Forwarded from CM Stansberry Crypto Capital
Blason d'Issan 2018 wine 😂
Forwarded from CM Simetri paid
Стенсберри неожиданно на неделю раньше разродились монетой месяца, это HydraDX, купить можно на Балансере по ссылке в посте ниже.
Forwarded from CM Stansberry Crypto Capital
Buy HydraDX (HDX) at the current price.
Exchange: Use by visiting this link . You'll need to connect a Web3 wallet like MetaMask with Balancer to begin trading (see "wallet" for more information below).
You can purchase HDX with the stablecoin Dai (DAI), Ethereum (ETH), or other cryptos. We recommend using Dai for the lowest fees.
Regardless of the token that you use to purchase HDX, the fees could be exorbitant if there is significant activity on the Ethereum network at the time of your trade. Currently, purchasing $500 worth of HDX will cost approximately $100 in fees. We believe the expense is justified in this case, and the high costs demonstrate the need for additional trading platforms like HydraDX. Unfortunately, there's simply no way around these fees for this trade.
Wallets: MetaMask or Trust Wallet . works like Uniswap. You'll simply click "Connect" to connect your MetaMask wallet to the protocol and begin trading. You will need crypto in your wallet to trade with, including some ETH to pay your transaction fee.
Buy HydraDX (HDX) at the current price.
Exchange: Use by visiting this link . You'll need to connect a Web3 wallet like MetaMask with Balancer to begin trading (see "wallet" for more information below).
You can purchase HDX with the stablecoin Dai (DAI), Ethereum (ETH), or other cryptos. We recommend using Dai for the lowest fees.
Regardless of the token that you use to purchase HDX, the fees could be exorbitant if there is significant activity on the Ethereum network at the time of your trade. Currently, purchasing $500 worth of HDX will cost approximately $100 in fees. We believe the expense is justified in this case, and the high costs demonstrate the need for additional trading platforms like HydraDX. Unfortunately, there's simply no way around these fees for this trade.
Wallets: MetaMask or Trust Wallet . works like Uniswap. You'll simply click "Connect" to connect your MetaMask wallet to the protocol and begin trading. You will need crypto in your wallet to trade with, including some ETH to pay your transaction fee.
Crypto Mage
ACTION TO TAKE Buy HydraDX (HDX) at the current price. Exchange: Use by visiting this link . You'll need to connect a Web3 wallet like MetaMask with Balancer to begin trading (see "wallet" for more information below). You can…
+50%. Если вы не хотите держать токены до запуска проекта (вероятно в районе полугода), то у вас есть немногим более часа, чтобы продать их на балансере.
Forwarded from CM PBC: Palm Beach Confidential
Fresh update from PBC. Teeka Tiwari recommends to buy new DEFI chips:
Action to Take: Buy Saffron Finance (SFI).
Buy-up-to Price: $3,000
Stop Loss: None
Buy It On: Uniswap
Store It On: MyEtherWallet
Buy-up-to Price: $8
Stop Loss: None
Buy It On: Uniswap
Buy-up-to Price: $15
Stop Loss: None
Buy It On: Uniswap
Store It On: MyEtherWallet
Action to Take: Buy Saffron Finance (SFI).
Buy-up-to Price: $3,000
Stop Loss: None
Buy It On: Uniswap
Store It On: MyEtherWallet
0xb753428af26e81097e7fd17f40c88aaa3e04902cAction to Take: Buy Mirror Protocol (MIR).
Buy-up-to Price: $8
Stop Loss: None
Buy It On: Uniswap
0x09a3ecafa817268f77be1283176b946c4ff2e608Action to Take: Buy Rari Governance Token (RGT).
Buy-up-to Price: $15
Stop Loss: None
Buy It On: Uniswap
Store It On: MyEtherWallet
Палмы написали, что сегодня в 5 PM ET (через 2 часа 18 минут) дадут монету на Юнисвапе.
Forwarded from CM PBC: Palm Beach Confidential
Action to Take: Buy Cover Protocol (COVER).
Buy-up-to Price: $1,800
Stop Loss: None
Buy It On: Binance, Uniswap, SushiSwap
Store It On: MyEtherWallet
Buy-up-to Price: $1,800
Stop Loss: None
Buy It On: Binance, Uniswap, SushiSwap
Store It On: MyEtherWallet
Forwarded from CM PBC: Palm Beach Confidential
Action to Take: Buy Armor (ARMOR).
Buy-up-to Price: $1.25
Buy-up-to Price: $1.25
Forwarded from CM PBC: Palm Beach Confidential
Action to Take: Buy Polkacover (CVR).
Buy-up-to Price: $2
Buy-up-to Price: $2
Simetri coin of the month in 2 hours. Монета месяца симетри через 2 часа.
Forwarded from CM Simetri paid