

Russia remains firmly committed to a principled fight against the threats of terrorism and calls on the international community to join forces in combating this scourge with the UN playing its central coordinating role.

2 сентября в Посольстве России в США состоялась торжественная линейка, посвящённая началу учебного года. За парты садятся более 80 школьников.

По традиции праздничное мероприятие началось с исполнения гимна Российской Федерации и подъёма Государственного флага.

Посол Анатолий Иванович Антонов поздравил школьников, родителей и учителей с Днём знаний. В своём напутствии руководитель дипмиссии пожелал ребятам успехов, стараний в учёбе и настойчивости, а педагогам – сил и вдохновения в их непростом, но столь важном и востребованном труде.

Посол А.И.Антонов также подчеркнул важность изучения истории, что особенно значимо по мере приближения 80-летия Победы в Великой Отечественной войне, которое будет отмечаться в наступающем учебном году.

Желаем ребятам успехов. В добрый путь!

🗓 79 лет назад – 2 сентября 1945 года – был подписан Акт о капитуляции милитаристской Японии, поставивший точку во Второй мировой войне.

После разгрома Германии в Европе последний оплот стран «оси» оставался в Азиатско-Тихоокеанском регионе. Под японской оккупацией по-прежнему находились Корейский полуостров, Индокитай, Индонезия, Малаккский полуостров, часть территории Китая, Бирмы и Филиппинских островов.

В целях нейтрализации японской угрозы на Дальнем Востоке
и во исполнение договорённостей, достигнутых c союзниками по антигитлеровской коалиции – США и Британией – Советский Союз вступил в войну против милитаристской Японии. 9 августа началась Маньчжурская стратегическая наступательная операция советских войск.

🌟 В результате стремительного наступления и слаженных действий сухопутных частей, авиации и флота советские войска разгромили Квантунскую армию. В ходе операции от японской оккупации были освобождены территории Китая и Северной Кореи. За 23 дня боевых действий Красная армия сокрушила японскую милитаристскую машину и ликвидировала плацдарм крупной военно-экономической базы противника в Азии.

📑 Официальная церемония подписания Акта о капитуляции Японии состоялась 2 сентября 1945 года на борту американского линкора «Миссури». Согласно этому документу, было заявлено «о безоговорочной капитуляции союзным державам японского императорского генерального штаба, всех японских вооруженных сил и всех вооруженных сил под японским контролем вне зависимости от того, где они находятся». От СССР Акт был уполномочен подписать генерал-лейтенант К.Н.Деревянко.

Япония полностью приняла условия Потсдамской декларации 1945 года. Согласно Акту, военные действия с её стороны прекращались немедленно, все японские и находившиеся под японским контролем вооруженные силы безоговорочно капитулировали.

🎖 2 сентября был издан Указ Президиума Верховного Совета СССР «Об объявлении 3 сентября 1945 года праздником победы над Японией». Дата 3 сентября в нашей стране является Днём воинской славы (День Победы над милитаристской Японией и окончания Второй мировой войны).

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Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🗓 79 years ago, on September 2, 1945, the Instrument of Surrender of militarist  Japan was signed, bringing #WWII to the end.

❗️After the defeat of Germany in Europe, the last stronghold of the "Axis" powers remained in the Asia-Pacific region. The Korean Peninsula, Indochina, Indonesia, Malay Peninsula, part of China, Burma and the Philippines were under Japanese occupation.

In order to neutralize the Japanese threat in the Far East and to fulfill the agreements reached with the allies of the anti-Hitler coalition – the USA and UK – the Soviet Union launched an offensive against militarist Japan. On August 9, the Manchurian strategic offensive operation of the Soviet forces commenced.

🌟 As a result of a rapid advancement and coordinated teamwork of the army, aviation and navy, Soviet forces defeated the Kwantung army. During the operation, the territories of China and North Korea were liberated from Japanese occupation. For only just 23 days of combat, the Red Army crushed the Japanese militaristic machine and eliminated the foothold of the enemy's military and economic base in Asia.

📑 The official ceremony of signing the Instrument of Surrender of Japan took place on September 2, 1945, on board the USS "Missouri" in Tokyo Bay. According to this document, "the unconditional surrender to the Allied Powers of the Japanese Imperial General Headquarters, all Japanese armed forces, and all armed forces under Japanese control, regardless of where they are" was declared. On behalf of the Soviet Union, the Instrument was signed by Lieutenant General Kuzma Derevyanko.

Japan fully accepted the terms of the Potsdam Declaration of 1945. According to the Instrument, military actions on Japan's part ceased immediately, all Japanese and Japanese-controlled armed forces surrendered unconditionally.

🎖 The USSR Supreme Soviet Presidium issued an executive order "On Declaring September 3, 1945 the Day of Victory over Japan". Today the date September 3rd in our country is marked as the Day of Military Glory (Victory Day over militaristic Japan and the end of World War II).

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⚡️ Enjoy The Russian Embassy Weekly # 3️⃣6️⃣0️⃣ ⚡️
Main topics:


🇷🇺🇲🇳 Vladimir Putin arrived in Mongolia
🇷🇺 📝Vladimir Putin sent greetings to the participants, organizers and guests of the 9th Eastern Economic Forum
🇷🇺🇮🇳 Telephone conversation with Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi
🇷🇺🇦🇿 Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev
🇷🇺🇧🇾 Vladimir Putin sent a message of greetings on the 70th birthday to President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko


🪖 85 years ago – on September 1, 1939 – World War II began


🇷🇺🇲🇳 Marshal Georgy Zhukov Monument solemnly unveiled in Mongolia
🇷🇺🇲🇳 Selenga 2024 joint Russian-Mongolian military exercise comes to end in Mongolia


📚👨‍🎓 On September 2, a ceremonial line-up dedicated to the beginning of the academic year took place at the Russian Embassy in the USA
🎬🎥 On August 29, the Russian Embassy in the United States showed a feature film “The Star” to mark the 80th anniversary of the completion of Operation Bagration and the liberation of Belarus


🧰 One of the greatest engineering geniuses of the turn of the century Vladimir Shukhov was born on August 28, 1853
✍️ On August 28 renowned Soviet sci-fi visionary Arkady Strugatsky would've turned 99 – he was born in 1925
🚀 The only Russian female cosmonaut in active service Anna Kikina was born on August 27, 1984
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