Embassy of Russia in the USA / Посольство России в США
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Официальный новостной канал Посольства России в США.
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🗓 On July 14, 1941, the legendary BM-13 Katyusha rocket artillery combat vehicle was first used in battle near the railway station in Orsha. Back then, a battery under the command of Captain Ivan Flerov destroyed a concentration of German military equipment with salvo fire.

On July 24, a report from the frontline was delivered to the German command: “The Russians used a battery with an unusual number of guns. The troops fired upon by the Russians said that the fire assault is like a hurricane. The loss of life is significant.”

The new weapon did not only yield a strong practical result, but also came as a moral shock to the German soldiers. There were many cases when Wehrmacht soldiers went mad after shelling by our rocket launchers.

The BM-13 became one of the first and most effective multiple launch rocket systems in the world, successfully hitting concentrations of manpower, equipment and fortified enemy defence lines.

⚔️The rocket artillery was used in the most important areas of the Soviet-German front, becoming the Red Army’s most powerful weapon. It had a significant impact on the course of the war and the defeat of Nazi Germany and its satellites.

By the end of the Great Patriotic War Soviet industry produced over 10,000 Katyusha combat vehicles and over 12 million rockets for them.

After the victory over the Nazis in 1945, Katyushas played a prominent role in the Soviet army. The BM-13 was used as a foundation to develop new salvo fire systems. Today, the BM-13 is rightfully considered one of the main symbols of the Victory and regularly takes part in the Victory parades in Moscow and other cities of Russia.

☝️ #InterestingFact: There are several versions of how the BM-13 got the name Katyusha. According to one of them, the name comes from the popular song of the same name by Matvey Blanter with lyrics by Mikhail Isakovsky. According to another, the name reflects their marking with the letter K (for the Komintern plant).

📖 Find out more about Katyusha in our material
🚀 15 июля 1975 года стартовал эпохальный для мировой космонавтики совместный экспериментальный полёт в космос советского корабля «Союз 19» и американского «Аполлона».

Никогда до этого представители разных стран не совершали объединённые космические полёты. Космонавты и астронавты впервые в истории встретились на орбите Земли и провели стыковку.

🤝 Легендарное рукопожатие капитанов кораблей Алексея Леонова и Томаса Стаффорда в космосе транслировалось в прямом эфире на весь мир и стало символом потепления советско-американских-отношений.

Среди основных целей программы «Союз — Аполлон» было создание перспективного универсального спасательного средства, отработка технических систем и методов совместного управления полётом, осуществление научных исследований и экспериментов.

🕙 Общее время стыковки составило 46 часов 54 минуты. За это время космонавты и астронавты успели совершить несколько переходов между космическими кораблями, провести экскурсии, организовать множество телерепортажей, кинофотосъёмкок, а также совместную пресс-конференцию.

🛰 Благодаря программе «Союз – Аполлон» была заложена основа для международного сотрудничества в космосе, без которого сегодня могла остаться нереализованной идея создания МКС.

🤝 После исторического полёта его участники долгое время поддерживали связь друг с другом и проводили регулярные встречи. Особенно близки были Том Стаффорд и Алексей Леонов, которые оставались близкими друзьями вплоть до самой смерти.

#CоюзАполлон #РоссияСША
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🚀 On July 15, 1975 the historic Soviet-American Apollo–Soyuz Test Project was launched.

For the first time in the history of space exploration, crews representing two different nations performed a joint spaceflight, with cosmonauts and astronauts meeting and two spacecraft docking while orbiting Earth.

🤝 The legendary handshake in space between Soyuz and Apollo captains, Alexei Leonov and Thomas Stafford, was broadcast live globally and became a symbol of détente between the two superpowers.

The main goals of the Soyuz-Apollo programme included creating an advanced universal rescue vehicle, testing technical systems and methods for joint spaceflight control, and conducing scientific research and experiments.

While Soyuz and Apollo were docked for a total of 46 hours 54 minutes, the two crews’ members made several transfers between their respective spacecraft, conducted tours, made numerous TV reports, captured video footage and photographs, and staged a joint press conference.

🛰️ The Soyuz-Apollo mission ushered in a new era of international cooperation in outer space, which would become essential for implementation of the ISS project.

🤝 Following this historic flight, its participants kept in touch with each other for a long time and met on a regular basis. Tom Stafford and Alexei Leonov became close friends and maintained their friendship throughout their lives.
#ApolloSoyuz #RussiaUSA
📸 #ФотоДня

С.В.Лавров принимает участие в церемонии открытия Генконсульства России в г.Пхукете.

📍 Таиланд, Пхукет
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📸 #PhotoOfTheDay

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov takes part in the opening ceremony of the Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Phuket.

📍 Thailand, Phuket
🇷🇺🇿🇦📞 Состоялся телефонный разговор Президента России В.В.Путина с Президентом Южно-Африканской Республики С.Рамафозой.

С.Рамафоза поблагодарил за тёплый прием и конструктивную беседу о возможных путях урегулирования ситуации вокруг Украины в ходе июньского визита в Санкт-Петербург лидеров и представителей ряда африканских государств. Рассмотрение африканской мирной инициативы будет продолжено в привязке к Саммиту #РоссияАфрика в конце июля.

В.В.Путин и С.Рамафоза условились также провести на саммите отдельную встречу для обстоятельного обмена мнениями по двусторонней и международной повестке дня. Президент ЮАР проинформировал о подготовке к запланированному на 22–24 августа в Йоханнесбурге саммиту #БРИКС.

При обсуждении вопроса о стамбульских пакетных договорённостях В.В.Путин подчеркнул, что до сих пор остаются невыполненными зафиксированные в соответствующем меморандуме Россия – ООН обязательства об устранении препятствий для экспорта российского продовольствия и удобрений. Более того, главная цель сделки, а именно поставки зерна нуждающимся странам, в том числе на африканском континенте, так и не реализована.

🤝 Лидеры подтвердили взаимный настрой на укрепление сотрудничества в различных областях.

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🇷🇺🇿🇦📞 President of Russia Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with President of the Republic of South Africa Cyril Ramaphosa.

Cyril Ramaphosa thanked President Putin for the warm welcome and constructive conversation about possible ways to resolve the situation around Ukraine during the visit of leaders and representatives of a number of African states to St Petersburg in June. Consideration of the African Peace Initiative will continue in conjunction with the #RussiaAfrica summit at the end of July.

Vladimir Putin and Cyril Ramaphosa also agreed to hold a separate meeting at the summit to have a detailed discussion on the bilateral and international agenda. The President of South Africa informed Vladimir Putin about the preparations for the upcoming #BRICS summit scheduled for August 22–24 in Johannesburg.

When discussing the Istanbul package agreements, Vladimir Putin stressed that the obligations envisaged in the relevant Russia-UN memorandum to remove obstacles to the export of Russian food and fertilisers remained unfulfilled. Moreover, the deal’s main goal – to supply grain to countries in need, including those on the African continent – has not been implemented.

🤝 The leaders reaffirmed their mutual intention to strengthen cooperation in various fields.

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⚡️ Comment by Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova on prevention of the preparation of the assassination of Margarita Simonyan and Ksenia Sobchak by the Ukrainian special services

💬 On July 15, together with the Investigative Committee and the Ministry of the Interior, the Russian Federal Security Service prevented preparations made by Ukrainian special services to assassinate Margarita Simonyan, editor-in-chief of the RT channel and the Rossiya Segodnya International Media Group, as well as journalist and TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak.

❗️ This is yet another attempt at a terrorist attack on Russian civilians, organised by the Kiev regime, and which has been carefully patronised by Western curators. Law enforcement agencies are investigating all the details, but it is already clear that the justification for their failed assassination attempt was the professional activities of Russian journalists.

Margarita Simonyan receives death threats regularly and is included in various hit lists; and this is not the first assassination attempt against her by the Ukrainian special services that has been prevented.

All of this once again demonstrates the terrorist nature of the Vladimir Zelensky regime, which is responsible for a whole series of terrorist attacks. In August 2022, saboteurs of the Kiev regime killed Russian journalist Darya Dugina; in March 2023 they made attempts on the life of the founder of the Tsargrad TV channel Konstantin Malofeyev; in April 2023, military correspondent Maxim Fomin (Vladlen Tatarsky) was killed in an explosion; and in May 2023, Yevgeny (Zakhar) Prilepin, writer, publicist and public figure was gravely injured.

It is unlikely that there will be a reaction from relevant international organisations. Pathological hypocrisy has long been a political tradition of Western liberalism, as well as its usual instinctive response.
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⚡️ Comment by Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova on the UAV attack on Kurchatov, Kursk Region

💬 On July 14, a UAV crashed and exploded in the city of Kurchatov, Kursk Region, where the Kursk NPP is located. Thanks to the smooth work of the air defence forces guarding the station, critical facilities were not damaged. There were no victims. At the same time, the nuclear power plant was the likely target of a new Ukrainian provocation, which once again indicates that the Kiev regime has embarked on the path of nuclear terrorism.

☝️ This is not the first time Kiev has threatened the safety of the Kursk nuclear power plant. In August 2022, as a result of the actions of Ukrainian saboteurs, power transmission towers were blown up, which created risk for the safe operation of the plant.

❗️ We strongly condemn Ukraine’s malicious plans to actively use terrorist methods against Russian nuclear power plants, which could result in a major nuclear catastrophe in Europe. We call on the international community and the leadership of the IAEA and the UN to pay close attention to this, and we strongly condemn Kiev’s irresponsible behaviour.
Media is too big

✈️ 12-15 июля С.В.Лавров посетил Индонезию в рамках ежегодных министерских мероприятий по линии #АСЕАН, а затем прибыл в Таиланд.

12-14 июля Министр находился в Индонезии, где принял участие во встречах глав внешнеполитических ведомств в форматах #РоссияАСЕАН, Восточноазиатского саммита и Регионального форума АСЕАН по безопасности.

«На полях» мероприятий 🇷🇺 С.В.Лавров провёл встречи с:

🇮🇩 Министром иностранных дел Индонезии Р.Марсуди,
🇨🇳 руководителем Канцелярии Комиссии ЦК КПК по иностранным делам Ван И,
🤝 Генеральным секретарём АСЕАН Као Кимхорном,
🇱🇦 заместителем Премьер-министра, Министром иностранных дел Лаоса С.Коммаситом,
🇮🇳 Министром иностранных дел Индии С.Джайшанкаром,
🇱🇰 Министром иностранных дел Шри-Ланки А.Сабри,
🇧🇳 Министром иностранных дел Брунея Э.Юсофом.

🇹🇭 15 июля С.В.Лавров посетил с визитом Таиланд, где провёл переговоры с исполняющим обязанности Вице-премьера, Министра иностранных дел этой страны Д.Праматвинаем и принял участие в церемонии официального открытия Генерального консульства Российской Федерации в Пхукете.
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✈️ On July 12-15, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov visited Indonesia to take part in the annual meetings of Foreign Ministers of #ASEAN countries, and visited Thailand.

On July 12-14, in Indonesia, Sergey Lavrov participated in the meetings of Foreign Ministers in the #RussiaASEAN format, the East Asia Summit and the ASEAN Regional Forum on Security.

On the sidelines of the events Sergey Lavrov met with:

🇮🇩 Foreign Minister of the Republic of Indonesia Retno Marsudi,
🇨🇳 Director of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the CPC Central Committee Wang Yi,
🤝 ASEAN Secretary-General Kao Kim Hourn,
🇱🇦 Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of the Lao People's Democratic Republic Saleumxay Kommasith,
🇮🇳 Minister of External Affairs of India Dr. Subrahmanyam Jaishankar,
🇱🇰 Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka Ali Sabry,
🇧🇳 Second Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Brunei Darussalam Erywan Yusof.

🇹🇭 On July 15, Sergey Lavrov arrived on a working visit to Thailand where he held negotiations with acting Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand Don Pramudwinai and took part in the opening ceremony of the Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Phuket.
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Сегодняшняя атака на Крымский мост совершена киевским режимом. Этот режим является террористическим и имеет все признаки международной организованной преступной группировки. Решения принимаются украинскими официальными лицами и военными при непосредственном участии американских и британских спецслужб и политиков. США и Британия осуществляют руководство террористической огосударствленной структурой.
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Russian MFA Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova:

💬 Today's attack on the Crimean Bridge was perpetrated by Kiev, which is a terrorist regime and has all the traits of an international organised crime group.

Decisions are made by Ukrainian officials and the military with the direct involvement of the US and British intelligence services and politicians. The United States and Britain are running this state-run terrorist entity.
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⚡️⚡️В связи с происшествием на Крымском мосту возбуждено уголовное дело о теракте

По факту повреждения Крымского моста Главным следственным управлением СК России возбуждено уголовное дело по признакам преступления, предусмотренного ст.205 УК РФ (террористический акт).

По данным следствия, в ночь с 16 на 17 июля в результате террористического акта, совершенного спецслужбами Украины, была повреждена одна из секций Крымского моста. Погибли двое гражданских лиц – мужчина и женщина, ехавшие на легковом автомобиле по мосту, их несовершеннолетняя дочь получила ранения.

В рамках уголовного дела назначены необходимые экспертизы. Следствием устанавливаются лица из числа украинских спецслужб и вооруженных формирований, причастные к организации и исполнению этого преступления.

⚡️ Подписывайтесь на Следком
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⚡️ The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation:

💬 In connection with the incident on the Crimean Bridge, a criminal case of a terrorist attack has been opened

Upon the fact of damage to the Crimean Bridge, the Main Investigative Directorate the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation has opened a criminal case on the grounds of a crime under Article 205 of the Russian Criminal Code (terrorist act).

According to the investigation, on the night of July 16-17, as a result of a terrorist act committed by the special services of Ukraine, one of the sections of the Crimean Bridge was damaged. Two civilians were killed (a man and a woman travelling in a car on the bridge), their minor daughter was injured.

As part of the criminal case, the necessary examinations have been appointed. The investigation is identifying persons from among the Ukrainian special services and armed formations involved in the organization and execution of this crime.