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Официальный новостной канал Посольства России в США
⚡️ Ответ официального представителя МИД России М.В.Захаровой на вопрос СМИ

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Как Вы могли бы прокомментировать заявление Генерального секретаря ООН А.Гутерреша от 14 июля, в котором говорится, что он «потрясен ракетным обстрелом г.Винница в центральной части Украины»?

💬 М.В.Захарова: Действительно, обратили внимание на это заявление А.Гутерреша. Хотелось бы отметить следующее.

☝️ Согласно данным Министерства обороны России, в г.Винница удар высокоточными ракетами «Калибр» был нанесен по гарнизонному дому офицеров, в котором в тот момент проходило совещание командования украинских ВВС с представителями иностранных поставщиков вооружений. И об этом, вероятно, известно в ООН. Если нет, то рекомендуем А.Гутеррешу попросить Украину ответить на вопрос, почему киевский режим размещает военные объекты в непосредственной близости от гражданских?
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⚡️ Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova’s answer to a media question

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What can you tell us about UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres saying on July 14 that he was shocked by a rocket fired into the city of Vinnitsa, central Ukraine?

💬 Maria #Zakharova: Indeed, this statement by Antonio Guterres has come to our attention. Here’s what I would like to say.

☝️ According to the Russian Defence Ministry, high-precision Kalibr missiles were used in Vinnitsa targeting a garrison house of officers which at that moment was housing a meeting of the Ukrainian Air Force command with representatives of foreign arms suppliers. The UN is probably aware of that. If not, then we suggest that Mr Guterres ask Ukraine why the Kiev regime is placing military facilities in close proximity to civilian buildings?
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🎙 Briefing by Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, Moscow, July 14, 2022

Main topics:
🔹 Situation in Ukraine
🔹 Military invasions by the US and its allies
🔹 UNSC Arria-formula meeting on neo-Nazism in Ukraine
🔹 Western countries' repressions against Russian media and journalist
🔹 UNSC resolution on Syria
🔹 Russian humanitarian aid to Afghanistan
🔹 War on fake news
🔹 Global food and energy crisis
and more...

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⚔️ On July 17, 1942, the Battle of Stalingrad began, one of the largest engagements in history and the most important stage of the Great Patriotic War. More than 3 mln soldiers and officers clashed in mortal combat.

♦️ One of the heroes of Stalingrad, Vasily Chuikov, is believed to have made a decisive contribution to the victory. Initially the commander of the 64th Army, he was then appointed to command the 62nd Army and given an order to defend Stalingrad at any cost. The army under his command gained glory for the heroic six-month defence in the devastated city where they had to fight on isolated bridgeheads.

♦️ The victory at Stalingrad paved the way for the deployment of a general Red Army offensive and the final expulsion of the invaders from the occupied territory of the USSR. It raised the international status of the Soviet Union and its armed forces, and strengthened the anti-Hitler coalition. The battle was the turning point in World War II, where the strategic initiative passed to the Red Army.
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Myth: Possible mis- interpretation of sanctions could lead to over-compliance or market avoidance. The EU is ready to further clarify to economic operators what is and what is not targeted in our sanctions. Not the whole financial system of Russia is de-SWIFTed and if some financial institutions decide voluntarily not to participate in this trade the cause is over-compliance.

Fact: It is the EU countries that have been delegated the right to impose a system of fines and penalties for violation of restrictions and it have been constituted to the national level. This could result in 27 interpretations of the same action.

Since February 2022, the EU has introduced six packages of illegitimate anti-Russia sanctions. The European Commission has issued over 200 pages of “explanations” for these restrictions but it says on the first page of this document that they are not legally binding. In this case, Brussels is not entitled to make any decisions for the EU states.

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Media is too big
🎙 Russian MFA Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova on military adventures of the US and its allies:

💬 Western countries continue to circulate statements about the need to collect some kind of reparations from Russia and expropriate – in other words, misappropriate – Russian public and private assets abroad. Sometimes they add “for rebuilding Ukraine.”

👉 In this context, the Russian Foreign Ministry has prepared visual information materials on the consequences of the military adventures of the United States and its European allies over the past couple of decades. The article is posted on the website of the Russian Foreign Ministry under the corresponding banner. It clearly, with reference to authoritative sources, provides data on material damage to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, and Syria, inflicted by the United States (and its satellites).

We do not claim to present a complete calculation of the losses incurred, but even a conservative estimate puts it trillions of dollars.
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📆 From July 17 to August 2, 1945, the leaders of the Soviet Union, the United States of America and the United Kingdom — Joseph Stalin, Harry Truman and Winston Churchill — gathered at the Potsdam Conference. They worked out resolutions on the postwar order of Europe and approved the further military strategy of the coalition in the fight against militarist Japan.

ℹ️ The victorious powers agreed on a general policy in relation to Germany and its former allies. The main principles were demilitarisation, denazification, democratisation and decartelisation of the state.

ℹ️ The conference participants also examined territorial issues related to the end of the war in Europe. Efforts of the Soviet delegates resulted in the substantial expansion of Poland’s territory and the transfer of Königsberg to the USSR.

ℹ️ During the conference, the Soviet Union acknowledged its obligations to join the war against militarist Japan.

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Myth: The Russian operation in Ukraine has led to a significant drop in food, animal feed and fertiliser availability, price increases for food, energy and fertilisers, and has aggravated global food insecurity.

Fact: Russia is not at fault for the current food security crisis. A sharp increase in prices on the commodities and raw materials markets began as early as 2020, causing concern in the EU even then, – long before current events. The reason lies in the EU’s own errors in of its macroeconomic, energy, climate and food policies in recent years.

In trying to rebuild the world system of economic relations to its own advantage and impose its own rules, the EU fell into a trap created by its own ambitions. Under the circumstances, the West used Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine and Donbas as an excuse to conceal its own mistakes from the world public and its own citizens. In reality, a bad situation was made worse by the reckless anti-Russia sanctions.

⚔️ 17 июля 1942 года началась Сталинградская битва — одно из крупнейших сражений всемирной истории и важнейший этап Великой Отечественной войны. Более 3 миллионов солдат и офицеров схлестнулись в смертном бою.

♦️ Одним из творцов победы под Сталинградом по праву считается Василий Иванович Чуйков. Изначально он командовал 64-й армией, а затем был назначен командующим 62-й армией, получив приказ отстоять Сталинград любой ценой. Войска под его руководством прославились героической шестимесячной обороной разрушенного города, где сражаться приходилось на изолированных плацдармах.

♦️ Победа под Сталинградом создала условия для развертывания общего наступления Красной армии и массового изгнания захватчиков с оккупированной территории СССР. Она подняла международный авторитет Советского Союза и его вооруженных сил, укрепила антигитлеровскую коалицию. Произошёл окончательный поворот во Второй мировой войне, стратегическая инициатива отныне полностью перешла к Красной армии.
📅 17 июля — 2 августа 1945 года в Потсдаме проходила конференция глав правительств СССР, США и Великобритании — И.Сталина, Г.Трумэна и У.Черчилля, в ходе которой были выработаны решения о послевоенном устройстве Европы, а также согласована дальнейшая военная стратегия коалиции в борьбе против милитаристской Японии.

ℹ️ Державы-победительницы согласовали общую политику в отношении Германии и её бывших союзников. Основными принципами были определены: демилитаризация, денацификация, демократизация и декартелизация государства.

ℹ️ На конференции рассматривались и территориальные вопросы, связанные с окончанием войны в Европе. Так, усилиями советской делегации была существенно увеличена территория Польши, а СССР передавался Кёнигсберг.

ℹ️ В ходе конференции СССР подтвердил обязательства по вступлению в войну с милитаристской Японией. 9 августа 1945 года, выполняя союзнический долг, советские войска выступили против японских вооруженных сил, что привело к их скорой капитуляции.

🔗 https://is.gd/eRetto
✍️ Статья Министра иностранных дел Российской Федерации С.В.Лаврова для МИЦ «Известия»«Об инсценировках как методе политики Запада»

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🔹 Разговоры про добрые отношения, про готовность Запада учитывать права и интересы русских, очутившихся после распада СССР на независимой Украине и в других постсоветских странах, оказались не более чем инсценировкой.

🔹 Украине, Молдавии, другим странам, которых сегодня обхаживает ЕС, суждено быть статистами в играх Запада.

🔹 Коллективному Западу из мира иллюзий следовало бы вернуться на землю. Инсценировки, сколько бы их ни продолжали, не сработают. Пора играть по-честному, не по шулерским правилам, а на основе международного права.

🔹 Чем раньше все осознают безальтернативность объективных исторических процессов формирования многополярного мира на основе уважения фундаментального для Устава ООН и всего миропорядка принципа суверенного равенства государств, тем лучше.
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✍️ Russian FM Sergey Lavrov’s article «Staged incidents as the Western approach to doing politics», published in Izvestia newspaper

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🔹 All the good relations talk, the West’s proclaimed readiness to take into account the rights and interests of Russians who ended up in independent Ukraine or other post-Soviet countries after the collapse of the USSR turned out to be mere pretence.

🔹 Ukraine, Moldova and other countries being courted by the EU today are destined to be extras in the games of the West.

🔹 The collective West should come back to Earth from the world of illusions. The staged incidents, no matter how long they go on, will not work. It is time for fair play based on the international law rather than cheating.

🔹 The sooner everyone realises that there are no alternatives to objective historical processes where a multipolar world is formed based on respect for the principle of sovereign equality of states, fundamental for the UN Charter and the entire world order, the better.
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✍️ Andrey Gromyko, a great Soviet-era diplomat, was born on July 18, 1909.

His professional biography is very impressive:
• Ambassador of the Soviet Union to the United States (1943-1946)
• First Permanent Representative of the Soviet Union to the UN (1946-1948)
• Soviet Foreign Minister for 28 years (1957-1985)
• Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union (1985-1988)

💬 It is hard to overestimate Gromyko’s contribution to establishing the post WWII international order. He signed the UN Charter, and the elaboration of such key elements of the modern system of international relations as the Helsinki Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty is directly linked with him. In effect, these and other similar agreements laid the foundations of a system for jointly managing global affairs, countering common threats, resolving conflict situations by political means.
