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Официальный новостной канал Посольства России в США
🇷🇺🇺🇸Comment by the Russian Embassy in the United States

We took notice of the Russophobic rhetoric at the Senate hearing on Latin American issues on March 15. In particular of the senators’ indignation on cooperation between Brazil and “aggressive” Russia. As well as, of the Assistant Secretary Brian Nichols’ appeal to Brasilia to convince Moscow through BRICS format about the unacceptability of interventions based on the “right of the strongest”.

👉Comments of the high-ranking official are timely in view of the 20th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq. The country was bombed out, hundreds of thousands Iraqis were killed and no one in the world was given an explanation how Saddam Hussein had infringed upon U.S. national interests.

❗️Senators’ concern about Russia-Brazil ties illustrate the unprecedented demands by Washington for Latin American states to end mutually beneficial cooperation with Russia. However this isn’t happening. Judging by the speeches of the majority of respected leaders from Latin America, such propaganda doesn’t have any effect on them. They understand: Ukraine is a battering ram against Russia. They doubt the attempt to portray Kiev regime as an innocent victim. Cynical U.S. plans to prolong conflict though never-ending supply of arms are evident to them. Many Latin American politicians understand what is behind the “beneficial” offers by Pentagon to transfer Russian and Soviet equipment to military forces of Ukraine.

☝️It is quite telling that many Latin American leaders have taken notice of the modest amount of U.S. aid to the countries of the region compared to tens of billions of dollars spent by Administration on support to Kiev. It is obvious to them that such “investments” in Zelensky-led regime is a way for Washington to try to get non-competitive advantages in the world. As well as to undermine international ties of the Russian Federation with other countries. At the same time - to enrich local arms manufacturers and energy producers.

🤝Russia perceives with understanding the equidistant policy of the majority of Latin American states. Unlike the West we don’t claim the moral higher ground. We will cooperate with all the interested states on the basis of equality and mutual respect.
🇷🇺 Сегодня исполняется 9️⃣ лет со дня проведения референдума о статусе Крыма.

16 марта 2014 года в ходе всеобщего голосования крымчане сделали свой исторический выбор.

🇷🇺 На основании этого свободного волеизъявления населения Крым и Севастополь были приняты в состав Российской Федерации как неотъемлемые её части.

❗️ Референдум был проведен в соответствии с нормами международного права и стал высшим торжеством демократии. 135 международных наблюдателей из 23 стран, а также 1240 представителей местных организаций, присутствовавшие при голосовании, высоко оценили подготовку и ход проведения референдума в Крыму.
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🎙 Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s answers to questions from the Moscow.Kremlin.Putin TV show (March 15, 2023)

Question: Could you comment on the recent US drone incident?

💬 Sergey Lavrov: Our military have given their assessment which was related by our ambassador in Washington Anatoly Antonov. He explained to journalists and others how we see it from a global security standpoint. He was summoned to the US State Department, where he was presented with totally unfounded claims about violations of the freedom of air.

You have heard the Pentagon, the Joint Chiefs of Staff saying that the United States will continue to fly wherever it pleases “in accordance with international law.”

☝️ But if we follow this logic, the space around the US has the same status as the space over the Black Sea.

In doing so, they completely ignore the fact that after the start of the special military operation our military declared the relevant areas of the Black Sea adjacent to the shore in certain places to have a restricted status for the use of any aircraft.

The defiant disregard for this objective fact suggests that the United States is constantly trying to create some kind of provocation to fuel confrontational thinking. This is not good.

They constantly say that they are a responsible power interested in strategic stability. Secretary of State Antony Blinken told me this at the meeting in India. But their words are at odds with their deeds.

Question: What does it imply for global security?

💬 Sergey Lavrov: As far as global security is concerned, any incident that triggers a clash between two of the great, major nuclear powers carries very serious risks. They surely realise this.
📆 55 years ago U.S. soldiers committed the My Lai massacre

The My Lai massacre went down in history as one of the most horrific incidents of violence committed during the Vietnam War. A company of American soldiers butchered most of the villagers on March 16, 1968.

👉 More than 500 people were slaughtered, including young girls and women who were raped and mutilated before being killed. It’s no wonder that the death toll still differs since U.S. Army officers covered up the carnage for a year before the American press shed light on that crime in November 1969. Seymour Hersh was among those independent journalists who uncovered the truth. According to some historians, as many as 576 Vietnamese civilians perished in that purge.

The massacre was perpetrated by Charlie Company-part of the Americal Division’s 11th Infantry Brigade.

The small village of My Lai is located in Quang Ngai province. It was thought to be a stronghold of the communist National Liberation Front (NLF). Quang Ngai province was therefore a frequent target of U.S. and South Vietnamese bombing attacks. The entire region was subjected to the notorious Agent Orange, the deadly herbicide.

Shortly before 7:30 AM on March 16, 1968, the My Lai area was shelled by U.S. artillery. The preparatory strike was intended to clear a landing area for Charlie Company’s helicopters. However, its actual effect was to force those civilians who had begun leaving the area back to My Lai in search of cover.

When Charlie Company arrived shortly after dawn, the soldiers-led by Lieutenant William Calley-found no Viet Cong. Americans encountered no resistance. Instead, what they met was a quiet village of primarily women, children and older men.

‼️It didn’t stop the U.S. soldiers from killing indiscriminately. Unarmed men, women, children, and the elderly were shot at close range. Dozens of people, including young children, were dragged into a ditch before executing them with a machine gun. Charlie Company raped women as well as burned the village to the ground. That list of the atrocities could go on and on.

By the time the My Lai massacre ended, 5️⃣0️⃣4️⃣ people were dead. Among the victims were 1️⃣8️⃣2️⃣ women—17 of them pregnant—and ❗️ 1️⃣7️⃣3️⃣ children, including 5️⃣6️⃣ infants.

🇷🇺🇺🇸Комментарий Посольства Российской Федерации в США

Обращаем внимание на непрекращающийся скоординированный поток дезинформации о терактах на газовых магистралях системы «Северный поток».

👉Журналисты близких к администрации изданий намеренно продолжают плодить заведомо ложные версии подрыва критической энергоинфраструктуры в Балтийском море. Вновь раскручиваются «фантастические» истории о неких гражданах, сподобившихся на арендованной «яхте» осуществить столь сложную диверсию. Хотя любому здравомыслящему человеку понятно, что подготовка и реализация такого теракта под силу лишь отдельным государствам, обладающим определенными технологиями.

🔹Цель этой информационной кампании - увести внимание читателей от «токсичного» для западных столиц резонансного расследования известного публициста С.Херша. Замолчать появление новых важных деталей. Таких как обнаружение в 30 км от места теракта неизвестного устройства, похожего на антенну-детонатор. Здесь, судя по всему, считают недостойным внимания тот факт, что российской компании «Газпром» - собственнику трубопроводов - продолжают блокировать любые инициативы, направленные на проведение объективного следствия.

⁉️Что это, если не желание «покрыть» исполнителей и заказчиков диверсии, в результате которой оказались подорваны не только «Северные потоки», но и взаимовыгодные энергосвязи России и Европы. Страдают в итоге рядовые европейцы.

Если американские корреспонденты действительно заинтересованы в установлении истинных обстоятельств и заказчиков этого, без преувеличения, «преступления века» - советуем им чаще обращать внимание на призывы Российской Федерации запустить прозрачное международное расследование.

👉Как бы ни пытались наши недоброжелатели утаить правду, она все равно восторжествует. Иначе и быть не может. Будем прилагать для этого все усилия. Призываем к честной работе и местных журналистов.
🇷🇺Девять лет назад, 16 марта 2014 года, состоялся референдум, во многом определивший ход новейшей истории. Свыше 90% жителей полуострова пришли на участки, чтобы восстановить историческую справедливость и проголосовать за возвращение Крыма в состав России. Это важнейшее событие Крымской весны стало началом перемен во всем мире. Поддержав жителей региона, Россия заявила о готовности защищать соотечественников, оказавшихся после распада СССР за пределами своей Родины.

🤝18 марта Президент Российской Федерации Владимир Путин, Председатель Государственного Совета Республики Крым Владимир Константинов, Председатель Совета министров Республики Крым Сергей Аксёнов и председатель координационного совета по организации Севастопольского городского управления по обеспечению жизнедеятельности Севастополя Алексей Чалый подписали Договор между Российской Федерацией и Республикой Крым о принятии в Российскую Федерацию Республики Крым и образовании в составе Российской Федерации новых субъектов.

Тогда казалось, что 2014 год - судьбоносная дата в истории Крыма, сегодня ясно, это - судьбоносная дата в истории всей нашей страны.

🔹Выступая в Кремле Президент Владимир Путин отметил, что «в сердце, в сознании людей Крым всегда был и остаётся неотъемлемой частью России. Эта убеждённость, основанная на правде и справедливости, была непоколебимой, передавалась из поколения в поколение, перед ней были бессильны и время, и обстоятельства, бессильны все драматические перемены, которые мы переживали, переживала наша страна в течение всего ХХ века».

🔹«Крым – это наше общее достояние и важнейший фактор стабильности в регионе. И эта стратегическая территория должна находиться под сильным, устойчивым суверенитетом, который по факту может быть только российским сегодня».
🇷🇺Nine years ago, on March 16, 2014, the referendum, that largely determined the course of the newest history, was held. Over 90% of the peninsula's residents came to the polling stations to restore historical justice and vote for the return of Crimea to Russia. This crucial event of the Crimean Spring was the beginning of changes around the world. Having supported the inhabitants of the region, Russia declared its readiness to protect the compatriots who were outside their homeland after the collapse of the USSR.

🤝The Agreement between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Crimea on the Accession of the Republic of Crimea in the Russian Federation and on Forming New Constituent Entities within the Russian Federation was signed in the Kremlin on March 18, 2014. The document bears the signatures of President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, Chairman of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea Vladimir Konstantinov, Prime Minister of the Republic of Crimea Sergei Aksyonov and Chairman of the Coordinating Council for the establishment of the Sevastopol municipal administration Alexei Chaly.

At that time it seemed that 2014 was a fateful date in the history of Crimea, today it is clear, that it is a fateful date in the history of our country.

🔹Speaking at the Kremlin, President Vladimir Putin noted, that «In people’s hearts and minds, Crimea has always been an inseparable part of Russia. This firm conviction is based on truth and justice and was passed from generation to generation, over time, under any circumstances, despite all the dramatic changes our country went through during the entire 20th century».

🔹«Crimea is our common historical legacy and a very important factor in regional stability. And this strategic territory should be part of a strong and stable sovereignty, which today can only be Russian».
🇷🇺🇺🇸Comment by the Russian Embassy in the United States

We note the constant coordinated flow of disinformation about terrorist attacks against gas pipelines of the Nord Stream system.

👉Mainstream media deliberately continues to promote fake theories about the destruction of the critical energy infrastructure in the Baltic Sea. Once again, "fantastic" scenarios about some individuals who managed to carry out such a complex sabotage on some rented "yacht" are being unfolded. Although any reasonable person understands that preparation and execution of such a terrorist attack is only within the power of certain states possessing specific technologies.

🔹The purpose of this information campaign is obviously aimed at diverting the readers' attention from the resonant investigation by the well-known publicist Seymour Hersh, which is "toxic" for Western capitals. As well as at silencing emerging important details, such as the discovery of an unknown device that looks like a detonator antenna about 30 kilometers away from the site of the terrorist attack. Apparently, in the United States it is considered unworthy to draw attention to the fact that the initiatives of the Russian company Gazprom, the actual owner of the destroyed pipelines, to participate in an objective investigation are still being blocked.

⁉️What is it, if not an attempt to “cover up” the sponsors and executors of the sabotage, as a result of which not only Nord Streams, but also mutually beneficial energy ties between Russia and Europe have been undermined. In the end, ordinary Europeans are the ones who suffer.

If American journalists are really interested in establishing the true circumstances and those who arranged this, without exaggeration, "crime of the century", we advise them to heed more attention to the calls by the Russian Federation to launch a transparent international investigation.

👉No matter how keenly our ill-wishers try to hide the truth, it will still prevail. There is simply no other way. We will make every effort for this to happen. We also call on the U.S. journalists to investigate this matter diligently.
⚡️Colin Powell – Commander-in-Chief of lies. The My Lai Massacre Cover-up and False Pretext for Invasion of Iraq

One of the investigators of the My Lai massacre was none other than Colin Powell. Back then, future Secretary of State under President George W.Bush (we will get back to it later) was Major who was already good at spinning yarns.

According to Powell’s report, “although there may be isolated cases of mistreatment of civilians and POWs, this by no means reflects the general attitude throughout the division.

As far as accusations of atrocities committed by Charlie Company are concerned, Mr. Powell asserted that, “In direct refutation of this portrayal is the fact that relations between Americal Division soldiers and the Vietnamese people are excellent”. Many consider the Powells’ assessments to be whitewashing of that horrific carnage and evidence of Mr. Powell’s being a participant in the My Lai massacre cover-up.

☝️On balance, Powell’s lies bore fruits. Out of 28 officers, who were recommended to be charged with criminal offenses, only 14 men were eventually charged. All were acquitted except for Lieutenant William Calley, a platoon leader in Charlie Company, whose men allegedly killed 200 innocents.

Mr.Calley was found guilty of personally murdering 22 civilians and sentenced to life imprisonment, but his sentence was reduced to 20 years and later to 10. Calley was paroled by President Richard Nixon in 1974 after having served only a third of his 10-year sentence.

📆 History tends to repeat itself. Several decades later Mr. Powell’s lies would subject the whole nation to bombings and hardships . On February 5, 2003 at the UN Security Council then U.S. State Secretary Colin Powell would accuse Iraq of creating weapons of mass destruction. To support his accusations he would show a test tube, supposedly containing anthrax powder. It would later become the false pretext for the subsequent American invasion into Iraq.

❗️You know the rest of the story - more than 200 000 civilians fell victim to the U.S. invasion. Around 1.5 ml people fled the country. Mosul, the second largest city in Iraq, was almost obliterated. The only question remains – will Colin Powel and the United States in general be called to account for that massacre?

Based on history.com materials

🎙Statement by the Crimean Tatar Council under the Head of the Republic of Crimea

🔹We, members of the Crimean Tatar Council under the Head of the Republic of Crimea, do not support members of the organisation going by the name of Mejlis* that is banned in the Russian Federation for its provocational activities. We urge residents of Crimea not to trust the statements made by its pseudo-leaders who use the Crimean Tatar issue to destabilise the sociopolitical situation.
🔹The Council strongly disagrees with the assumption that some fugitives from Crimea, the self-described “leaders” and “chairmen” of various kinds of foreign public associations of private nature, portray themselves as representatives of the Crimean Tatar people living in their homeland. Former members of the Mejlis that is banned in the Russian Federation such as Refat Chubarov, Mustafa Dzhemilyov, Lenur Islyamov, Eskender Bariyev and other traitors who let down the interests of the Crimean Tatars are currently residing in Ukraine, Türkiye and a number of European countries, acting in the interests and at the behest of Kiev, and widely spreading falsehoods regarding the Crimean Tatars’ situation in Crimea.
🔹The Council considers the statements and allegations coming from Ukraine and former members of the Mejlis that is banned in the Russian Federation Refat Chubarov, Mustafa Dzhemilyov, Lenur Islyamov and Eskender Bariyev about discrimination against Crimean Tatars to be false and states that all issues related to the exercise of the rights and interests of the Crimean Tatars are being addressed in cooperation with the authorities of the Republic of Crimea and numerous ethnic communities of the peninsula.

🔗 Read in full

*a terrorist organization banned in Russia
🇷🇺🇺🇸 Комментарий Посольства России в США

Обратили внимание на заявления представителей администрации о якобы обоснованности решения Международного уголовного суда выдать ордер на арест Президента Российской Федерации В.В.Путина и Уполномоченного по правам ребенка М.А.Львовой-Беловой.

☝️В угоду собственным геополитическим интересам здесь поддерживают развязанную МУС беспрецедентную правовую вакханалию, прекрасно зная о том, что Россия, как и США, не признает юрисдикцию МУС.

Позволяя себе неприемлемые высказывания в адрес российского лидера, американские власти намеренно умалчивают о собственных «зверствах» в Ираке, Югославии, Ливии и Вьетнаме. Более того, пытаясь оградить своих граждан от международного преследования, Соединенные Штаты даже принимают одиозные меры. Например, вводят в отношении руководства Суда беспрецедентные экономические санкции, включая экс-прокурора Ф.Бенсуду, инициировавшую расследование злодеяний США в Афганистане. О какой же независимости и беспристрастности может идти речь?

❗️Такая позиция напоминает вялотекущую шизофрению. Сегодня все местные чиновники хором повторили, что для Соединённых Штатов МУС - не указ. Однако перевешивает стратегический интерес - максимально напакостить России.
🇷🇺🇺🇸Comment by the Russian Embassy in the United States

We took notice of the statements of representatives of the U.S. administration on the alleged justification of the decision of the International Criminal Court to issue warrants of the arrest for President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and Commissioner for Children’s Rights Maria Lvova-Belova.

☝️For the sake of its own geopolitical interests Washington supports the unprecedented legal bacchanalia unleashed by the ICC, knowing full well that Russia, like the United States, does not recognize the jurisdiction of the ICC.

Allowing unacceptable remarks about the Russian leader, the U.S. authorities deliberately keep silent about their own atrocities in Iraq, Yugoslavia, Libya and Vietnam. Moreover, in an attempt to protect its citizens from international prosecution by all available means, the United States even takes odious measures. For example, unprecedented economic sanctions that were imposed on the leadership of the Court, including ex-Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda, who initiated an investigation into U.S. atrocities in Afghanistan. What independence and impartiality can we talk about?

❗️Such a position is reminiscent of sluggish schizophrenia. Today, all American officials in unison repeated that the ICC is not a decree for the United States. However, a strategic interest to annoy Russia as much as possible outweighs.
🇷🇺🇨🇳 Статья Президента России В.В.Путина в «Жэньминь Жибао» «Россия и Китай – партнёрство, устремлённое в будущее» (19 марта 2023 года)

Читайте полностью

💬 Рад возможности со страниц одного из крупнейших и наиболее авторитетных мировых изданий обратиться к дружественному китайскому народу в преддверии государственного визита в Россию Председателя КНР Си Цзиньпина.

🤝 Это значимое событие вновь подтверждает особый характер российско-китайского партнёрства, которое всегда строилось на взаимном доверии, уважении суверенитета и интересов друг друга.

Прогресс, достигнутый в двусторонних связях, впечатляет. Российско-китайские отношения вышли на наивысший за всю их историю уровень и продолжают крепнуть, по своему качеству они превосходят военно-политические союзы времён холодной войны, в них нет ведущего и ведомого, нет каких-либо ограничителей или запретных тем.

Наш политический диалог стал предельно доверительным, стратегическое взаимодействие – всеобъемлющим и вступающим в новую эпоху.

🌐 Среди «волн и ветров» на планете мы тесно взаимодействуем в международных делах и, стоя плечом к плечу, «как скала посреди бурного потока», эффективно координируем внешнеполитические позиции, боремся с общими угрозами, реагируем на современные вызовы.

Россия и Китай последовательно работают в интересах создания равноправной, открытой, инклюзивной, не направленной против третьих стран системы безопасности в регионе и мире в целом.

Признательны за взвешенную линию КНР в связи с происходящими на Украине событиями, за понимание их предыстории и подлинных причин. Приветствуем готовность Китая сыграть конструктивную роль в деле урегулирования кризиса.

Уверен, что наша дружба и партнёрство, основывающиеся на стратегическом выборе народов двух стран, продолжат расти и крепнуть во имя благополучия и процветания России и Китая. И этому, несомненно, будет способствовать нынешний визит в Россию Председателя КНР.

Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
📄 President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin’s Article for People’s Daily Newspaper, «Russia and China: A Future-Bound Partnership» 🇷🇺🇨🇳

March 19, 2023

READ IN FULL (original on Kremlin.ru)

💬 I am glad to seize this opportunity to address the friendly Chinese people in one of the largest and most authoritative world media in advance of the state visit of President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping to Russia. This landmark event reaffirms the special nature of the Russia-China partnership, which has always been built on mutual trust, respect for each other's sovereignty and interests.

We have high expectations for the upcoming talks. We have no doubt that they will give a new powerful impetus to our bilateral cooperation in its entirety. This is also a great opportunity for me to meet with my good old friend with whom we enjoy the warmest relationship. <...>

🤝 The firm friendship between Russia and China is consistently growing stronger for the benefit and in the interest of our countries and peoples. The progress made in the development of bilateral ties is impressive.

The Russia-China relations have reached the highest level in their history and are gaining even more strength; they surpass Cold War-time military-political alliances in their quality, with no one to constantly order and no one to constantly obey, without limitations or taboos.

We have reached an unprecedented level of trust in our political dialogue, our strategic cooperation has become truly comprehensive in nature and is standing on the brink of a new era. President Xi Jinping and I have met about 40 times and have always found time and opportunity to talk in a variety of official formats as well as at no‑tie events. <...>

Unlike some countries claiming hegemony and bringing discord to the global harmony, Russia and China are literally and figuratively building bridges. Last year our border regions were connected by two new bridge crossings over the Amur river, which has been a ”river of friendship“ since time immemorial. Amidst the ”waves and winds“ that sweep the planet, we closely cooperate in international affairs and effectively coordinate our foreign policy positions, counter common threats, and respond to current challenges, standing shoulder to shoulder as a ”rock amid a fast flowing stream.“

We actively promote democratic multilateral structures such as the #SCO and #BRICS, which become more and more authoritative and influential and attract new partners and friends. The work aimed at coordinating the development of the Eurasian Economic Union with the One Belt, One Road Initiative also goes in this vein.

❗️ Our countries, together with like-minded actors, have consistently advocated the shaping of a more just multipolar world order based on international law rather than certain ”rules“ serving the needs of the ”golden billion.“ Russia and China have consistently worked to create an equitable, open and inclusive regional and global security system that is not directed against third countries. In this regard, we note the constructive role of China's Global Security Initiative, which is in line with the Russian approaches in this area.

We can feel the geopolitical landscape in the outside world change dramatically. Sticking more stubbornly than ever to its obsolete dogmata and vanishing dominance, the ”Collective West“ is gambling on the fates of entire states and peoples. The US's policy of simultaneously deterring Russia and China, as well as all those who do not bend to the American dictation, is getting ever more fierce and aggressive.

The international security and cooperation architecture is being dismantled. Russia has been labelled an ”immediate threat“ and China a ”strategic competitor.“ <...>

🇷🇺🇨🇳 I am convinced that our friendship and partnership based on the strategic choice of the peoples of the two countries will further grow and gain strength for the well-being and prosperity of Russia and China.

This visit of the President of the PRC to Russia will undoubtedly contribute to that.
