Embassy of Russia in the USA / Посольство России в США
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Официальный новостной канал Посольства России в США
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📄 Excerpts from the Concept of the Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation


• Humanity is currently going through revolutionary changes. The formation of a more equitable multipolar world order is underway.

• The changes which are now taking place & which are generally favourable are nonetheless not welcomed by a number of states being used to the logic of global dominance & neocolonialism.

• Serious pressure is being put on the UN & other multilateral institutions the intended purpose of which, as platforms for harmonizing the interests of the leading powers, is artificially devalued.

• Russia does not consider itself to be an enemy of the West, is not isolating itself from the West and has no hostile intentions with regard to it; Russia hopes that in future the states belonging to the Western community will realize that their policy of confrontation and hegemonic ambitions lack prospects.


• Russia is striving towards a system of international relations that would guarantee reliable security, preservation of its cultural & civilizational identity, & equal opportunities for the development for all states.

• Russia consistently advocates strengthening the legal fundamentals of international relations, & faithfully complies with its international legal obligations.


• The most important for the security, stability, territorial integrity & social & economic development of Russia, strengthening its position as one of the influential sovereign centres of world development and civilization is to ensure sustainable long-term good-neighbourly relations & to combine the strengths in various fields with the CIS member states.

• Russia aims at further strengthening the comprehensive partnership & the strategic cooperation with China.

• Russia will continue to build up a particularly privileged strategic partnership with India.

• Russia seeks to transform Eurasia into a continental common space of peace, stability, mutual trust, development & prosperity.


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Фотовыставка «Глаза непокоренного Донбасса» открылась у посольства США в Москве

💬 «С апреля 2014 года от обстрелов украинских военных погибли и пострадали тысячи мирных жителей ДНР и ЛНР, уничтожены и частично разрушены школы, больницы, детские сады, жилые дома. Десятки тысяч людей, пострадавших от рук украинских силовиков, эвакуированы в Россию. На выставке представлены работы фотографов, отражающие ужас и гнев, смятение и храбрость, боль и решимость, отчаяние и надежду. Эти сильнейшие эмоции запечатлены во взглядах очевидцев карательной операции украинских боевиков», - подчеркнул один из организаторов выставки, сотрудник агентства «Армия России» Андрей Шестаков.

🎞 При подготовке выставки использованы работы фотографов РИА «Армия России» Министерства обороны РФ, а также кадры фотографов из Донецка. Всего в экспозиции, расположенной на площади Донецкой Народной Республики в Москве, представлено 40 фото-постеров.

В марте 2023 года вблизи посольства Федеративной Республики Германия в Москве открылась фотовыставка знаковых моментов Великой Отечественной войны «Чтобы помнили…»

🔹 @mod_russia
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🗓 Presidential Commissioner for Children’s Rights Maria Lvova-Belova will hold a news conference on the main activities of the Russian institution of commissioners for children’s rights and its current challenges, including those in the new regions of the country, at 11 am on April 4.

The event will take place in person.
Раньше День дурака на Украине отмечали одесской Юмориной. Сейчас - арестом наместника Киево-Печерской лавры митрополита Павла и гонениями на православных.

Зеленского с профессиональным праздником.
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#AprilFools celebrations by the Kiev regime and Zelensky have gone too far...

resulting in a full crackdown on the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and believers, putting head of Kiev Pechersk Lavra Metropolitan Pavel on trial and placing him under home arrest (!)
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Media is too big
#See4Yourself & #Think4Yourself

🎬 Operation Ukraine: America's Fingerprints. Who supports Ukrainian Nationalism? - an RT Doc Film.

Synopsis: As soon as World War II ended and the Nazis were defeated, US intelligence agencies built ties with former Hitler collaborators to work together against the Soviet Union and then Russia. The operation to form an armed underground movement in Western Ukraine was dubbed 'Aerodynamic'.

The CIA assembled war criminals and Bandera movement activists from filtration camps, and created an agent network. Their task was to sabotage nuclear plants and dams on Ukrainian territory in an effort to separate it from the Soviet Union. They terrorised civilians and were responsible for at least 35,000 casualties, according to CIA co-founder Frank Wisner.

In the early 1950s, Red Army units mostly wiped out the nationalist insurgency, however the CIA employed a new strategy. Since then Ukrainian nationalists have been engaged in an ideological anti-Russian war. The operation ‘Prolog’ gradually stoked nationalist sentiment in Ukraine and bred loyalty to Nazi ideas. What is the outcome of half-century-long American influence?

👉 Watch the full film by RT Documentary
🇷🇺🇺🇸📞 2 апреля по инициативе американской стороны состоялся телефонный разговор С.В.Лаврова и Госсекретаря США Э.Блинкена.

В контексте обсуждения затронутого Госсекретарем вопроса о задержании в России гражданина США Э.Гершковича, подозреваемого в шпионаже, внимание Э.Блинкена было обращено на необходимость уважать решения российских властей, принимаемые в соответствии с законодательством и международными обязательствами Российской Федерации. Подчеркнута недопустимость нагнетания официальными лицами в Вашингтоне и западными СМИ ажиотажа с явным намерением придать этому делу политическую окраску.

С.В.Лавров особо отметил, что Э.Гершкович был взят с поличным при попытке получения секретных сведений, осуществляя под прикрытием журналистского статуса сбор данных, составляющих государственную тайну. В свете установленных фактов противоправной деятельности гражданина США, о задержании которого американское Посольство в Москве было уведомлено в установленном порядке, его дальнейшую судьбу определит суд.

В ходе беседы затрагивались также некоторые актуальные вопросы двустороннего характера.
⚡️ Комментарий официального представителя МИД России М.В.Захаровой в связи с гибелью в результате взрыва военкора Владлена Татарского

2 апреля в результате взрыва в Санкт-Петербурге погиб военкор Максим Юрьевич Фомин, известный как Владлен Татарский. Правоохранительные органы ещё дадут юридическую квалификацию произошедшему. Мы же дадим нравственную.

❗️ Российские журналисты на постоянной основе испытывают на себе угрозы расправы со стороны киевского режима и его вдохновителей, которые всё чаще реализуются. Их подвергают травле, клеймят в прямом смысле специальными маркировками на цифровых площадках американских интернет-монополий и устраивают «охоту на ведьм» в западных СМИ. Всё это происходит при молчаливом игнорировании со стороны профильных международных структур, что уже невозможно не трактовать как соглашательство, если не соучастие.

Ни по одному случаю насильственной гибели российского журналиста, которая оценивалась киевским режимом и его головорезами как «успех», ни западные страны, ни международные организации, ни зарубежные профессиональные сообщества не только не провели расследований, но даже не проявили элементарного человеческого сочувствия.

Ещё недавно Запад боролся с экстремизмом и терроризмом, шёл единым фронтом по Парижу в защиту журналистов, в отношении которых совершались теракты. Сегодня отсутствие реакции в Белом доме, на Даунинг-стрит, в Елисейском дворце и т.д., учитывая их мнимую озабоченность благополучием журналистов и свободой журналистики, говорят сами за себя. Поразительна реакция в Киеве, где получатели западных грантов демонстрируют нескрываемый восторг из-за произошедшего.

Именно благодаря российским военкорам мир видит правдивые и оперативные кадры и узнает информацию о происходящем на Украине. Это люди, стоящие на страже истины, над которой мировой мейнстрим уже надругался. Профессиональная деятельность Владлена Татарского, его служение Отечеству вызывали ненависть у киевского режима. Он был опасен для них, но смело шёл до конца, выполняя свой долг.

Выражаем искренние соболезнования его родным и близким.
Media is too big
⚡️ О давлении на руководство Киево-Печерской Лавры в разгар Великого поста

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❗️ В последних числах марта – первых числах апреля в решающую стадию вступила кампания нынешнего киевского режима и подконтрольной ему раскольнической и неканонической т.н. «православной церкви Украины», направленная на захват жемчужины православия – Киево-Печерской лавры.

Такая акция готовилась давно.

1 апреля настоятель лавры митрополит Павел был взят под домашний арест, а в расположение монастыря стали прибывать неонацистские активисты, всячески насмехающиеся над богослужениями и попытками братии и молящихся монастыря сохранить лавру в лоне канонической Украинской православной церкви.

⚠️ Обращает на себя внимание время, которое было выбрано Зеленским и его режимом для давления на Лавру – время Великого поста.

Киевский режим превратил свою религиозную политику в один из инструментов продвижения неонацистских практик. О том, что под властью Порошенко, вслед за тем – Зеленского и иже с ними страдает русское и мировое православие, давно известно, нынешние светские власти инициировали и административно поддержали страшное, по меркам религиозной жизни, нарушение традиции – раскол церквей, вмешавшись в сакральную сторону жизни каждого верующего православного.

Ни для кого не секрет, что режим Зеленского не самостоятелен в своей антиклерикальной политике. Раскол православия, удар по этой сфере жизни – та цель, которую давно провозгласили в Вашингтоне.

❗️ Захват Киево-Печерской лавры – нелегитимное с правовой и безнравственное с духовной точки зрения деяние нынешних властей в Киеве.

Он показательнее многих иных шагов режима и его риторики доказывает его преступный характер, готовность не считаться с чувствами и, самое главное, правами людей, в т.ч. граждан Украины.
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⚡️ Regarding the pressure put by the Kiev regime on the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra leaders amid the Great Lent


In the last days of March and early April, the campaign to seize the pearl of Orthodoxy – the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra – waged by the current Kiev regime and the so-called Orthodox Church of Ukraine, a schismatic and non-canonical church controlled by current regime authorities, reached a decisive stage.

This move was long in the making.

On April 1 of this year, the abbot of the Holy Dormition Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, Metropolitan Paul, was put under house arrest, while neo-Nazi activists began to arrive at the monastery, mocking the divine services and attempts by the brethren and other people praying at the monastery to preserve the Lavra in the bosom of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

⚠️ It speaks volumes that Zelensky and his regime would choose this exact moment to put pressure on the Lavra – the time of the Great Lent.

The Kiev-Pechersk Lavra is no ordinary monastery. It is the centre of canonical Orthodoxy, as well as one of the oldest Lavras of the ancient Russian state.

The Kiev regime has turned its religious policy into a tool for promoting its neo-Nazi practices.

It is an open secret that the Zelensky regime is in no way independent when it comes to its anti-ecclesiastic policies. Creating a schism within Orthodoxy and delivering a blow against this sphere of life has long been Washington’s stated goal.

◾️ Even for the current Kiev authorities seizing the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra is illegitimate in terms of law and immoral from a spiritual perspective. It demonstrates better than many other steps the regime has taken or its rhetoric its criminal nature and readiness to turn a blind eye to the feelings and, even more importantly, the rights of people, including Ukrainian citizens.
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🎙 Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova will hold a briefing on current foreign policy issues at 3 pm MSK (approximately) on April 5.

☝️ In light of measures taken to prevent the spread of the coronavirus and WHO recommendations on holding public events via teleconferencing, the Foreign Ministry’s spokesperson will answer media questions received by the call centre. Accredited journalists will be sent detailed information concerning the technical aspects of submitting questions.

❗️ Accreditation is open until 2 pm on April 4.
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🎥 Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with the Prensa Latina Cuban news agency (Moscow, March 30, 2023)


We are fighting for our country’s security, <...> for the people whom the Kiev regime declared terrorists and publicly threatened to destroy.


Three-quarters of the countries around the world, primarily in Asia, Latin America, and Africa, have not joined the sanctions. They are being constantly blackmailed and threatened with severing access to funding or creating problems with the IMF or World Bank loans. I can’t even recall anything like that happening during the Cold War.

Now together with all our friends and partners we are working on new approaches to establishing supply chains, financing, and banking operations that will not depend in any way on the whims of the United States.


Europe is losing its competitive edge as a continent that has been forced to give up cheap Russian gas. It is on the verge of de-industrialisation as European businesses are fleeing to the United States. A reappraisal of everything that is going on, including in the minds of European politicians, has begun.


The nature of our relationship is described as a strategic partnership. But this is a formal characteristic. Our relations go deeper, are rooted in people-to-people ties, in the sympathy our people feel for each other. <...> Our cooperation goes back many decades, despite sanctions and various difficulties, when our relations were hindered in every possible way. We have already developed mechanisms and the ability to achieve results, regardless of the restrictive measures imposed by the West.


We welcome the revival of the CELAC spirit of regional solidarity. This organisation resumed its role of a priority group which is seen by the Latin American and Caribbean countries as a key tool for advancing their collective interests as part of the emerging multipolar world.

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⚡️ Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova’s comment on war correspondent Vladlen Tatarsky’s death in a bomb blast

On April 2, war correspondent Maxim Fomin, also known as Vladlen Tatarsky, was killed in a bomb blast in St Petersburg. The law enforcement agencies will qualify the incident in legal terms. We, for our part, will provide a moral assessment.

❗️ Russian journalists are constantly facing the threat of violence from the Kiev regime and its masterminds, and their threats are carried out with an increasing frequency. Journalists are harassed, branded with special markings on the digital platforms of US internet monopolies, and ostracised by the Western media. All of this is being tacitly ignored by the related international organisations, whose behaviour can no longer be interpreted as anything other than pandering, if not complicity.

Neither the Western countries, nor international organisations or foreign professional associations, have shown any compassion, let alone held an investigation into a single case of violent death befalling Russian journalists which the Kiev regime and its thugs hailed as a “success.”

Just recently, the West was at war against extremism and terrorism and marched in Paris in protest at terrorist attacks committed against journalists. Today, the lack of reaction from the White House, Downing Street, Elysee Palace, etc., given their ostensible concern for journalists’ wellbeing, is self-revelatory. What is also astonishing is the unconcealed jubilation that the news about the assassination evoked among the recipients of Western handouts in Kiev.

It is thanks to Russian war correspondents that the world sees truthful and promptly delivered footage and gets news about the latest developments in Ukraine. These people safeguard the truth that the world mainstream media have abused. The Kiev regime hated Vladlen Tatarsky’s professional work and service to his homeland. They saw him as a danger, but he did his duty and was true to his courageous self until the end.

We would like to convey our sincere condolences to his family and friends.
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🇷🇺🇺🇸📞 On April 2, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov spoke with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken during a phone call initiated by the US side.

Secretary Blinken touched on the issue of US citizen Evan Gershkovich being detained in Russia on suspicion of espionage. In the context of the discussion that followed, his attention was drawn to the need to respect the decisions taken by the Russian authorities in accordance with the laws and international obligations of the Russian Federation. It was underscored that the uproar being raised by officials in Washington and the Western media with a clear intent to give this case a political slant was unacceptable.

Sergey Lavrov noted that Evan Gershkovich had been caught red-handed while attempting to obtain classified information constituting a state secret under the cover of his status as journalist. The future fate of this US citizen will be decided by the court of law in light of the established facts of his unlawful activities. The US Embassy in Moscow has been duly notified of his detention in keeping with the existing procedure.
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🇷🇺🇳🇮 On March 30, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov held talks with Foreign Minister of the Republic of Nicaragua Denis Moncada, who is currently in Moscow on a working visit.

The Heads of foreign policy agencies exchanged opinions on topical issues of political, material, scientific, technological, cultural and humanitarian cooperation.

The Ministers reaffirmed their mutual commitment to strengthening all aspects of Russian-Nicaraguan strategic partnership.

The Sides devoted considerable attention to expanding interaction between Moscow and Managua on the international stage, in line with common approaches to key issues of the global and regional agenda.

The Ministers voiced their common interest in expanding the dialogue between Russia and Latin American and Caribbean integration associations, primarily the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (#CELAC) and the Central American Integration System (#CAIS).

🎖 Following the talks, Special Representative of the President of Nicaragua for Russian Affairs Laureano Ortega and Ambassador of Nicaragua to Russia Alba Azucena Torres were awarded the Orders of Friendship for their contribution to strengthening Russian-Nicaraguan strategic partnership.

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