Alexander Dugin
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International Channel, Doctor of Sociology and of Political sciences, PhD of Philosophy.
Founder of Russian geopolitical school and Eurasian Movement.
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O Congresso fundador do Movimento Russófilo Internacional começou em Moscou. Pessoas movidas pelo amor à Rússia e pela consciência do papel histórico especial da civilização russa unirão seus esforços para apoiar nosso país e contribuir para o crescimento de sua influência cultural, informacional e espiritual em todo o mundo.

O filósofo Alexander Dugin comentou sobre a necessidade de reunir pessoas com os mesmos ideais:

*"Este é um tempo de ódio à Rússia, mas não é uma posição comum, é apenas a posição das elites liberais e globalistas. Eles estão alimentando o fogo do ódio pela Rússia, e embora este fogo seja muito forte, o amor é mais forte e o amor vencerá tudo."*
Alexander Dugin pinned Deleted message
🇯🇵 ドゥーギンからの指令:最後の試練に立ち向かうエルドアン


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Ainda dá tempo de conseguir a sua cópia! Uma das obras mais importantes da filosofia política nos últimos 15 anos, A Quarta Teoria Política, de Alexander Dugin.

Mande um e-mail para [email protected] e garanta já o seu!
🇨🇳 神聖的羅格斯 — 對獨裁自由主義的反抗與後人文主義的悲慘命運

2022年12月,新西伯利亞國家音樂廳舉辦了第一屆「WRNS西伯利亞論壇」,新西伯利亞地區政府首腦和俄羅斯東正教會新西伯利亞區最高負責人都參加了這場會議。現代俄羅斯最著名的哲學家亞歷山大·杜金教授 (Alexander Dugin)在此次活動中擔任演講者。來自今日領袖報《Today correspondent》的代表亞歷山大·佐諾夫 (Alexander Zonov) 與他進行了採訪交談。

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"Today is era of postmodern. This means that times of modernity gone away. All that compiled the substance of the Age of Enlightenment – social, cultural, ideological, political, scientific and economic models became completely exhausted. We are witnesses of new era – era of postmodernism that cannot be stopped by any means.

Era of postmodern is era of globalization, ultra liberalization and domination of unipolar world, net style of life, canceling traditional forms of identity – national states, confessions, ethnic groups and even family and gender. “Open society” comes instead of government, religious extremism and indifference instead of traditional confessions, individuals instead of nations, clones and transgenic cyborgs instead of common people. Postmodernism destroys modernism in every aspect.

In other words when modernism began evolving it was opposed by traditional society, but this opposition was formal and was easily overcame by modernism. But a part of tradition accepted the challenge of modernism and invested its energy into new ideology – with outer modernism and inner tradition: we can talk about all neoliberal doctrines – nationalism, socialism, social-democracy, conservative revolution. Liberalism remains as modernism orthodoxy. But when it overcame its ideological rivals – fascism, communism and even social democracy –era of postmodernism began. The only difference is in absolutism and non-alternativity of the doctrine.

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"I believe that one should be willing to die for one's own ideas and face any kind of resistance to them." — Daria Dugina

In Memory of Daria Dugina
Памяти Даши Платоновой-Дугиной
Daria Dugina, Philosophy as Destiny — Natalia Melentyeva

Daria Dugina chose the pseudonym Platonov and devoted herself to the study of Platonism and Platonic philosophers. The American A. Whitehead once said that the entire world's philosophy is nothing but Plato's margin notes. By engaging with Platonism - we get to the centre of the typhoon, to the heart of the problem of meaning generation, of the creation of thought structures, of the mind, of history, of cultures, of civilisations...

Dasha knew this and deliberately chose this path. The way of the mind is dangerous. People fear the mind like fire. Once, the city authorities of Athens had the wisest thinker of Greece and of all humanity, Socrates, executed; the people of Alexandria murdered the Neo-Platonic philosopher Hypatia.

Today, the elites of the Western world hate free thinking in a vicious and totalitarian manner.

Natalia Melentyeva

On The Frontier Metaphysics
Eschatological Optimism: Origins, Evolution, Main Directions
Metaphysics of War
The “Right-Wing Gramscianism” Phenomenon: The Experience of the “New Right”
The novel Laurus as a manifesto of Russian traditionalism
The concept of the poor subject
The apophatic tradition: the theology of Dionysius the Areopagite
Darya Dugina at the 16th International Conference “The Universe of Platonic Thought”
Post-politics vs. existential politics
Is there a political philosophy in the Neo-Platonic tradition?
"Europe is the battlefield between two worldviews" - Interview with Daria Platonova
How events in Ukraine have shaken the French political life: A FAN interview with Daria Platonova
Russian Operation in Ukraine: Friends and Enemies, the Battle for the Rimland
Darya Platonova: The War in Ukraine a Clash of Globalist and Eurasian Civilizations
Pan-Africanism Today: From Neocolonialism to Multipolarity
Forwarded from RT Balkan
Александар Дугин: Избори 14. маја Ердоганова "последња битка"

▪️Актуелни председник Турске суочава се са изборима као са до сада најтежим испитом, јер се на њима одлучује о судбини земље, тврди руски геополитичар.

- Више прочитајте на нашем сајту.

📸 Фото: Globallookpress/Mustafa Kaya

Syrie, Russie, France : quelles relations, quel avenir ? – 23 mars 2023 – Paris

Égalité & Réconciliation organisent le SAMEDI 23 MARS 2023, à PARIS, une conférence de réinformation à trois voix au sujet de l’actualité géopolitique :


Avec Adnan NAZZAM, Claude JANVIER et Lucien CERISE

P.A.F. : 10 €

Inscriptions par courriel à : [email protected]
Media is too big
Putin'in akıl hocası Dugin'den Rûdaw'a: Rojava Kürtleri kurban edildi

Rûdaw’ın Moskova muhabiri Kamiz Şadadi’nin yönelttiği “Rusya Devlet Başkanı Putin, Eroğan ve Esad’ı bir araya getirmeyi başaracak mı? Rusya, İran Suriye ve Türkiye dışişleri bakanlarının katılımıyla gerçekleşecek dörtlü görüşmeye hazırlık süreci neden bu kadar ağır devam ediyor? Şam ve Ankara arasındaki normalleşme çabaları Rojava Kürtlerinin aleyhine dönebilir mi?” sorularına Putin’e yakınlığı ile bilinen Rus strateji uzmanı ve siyaset bilimci Aleksandr Dugin şu değerlendirmede bulundu:
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New digital products on

The Great Awakening vs the Great Reset by Alexander Dugin (Ebook)

Archeofuturism by Guillaume Faye (Audiobook)

Why We Fight by Guillaume Faye (Audiobook)

Prelude to War by Guillaume Faye (Ebook)
🇯🇵 ドゥーギンからの指令:ロシアとウクライナの本当の戦争相手は誰か



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🇧🇬 Директива на Дугин: С кого всъщност воюват Русия и Украйна?

През последните 30 години украинците масово и активно, натрапчиво и непрекъснато се учат да мразят руснаците, всичко руско. Цели поколения израснаха върху русофобията.

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