Crypto Mage
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Инсайды по листингам, листинг-боты и сигналы более, чем из 80 международных ТОП-групп в реальном времени.
Платная группа от 25$ в месяц со второго года подписки.
По всем вопросам @kitkitych
2/2 Далее вся эта красота интегрируется в сервис торговых ботов (CEX+DEX), разработкой которого я занят, что позволит в автоматическом режиме открывать и закрывать позиции по интересующим вас направлениям и монетам (ситуация, когда у вас позиция в монете, которая из-за хака или еще чего-нибудь резко начинает терять стоимость. Бот закроет позицию раньше, чем вы узнаете о хаке), а также человеческим языком объясняя боту вашу личную торговую концепцию, которой он будет придерживаться или создать своего клона-трейдера, торгующего по новостям, ТА, кластерам или чему угодно еще.

Задача сервиса в целом будет поиск альфы и смещение вашего личного матожидания в благоприятную для вас сторону.

Сервис будет ограничен по количеству подписчиков на полную версию за исключением новостного блока.

У проекта предполагается наличие своего токена, токеномика будет позже.

Учитывая то, что подобный сервис нужен всем, то он станет тем инструментом выбора, который будет крайне желательным для использования уже через полгода-год любым трейдером, для которого важен результат.
Это возможность, которую нельзя пропустить.

У вас есть возможность инвестировать в разработку, поспособствовать скорейшему выходу проекта на рынок и получить бонусы помимо токенов и genesis NFT. Мною уже собрана команда, которая обладает компетенциями и сможет реализовать весь заявленный функционал.
Инвестиции базового уровня дают вам возможность пользования всем базовым функционалом сервиса для подписчиков lifetime и дополнительные приглашения для ваших друзей.
Инвестиции среднего уровня предполагают помимо базового функционала доступ к специфической закрытой информации раньше других (плюс приглашения с обычным доступом), бета-версиям новых функций и к отдельному чату.
Инвестиции высшего уровня предусматривают отдельные условия, права доступа к топ-контенту и бета-функционалу для вашей команды (помимо вас лично), возможность указания вас как спонсора в открытых новостных и аналитических каналах, а также первоочередная разработка интересующего именно вас дополнительного функционала и кастомных функций (плюс приглашения для обычных пользователей естественно).
FCFS, капа ограничена.
Бонусом при любом уровне инвестиций вы получаете lifetime подписку ALL IN на платные каналы CryptoMage (60+ каналов).
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1/2 Friends, I congratulate all of you on the upcoming holidays.
I wish that the coming year brings the fulfillment of all your wishes.

Some of you know that I have fully dedicated this year to developing my own project, which is why there was no content on the channel.
The launch of this project, as well as a complete overhaul of the existing CM service, is planned for 2024.
The year 2023 was marked by the commercial deployment of powerful Large Language Models (LLMs), like ChatGPT, and a surge in AI hype.
I spent a long time aligning these emerging opportunities with both the project I was working on and the CM service.
Eventually, the CM service will be conceptually reworked into an AI-based information project, extracting key information from a multitude of sources and creating thematic news feeds from significant events - essentially, a crypto-research news agency.
This aligns with the original concept I followed in identifying information sources that trigger market pumps and narratives.
Now, with the aid of AI, all these analyses will be conducted in the background, and subscribers to the service will have access to these studies depending on their subscription level.

AI offers the following capabilities:

For news, it can determine their potential (such as suitability for market pumping, irrelevance, or news leading to a market dump) and correlate this with the current market state, extracting insights from the actual figures of news triggers. It will consider macroeconomic factors and key market influencers like Federal Reserve rate policies, inflation data, or global news impacting markets, preparing us for "black swan" events at any moment. It will also determine the veracity of news, finding proofs or refutations.

For private chats, it can identify hype distribution paths across coins, the purchasing power of specific groups, determine favorites at any given moment, create rankings, and provide signal performance statistics in the short, medium, and long term.

For DEX trading with low-cap and meme coins, it will be able to identify potential winners, filter out scams, monitor development activity, social media, and more, allowing users to quickly find the next gems with high growth potentials following the extracted information.

For narratives, as this system will also have access to information from leading analysts of well-known groups, it will be able to identify the emergence of narratives, their life cycles, and phases of relevance and hype, ensuring you are always aware of current trends and coins and why. By creating concise summaries from long reads and extracting valuable information, a more complete picture will be formed.

The Technical Analysis (TA) module will monitor numerous parameters, from trend periods and accumulation levels to volatility, volumes, upcoming unlocks, and cluster data on imbalances, order book densities, sudden changes in Open Interest, and various divergences, plus compiling lists of the strongest coins during significant BTC movements.

The blockchain observation module will monitor various interesting transactions and unlocks.

The generation of research with recommendations on individual assets or groups of assets with calculated entry points and alignment with current narratives (akin to AI PBC) for a closed group of subscribers.

Access to a specialized chat-bot that can answer any query or find this information in channels or other sources unknown to you.

And all of this will be available in your native language.

Furthermore, all these functionalities will be integrated into a trading bot service (CEX+DEX) I am developing, which will automatically open and close positions in your preferred directions and coins (for instance, closing a position before you learn of a hack causing a coin to plummet in value), and allow you to explain your personal trading strategy to the bot in simple language, which it will follow or create a clone trader trading based on news, TA, clusters, or anything else.
2/2 The overall goal of the service is to search for alpha and shift your personal expected outcomes in your favor.

The service will be limited in the number of subscribers for the full version, except for the news section.

The project is expected to have its own token, with tokenomics to be defined later.

Considering that such a service is necessary for everyone, it will become the tool of choice, highly desirable for use by any trader concerned with results within six months to a year.
This is an opportunity not to be missed.

You have the opportunity to invest in the development, contribute to the expedited launch of the project on the market, and receive bonuses in addition to tokens. I have already assembled a team that possesses the necessary competencies to implement all the stated functionalities. Basic-level investments grant you lifetime access to all the basic functionalities of the service for subscribers and additional invitations for your friends. Mid-level investments, in addition to the basic functionalities, offer early access to specific, closed information (plus standard access invitations), beta versions of new features, and access to a dedicated chat. High-level investments provide special terms, access rights to top content and beta functionalities for your team (besides you personally), the possibility of being listed as a sponsor in open news and analytical channels, priority development of additional functionalities and custom features that interest you (plus invitations for regular users, of course). This is a first-come, first-served offer, with a limited cap. Please fill out this form
Forwarded from CM PBC: Palm Beach Confidential
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